Chapter Three

My playboy husband, Wu Yi Fan, Kris

Kris: why the hell are you here?

You: *did not listen because you really need the toilet*

Kris: hello??? *snap his finger in front of your face*

You: huh? Can you tell me where the toilet is?

Kris: can you please answer my previous question?

You: omg can you please tell me where is the toilet unless you want me to let go of it right here!!

Kris: aishhhh seriously come *grab your arm and lead you to the toilet

(outside the toilet)

You: ahhh finally the toilet!!!! *went inside*

Kris: *waits outside the toilet because you haven’t answer his question*


(your pov)

After I did my business, i wash my hands. i took the last look of myself at the mirror before going out. I hold onto the door knob and twist it open. To my surprise, kris was waiting directly in front of the door. Our lips almost touch each other. I froze for a moment. Now that I see him up close, his features is so beautiful! WTH AM THINKING


Kris: yah ducky!

You: *wake up from your dream land* what did you just called me?

Kris: DUCKY!!!!

You: *angry*

Kris: you are mad huh?

You: no no I am so happy right now *sarcastically*

Kris: yah ducky why are you here

Mrs wu: *interrupt both of you* Jessica-ah what took you so long? Eh kris you haven’t wash up yet?

You: sorry mrs wu I was lost just now

Mrs Wu: huh? Lost? Is our house too big?

You: very big

Mrs Wu: and you kris what are doing here? Go up and wash up right now and quickly go down for dinner

Kris: yes ma’am *went up*

Mrs wu: come Jessica help me to bring all the food to the dinner table

You: yeah sure!



Mrs wu: where is this kris?

Mum: it's okay we can wait. And Jessica what took you so long just now?

You: I was lost just now

Mum: hahhaha lost?

You: yeah. This house is just too big



You: it's okay Mrs wu no need to rush

Kris: *went down and went to the dinner table* im sorry for making all of you wait for me *bow 90 degrees*

Mum: it's okay come sit down here

Kris: okay

Mrs wu: lets start dinner

You: I will enjoy the food! *eat your food*

(Your pov)

After we had our dinner, we had some dessert and hot coffee at the balcony. The sky was so bright and filled with shining stars. The air was fresh and cold making you shiver from the coldness. Suddenly, you were shocked by Mrs Wu question.

Mrs Wu: Jessica, Do you have any boyfriend?

You: *chocked on your tea* *cough*

Mr Wu: omo! Jessica are you okay?

Jessica: *took a deep breathe* yes I am

Mr Wu: Mrs Wu, you shouldn’t ask sensitive question like that to Jessica

You: Aniya, it’s okay. I was just shocked

Mrs Wu: so… do you have someone special already?

You: I…

Mum: No Mrs wu, she doesn’t have one. If not she would have told me *your mum interrupt*

Mrs Wu: Ahhhh… that’s good!

Mum: Good? What do you mean?

Mrs Wu: Well… I actually like Jessica since she was young. Her elegance and attitude really attracted me. So… I was thinking maybe I could take Jessica as Kris’s wife, my daughter-in-law

You and Kris: WHAT!!! NO WAY!!

Mum: omo! Jinja? I think it will be good idea for our daughter and son to be together right Mr Choo

You: MUM *whining*

Father: I think it would be since we are very close since young

Kris: Father, who say I would be agree to this idea?

You: yes, who say I would agree on this idea too? I mean I don’t think we are match for each other *stares at kris*

Mrs Wu: Jessica, Please think about it. I would really love to take you as my daughter-in-law. It’s been my dream since you were young when your mum showed me your photo.

Mr Wu: how about this Jessica, we will give two weeks to think and give us the answer. I hope you don’t let me and Mrs Wu down

Kris: But father I…

Mr Wu: *gave kris a stare*

Kris: *kept quiet*

Father: Alright, I will talk to my daughter and gave Mr Wu and Mrs Wu the answer that you want to hear. In the meantime, I think we should go off now since it’s already late

Mrs Wu: omo! Oh yes, it’s already 10.30pm. Alright then. We hope to hear you soon, Mr and Mrs choo. You too Jessica

(kris pov)

We sent the Choo family off and went inside the house. I can’t believe it! My parents are setting me up in a marriage with a nerdy girl. Wtf no way! This is not going to happen! I have a better taste than the shorty rounded specs girl

Kris: Mum, Dad! What was that? Since when I said I wanted to get married and even if I wanted to, I want to find my own future wife

Mum: oh Kris, we have discuss this so many times. I wanted you to get married this year and every time this topic brought up, you would always say that you will find and bring your future wife but up till now, you haven’t bring any girls to see us.

Kris: but mum, I’m still 22 years old. I want to enjoy my young and freedom life not into some commitment .

 Mum: no but Kris, my decision is final. You better agree to this idea if not I will ask your father to take back his intention in making you the CEO of the company

Kris: WHAT!!! How does becoming a CEO had to do with this crazy idea?

Dad: Kris… I think you should just listen to your mum. She wants the best for you

Kris: ARGHHH!! Whatever! I going to bed now but I will never agree to this idea

(your POV)

You reach home and straight away went to your room and show attitude towards your parents

Mum: Jessica! Jessica! JESSICA CHOO! I’M CALLING YOU!!

You:*ignore* *slam the door*

Father: Let her clam down first. She should be fine tomorrow.

*in your bedroom*

You: wth is my parents thinking?   Matching up with  a playboy? Im not going to let this happen.

You: *picks up your phone*hello Annabel, am I disturbing you?

Annabel: Aniya! So what’s up?

You: hmmm… how to I say this. Today, I went dinner with my family at my mum close friend house and guess what? do you know our senior, Kris

Annable: Kris? Is it Wu Yi fan? The famous playboy in our school? He’s three years older than us right?

You: yes him. I saw him today! My mum friend son! Oh God! I really didn’t expect to see him there and guess what? His parents and my parents are trying to match us up

Annabel: JINJA? OH MY GOD!! The guy that you hate the most is going to become your husband? WOW! So unexpected

You: oh shut up! I’m not going to ever agree on this crazy idea that my parents set up. ARGHHH I’m so angry that my parents agree on this idea and promise them that they going to give a good answer from me.

Annabel: chill Jessica. I think you should go and sleep now and don’t think too much about this. Remember, you have work tmr. 8 am sharp in the restaurant!

You: hais… araso. Goodnight

Annabel: goodnight! Have a good rest!

You: okay… *put down the phone*

*the next morning*

(Kris Pov)

I woke up and straight away went out of the house. I’m still not satisfied with my parents. How can they do this to me?

Kris: *kris phone rang* hello Lydia

Lydia: hey baby!

Kris: whats up! why are you calling me?

Lydia: breakfast date?

Kris: breakfast date?

Lydia: awwww pls baby I want to have breakfast with you since we do not have a proper dinner yesterday

Kris: hmmmm okay then anyway I have to tell you something important

Lydia: okay baby see you later

Kris: byeee *hangs up the phone*

(kris pov)

Its time for a break up with lydia. Since Ive already set my motto not to date a girl not more than two times. I quickly went to meet Lydia




Lydia: *wave* hey baby!

Kris: hey *uninterested*

Lydia: are you okay?

Kris: yeah im fine lets order our food now

Lydia: okay *calls the waiter*

Kris: *order the foods that they want to eat*

Lydia: hey are you sure you are okay you seem bad mood today

Kris: look I have to tell you something

Lydia: what is it?

Kris: we need to break up

Lydia: what?! why?! Did I do something wrong?!

Kris: aniya I feel that we just need a break up. well I got to go *took out some money* take this pay for the food later *left the restaurant*

Kris: *pick up the phone* Hello Sehun

Sehun: hey brother! What’s Up!

Kris: you free now? Want to have breakfast with me?

Sehun: breakfast? Now? Ok sure.

Kris: alright see you later.

(your pov)

You overslept and woke up late. You rush to work without having your breakfast as you are late for work. As soon as you enter the restaurant, you were shock by someone.


You: *shock* *turns around to see the person* Annable! You shock me!

Annable: what did I say yesterday? You have to be at work at 8 am sharp right? Look at the time now! What time is it?

You: *look at you watch* Ermmmm… 8.30


You: so sorry Annabel, I promise I won’t be late again.

Annable: alright then. Back to work. We got an important event to cater.

You: alright… *walk away from annable*


Sehun: heyyy bro!

Kris: *looks up* Hey *sadly*

Sehun: judging by your face, something is bothering you

Kris: wow! You know me well huh

Sehun: of course! We have been friends since high school! So tell me what’s wrong? Spill out!

Kris: well…how to I say this? Ermmm… well yesterday, my parents had invited their close friend for dinner and they happened to bring their daughter along. So my crazy parents, decided to match me with the girl! Wtf!

Sehun: Wow! Who’s that lucky girl hahahaha *sarcastically*

Kris: *glare at sehun* I think you know this girl. I think I have seen her in school before and if I not mistaken, she’s the same age as you.

Sehun: ah... jinja? Who’s the girl? What’s her name?

Kris: urghh wait I forget her name. I think it’s jessica! JESSICA CHOO! That nerdy girl

Sehun: Jessica choo? Her name sounds familiar. Let me see… *takes out his phone*

Kris: what you doing?

Sehun: *scrolling down his photo album* AH!! FOUND IT!

Kris: found what?

Sehun: *shows the phone* Is it this girl?

Kris: *looks at the photo* AH YES YES! THIS GIRL!

Sehun: ahhh… this girl. Actually she’s not that bad

Kris: not that bad? Are you serious sehun? She would be the last person I choose in this world to become my wife omg. Look at her! Nerd, short and no fashion sense.

Sehun: hahaha whatever kris, but I think you should give her a chance. Maybe she is not what you expected

Kris: I’ll see first. Anyway, thanks

Sehun: thanks? For what?

Kris: for listening to my problems and always be there for me

Sehun: ahhh… no prob. What are friends for right? Okay, I got to go now. See you soon kris bye * shakes kris hand*

Kris: alright see you soon *goes to work*

(to be continue…)

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Chapter 1: Btw the ooc name can you change become jinah or ahri...becoz jessica name too mainstrim
syiqintomim #2
Chapter 3: Hye Author ~ Are you still want to update this fanfic ? because I really want to read the next chapter .
laygalaxy #3
Chapter 3: Love your story so much...update soon..