You Only Have One Shot: A B.A.P Love Story: Chapter 5

You Only Have One Shot: A B.A.P Love Story.

You only have one shot: A B.A.P Love Story.


Chapter 5: “I see something in you…”


The next morning Eun was awaken early by Minsuh, both of them headed to the B.A.P’s dorm, once there B.A.P was in the dance studio practicing their Warrior dance. Eun and Minsuh were sitting down, Minsuh was on her phone while Eun looked at B.A.P at how amazing was their dance. When they finish the dance Eun stood up and clapped at them.

“That was amazing!” Eun said.


“Ah hehe thanks.” Himchan said a bit shy and smiled at her.

“Who you need to thanks here is Jongup and Zelo, those are the true dancers here.” Yongguk said.


Jongup smiled at Eun

and Zelo gave her a small smile.

“Ah! Well you guys dance amazing!”


“Did you sleep well back at Minsuh’s place?” Daehyun asked.


“I didn’t sleep as much because is my first time out of the hospital but she is really nice, she always worries and she is very attended when it comes to me taking my medicines.” Eun said.


“She really cares for people, one time Himchan got a stupid little cold and she was almost acting like a mother worry about her child.” Youngjae said.


“That’s really nice of her.” Eun said.


There was a awkward silence, Eun was looking at the floor, Yongguk was looking at Eun with a smile, Himchan was looking at Yongguk, Zelo was looking at Himchan in a confused way, Daehyun was looking at Eun wondering what she was looking at the floor, Youngjae was looking at Jongup confused and Jongup was looking at the celling.


“So… That dance you made is pretty cool.” Eun said.


“Want to dance it with us?” Himchan asked.


At the moment Jongup click replay to the song Warrior.


“I don’t think is a good idea…” Eun said.


“Maybe you use to dance before you got amnesia. Give it a try.” Daehyun said.


“Give it a try.” Youngjae said.


“I’ll help you out if you get lost.” Jongup said with a smile.  


Zelo sat down beside Minsuh looking at Eun.


Jongup began to dance along with Himchan to show Eun the dance, surprisingly Eun catch up fast and learn most of the moves, but she was to shy to dance so moves were sloppy. Yongguk was besides her moving her arms to the way they are supposed to be moved according to the dace. Himchan and Eun were laughing cause of Youngjae’s dance while Youngjae whine about it. Jongup was with Daehyun still practicing the dance and Zelo was still sitting down but this time alone because Minsuh left with the manager. They all decided to take a break so they sat or lay down in the middle on the dance studio, they were all talking and laughing, needless to say they were having fun. Moments later the others left to get something to eat while Daehyun and Eun stayed in the dance studio.


“On my way here Minsuh was playing your Warrior album, and she told me who were the ones singing and I think you sing amazing.” Eun said.


“Ah thank you! I’ve been practicing a lot, so thank you.” Daehyun said with a smile.

“I wish I could sing as good as you and Youngjae.”


“Well everything takes practices, you can practice with me if you want.”


“That’d be great! But right now I want to learn the dance of Warrior, I really liked it.”


Daehyun stood up and grab on to Eun’s hand making her stand up as well.


“I’ll show you.” Daehyun said.


In the mean time Yongguk and Himchan were ordering some food while the others waited in the car for them. They waited for their food in silence.


“Eun looked pretty funny while she was dancing.” Himchan said.


“Don’t make fun of her.” Yongguk said while he looked at Himchan in a serious way.

“I wasn’t, I wasn’t… I’m a bit worried about her though.” Himchan said and looked down.

“Why?” Yongguk asked.


“Because her amnesia. What if she remembers? What if someone tells her? She is going to die on the inside knowing what happen to her and her parents.”


“I wish I or we could tell her because we are the only thing she has but she said not too.”


“Yeah but I’m pretty sure everyone else knows about her family… it makes me sad. I don’t want to see Eun sad.”


“No one does.” Yongguk said and did a big sigh.


“And you better talk to Zelo.” Himchan said.


“What did he do?”


“I don’t want to make him do something he doesn’t want but I feel like he is really distant with Eun, I don’t know if he likes her or not.”


“Zelo is a bit shy, I don’t see a reason why he wouldn’t like her. Lets go.” Yongguk said while he and Himchan grab the food.


Zelo was in the car space out looking outside the window.


Eun looked pretty funny dancing. She really doesn’t know how to dance… Not like I care, but she seems kind of fun or cool or whatever you call it. I still don’t get why she has to spend time with us. Does Yongguk like her?... No he wouldn’t like her, she is not that special. Just a girl with amnesia but I feel bad for her… No knowing anything and not wanting to know anything at all, is she crazy? Maybe she is… She makes everyone here happy and sometimes she makes me laugh. Ugh… I just don’t get WHY she has to spend time with us!


All of that was in Zelo’s mind asking himself the same question all over again “Why does Eun has to spent time with us?” His thoughts were interrupted by the car door opening revealing Himchan and Yongguk entering the car with the food.


“About time!” Youngjae said.


“So hungry… Can I eat something now?” Jongup asked.


“Not till we get to the dorm.” Yongguk said.

They all made their way to the dorm, once there Yongguk was the first to enter the dance studio to see Eun dancing the song Warrior with Daehyun. The way she danced it looked like she practice the dance for weeks because it was perfect. Yongguk looked at how she danced with no mistakes what so ever, he looked at her face how she was so concentrated. Himchan looked at her hair moving in the hair, her eyes that had a look of determination to get the dance right. Zelo looked at her in shock wondering how she learned the dance so well. Yongguk along with the others stood there in shock looking at them dance. When the music was done Daehyun high five her.


“Did you guys see that? She’s amazing at dancing!”


“That was really cool Eun!” Youngjae said.


“Not even Zelo learned the dance so fast.” Jongup said.


“Hey that’s not true…” Zelo said looking a bit annoyed.

“That was pretty cool Eun, good job.” Yongguk said.


“Is nothing really I just really liked that dance.” Eun said shyly.


“Well it was really good, you should be our background dancer.” Himchan said.


Zelo looked at him in shock thinking that that was a crazy idea and by crazy he meant a bad idea.

Zelo got annoyed by all the attention Eun was getting so when no one notice he slowly left the studio but while Eun was surrounded by the rest of the members talking to her she noticed when Zelo left.


“Oh hold on a second I’m going to drink a bit of water.” Eun said.


“Sure thing we’ll be here.” Daehyun said.


Eun left fast looking for Zelo, minutes went by and she searched everywhere and didn’t found him. Since the studio was located in the top floor she walked to a window and looked down at the street. She could see the almost all the city, she saw the shops on the streets full of people, and she saw a little park a few blocks away. She could see families together playing around, eating, having a picnic and having fun. Eun looked down a bit upset, not being able to remember and not wanting to know what happen to her and her family bring her down, she didn’t actually have the time to think about it because she was always with B.A.P, she saw them like a new family and that made her forget all about the reasons she was in the hospital in the first place. She looked out the window one more time to see Zelo coming out of one of the stores outside and began to walk away not planning to go back to the studio, she jumped happy to know that she found him, she was going to turned around fast to go down stairs to meet up with Zelo but just when she turned around she bump into Himchan’s chest.


“Ah sorry!” Eun said and bowed.


“Ah no is okay, you have a really hard face.” Himchan said.


“What’s…That supposed to mean?” Eun asked confused.


“That you hit me really hard in my chest with your face.” When Himchan said that he leaned down and put his hand on his chest were it hurt.


“IM SORRY!” Eun said.


“Is okay don’t worry about it. Did you got your water?”


“What water?”


“Didn’t you say you were going to get some water?” Himchan asked.


Oh damn that was a distraction for me to look for Zelo, maybe he noticed that I was taking too long. Eun thought to herself.


“Ah I got distracted by the view from the window.” Eun said with a smile.


“Or maybe your amnesia is kicking in, did you drink your pills today?” Himchan said a bit concerned.


“Yes, don’t worry I’m fine.” Eun said with a small smile.


Himchan looked at the way she smiled at him, so gentle and nice, he gave her a small smile back and a laugh.

Eun then walked back to the dance studio with the others leaving Himchan looking at the window she was looking out. He got closer to the window and began to look outside like if he was looking for something, he began to try to find what Eun was looking at, he tried to remember her eye direction to find out that she was looking at a store.


She looked a bit sad… I don’t think a store will make her sad, let me try to remember where else she was looking before she looked at the store. Himchan thought.


He kept on looking till his eyes landed on the park. He understood now why Eun was a bit upset, he looked down, turned around and headed back to the dance studio. Back at the studio everyone was sitting down talking while Eun was worried for Zelo.


“Where’s Zelo?” Jongup asked.


“Right? Where is he?” Yongguk said.


“Maybe he left to buy something down stairs, he really likes that store.” Youngjae said.


“Yeah he’ll be back soon, hopefully with food.” Daehyun said.


“You just ate.” Himchan said.


Hours went by and everyone forgot about Zelo, it was now 9:30 pm, dance practice was over, Himchan was in the living room on his tablet, Daehyun was watching a movie along with Youngjae and Jongup. Yongguk and Eun were in the dance studio talking about random stuff. Yongguk had his phone plug in to some speakers and had his music on shuffle mode, when a slow song played and to that Eun got quite all of the sudden.


“Are you okay?” Yongguk asked.


Eun began to mumble the rhythm of the music and then began to sing the words, when she notices what she was doing she stopped and looked and Yongguk in shock.


“I remember that song… I remember listening to that song before the accident…”


Yongguk looked at her in shock, he got up fast and turned the volume up. Eun began to sing the words of the song and at the same time she smiled to the fact that she was able to remember.


“Where did you heard that song?” Yongguk asked sitting down in front of her again.


“Um… It was at a birthday party… Maybe it was my birthday I cant remember…”


“Don’t force yourself.” Yongguk said and but his hand on her shoulder.


Eun looked down and began to sing the song again. Yongguk looked and listen to her carefully, he loved the way she sing, no voice cracking, perfect tone. Eun then did a high note and to that Yongguk smiled but he was really in shock to hear such an amazing voice right in front of him. Eun got up and began to dance to the song with her eyes close, she was spinning around, she put her arms in the air. Yongguk smiled

and got up and began to dance the way she was dancing. Eun looked at Yongguk and smile while still singing, since the song was a duo and there  was rap in it Yongguk sing the rap part. The dance was slow and in a way funny and as a joke. Slowly they got close to each other, Yongguk grab her hand and lifted his and her arm up telling her to spin around and so she did, they laugh about it. Yongguk then grab her waist bringing her close to him and once she was close to him Yongguk looked at her eyes while Eun looked at him confused.


“I see something in you… And I really like what I see… You have this potential to make anyone smile. I like that about you Eun.” Yongguk said and gave her a smile.

Eun looked at him not knowing what to say so she lower he hand shyly. Yongguk let go of her but he was still looking at her.


“What’s wrong?” Yongguk smiled and he moved his hand to touch her face.

But just when he was going to do that Himchan opened the door fast.


“We can’t find Zelo!” Himchan yelled.


“What?! I thought he was at the store!” Yongguk said.


“It has been hours now and we realize now he is not here and that he was been gone for a long time.” Himchan said.


Yongguk, Eun and Himchan left the dorm and headed down to the street to meet the other members.


“What’s going on? Where’s Zelo?” Yongguk said.


“Jongup is asking the stores owners now.” Daehyun said.


“They said that they haven’t see him in a while now.” Jongup said.


“Let’s all separate, Daehyun go to the stores on the next street, Himchan go to the stores behind the park, Youngjae go back to the dorm and tell the manager, Jongup go to the back street of the dorm I think they are more stores over there, I’ll go a few blocks down to see if he is around that area. Eun go back to the dorm with Youngjae.” Yongguk said.


“No. I want to help. I’ll go the park, is not that far.”


“Himchan go with her.” Yongguk said.


Everyone went their own separate way except for Himchan and Eun till they got to the park, Himchan told Eun to wait for him there while he checked the stores behind the park and Eun agreed. While Eun waited she looked around the park to see if she saw Zelo but she didn’t saw anything or anyone. She went back to the spot were Himchan told her to wait, she waited for a couple of minutes, she was looking around at the night sky, at the park that was now dark, she looked at the other side of the street to see a store with a sing that said “Open”.


Maybe Zelo is in there. Eun thought.


She began to walk from the sidewalk to the street, she looked both ways to see that no car was around, she began to cross the street with the thought of hoping that Zelo would be at that store. Once she was in the middle of the streets, just a few more steps to get to the other side some headlights of a car , Eun looked fast to see a car heading straight to her Eun looked at the car in shock not been able to react and once the car was close to her someone grab on to her waist pushing her to the sidewalk of the side she was going to get.

Eun and who ever pushed her fell down on the ground, the person who pushed her landed on top of her and Eun landed on the ground hitting her head hard on the concrete, to that impact she began to blink a lot of times and saw everything blurry. The person who pushed her had their head on her shoulder, then they lifted their head to reveal that it was Zelo.


“Are you crazy?! Do you want to die?!” Zelo yelled while he was still on top of her holding on to her shoulders.


Eun saw Zelo blurry, she was blinking a lot and Zelo notice and he got worried.


“Hey, what’s wrong? Eun? EUN!”


Zelo sat down fast, he still held on to her shoulder and shake her a bit.




“What’s going on here?!” Himchan said.


Eun looked at Himchan, she then looked at Zelo and everything went black.


To be continue…


All the GIFS with the watermark that says "LaudRain" were created by me.

The GIFS that are not mine all credit goes to the owner.

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rana_bang #1
I love this plz update soon :(!
cho-i_evelastfre #2
Chapter 10: Daebak... Christmas update?... Well... Hello... New reader .... Subscribed already...
HoeSengCT #3
Chapter 6: ohh... Is eun gonna remember her past???
HoeSengCT #4