Chapter 20

Soy Milk Lattes and Silent Baristas
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Warm bodies beneath tangled sheets, skin on velvety skin and sleep-mussed hair, sleepy eyes, kiss-swollen lips…

Luhan wakes with his face inches from Minseok’s. The other boy’s eyelids are still shut gently, his breaths coming slow and even. The blonde snuggles back under the comforter for warmth, his arms brushing gently against the soft ridges and indentations of his boyfriend’s ribs and shoulder blades as he adjusts his position. There’s nothing between them save for oxygen and boxer shorts, and Luhan wants this time to last a bit longer.

Minseok shifts and opens one sleepy eye, studying Luhan blearily. He blinks slowly and then closes his eyes again, the majority of his mind still clouded with sleep. The blonde gives his forehead a light ‘good morning’ peck, prompting his large brown eyes to re-open “Mmm…”

Luhan shifts so they are eye to eye, and Minseok moves in for a gentle kiss but misses, planting his lips on the corner of his boyfriend’s chin. This invokes laughter- there’s no way either of them are going back to sleep now.

Morning. Thank you for the chin kiss.

Very funny. Good morning!

Do you want to borrow some clothes?

I can wear the ones from yesterday. Do you have any plans?

Well, break ends in a few days and then I’ll be going back to school, so I just plan to try and enjoy myself.

Yeah. I’ll miss you while you’re busy with school.

No one will kill you if you come hang out on campus!

True. I’ll consider.

Do, you can meet my other friends.

I haven’t set foot in a school since…a year ago?

That’s a while.

Yes…I used to not mind having dropped out, probably because I had other things to worry about, but now I’d like to go back to school once I have money. There’s only so much you can do as a disabled person without a whole college degree.

Having an education is always important…

Luhan sits on the edge of the bed with the comforter over his shoulders, legs dangling over the side. He feels the bed shift behind him and Minseok’s arms wrap loosely around his neck, his chin resting on Luhan’s right shoulder. His hands slide down, stopping at the end’s of the other’s arms and grasping his wrists gently, using him like a puppet to sign the words.  

Really, I’m more of a person who might like a job that doesn’t require a degree, but I have to do it for him.

Who? Jongdae?

He wanted me to succeed. I’m fairly sure that the reason he never went to college was so that he could be there for me all the time. I have to make it up to him somehow, or else I’ll feel guilty for my entire life. And to think, I was two years his senior.

To be honest…that’s honorable. But…to be honest, I feel like he would have been happier with you choosing your own path in life, rather than letting yourself be pushed around by other people’s desires and ideas. If you don’t want to, there are better ways of making it up to him. He’d understand.

I’m so used to doing just that, though. Lett

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11 streak #1
Chapter 2: This reminds me of A Silent Voice. 〒_〒
Chapter 24: Aww!!! I almost cry. This is so beautiful!!!
Chapter 24: This was so good oh my god, bless you for writing this. I didn't expect Minseok to propose but I did figure that he would talk at some point. This was still really good, thank you for supplying me with good XiuHan material.
Abbll16 #4
Chapter 24: I knew I shouldn't have read this when there was a character death warning. I always bawl like a baby. You seriously hit me right in the feels. You killed Jongdae and then it was like sadness for life! :'( Despite all that I am glad I read this. Xiuhan's love story was beautiful and that ending 'finally' brought me happy tears. Thank you. :) <3
LovemyLulu #5
Chapter 24: I read this in one go ! Oh my God ! This is beautiful !! I am usually more of a HunHan shipper but when I was reading this, I couldn't help shipping XiuHan and I was the happiest when Minseok proposed Lu Han!
Thank you for writing this. It's beautiful !!
nabnaab #6
Chapter 24: This is so beautiful author-nim! I finished all the chapters in one day and now my phone us overheated haha

Thank you for writing this!
Chapter 24: That ending tho <3
It's so sweet and I can feel the intense emotion they have for each other.. This story will always be one of my favorite fanfic ever :) thank you!! :***
soulforbootay #8
Chapter 24: thankyou so much for this...its so beautiful!