Bonus chap..

Goodbye, Sehun
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I ain't writing another sequel but a bonus chap. ^^. Up to you to like it or not.




A hand my hair as i snuggled closer to it. The hand was so warm that i felt my eyelids getting much heavier as it continued.


" Yah.. [Y/N]. Wake up, sleepyhead. I know you're up."

" Mm.."


A low chuckle came out from his mouth and my eyes were suddenly wide open.


" I'm up."

" Morning."


He gave me a morning kiss as he helped me up. Oh yeah... I forgot to tell you that me and Sehun are married! I got my memories back thanks to him. Actually it's shocking right? It's only been 5 years since our wedding but his mind is so ugh! He's a byuntae for godsake! For every little thing must require a kiss or peck.


"  Yah, wake SuAh up."

" She's been up ever since you were sleeping."


SuAh is our 4 year old daughter. Sigh.. She's a daddy's little girl since Sehun has been spoiling her with things. Sooner or later, she's even gonna ask for a car even if she can't drive.


" Omma!"


She entered the room and jumped on me. Daddy Sehun placed her on his lap and gave her a forehead kiss.


" How's daddy's girl doin'?"

" Fine. Of course i am. Did you think i got into an accident?"

" SuAh-ah.. You don't know how capable your father is. I even got an accident ca

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Chapter 4: Im happy with the ending.
Chapter 4: this cutee. like it~
Chapter 4: Realy love this short story . Interesting .
Chapter 4: Happy ending ever :) haha so fab your fict :) , hm pls write or update other fict for us . Thanks :)
StrawberryTomato #5
Chapter 4: YEAH HAPPY ENDING! <333
maechille123 #6
Chapter 3: Author-nim
Sorry but i need another sequel ^___^
Nerd-and-Fangirl #7
Chapter 3: OMG... You should write a continuation of this... BUT DARN THIS CLIFFHANGER!!! > ~ < but I really love this short story nethertheless!
Xiuminmybigboy #8
Chapter 3: Oh my god, your fanfic is amazing! i cried.. ohmy.. but i love it!
Tears are fallin'~~
leakpink #10
Chapter 2: sequel please