The Last Words

The Last Single
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Boyband TVXQ!, who has halted their activities as a five-member boyband since last July when three of its members filed a lawsuit against agency SM Entertainment, will make a comeback next January as a duo formed of its two remaining members U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin.
without members Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, and Kim Junsu.
For over a year now, both U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin have refrained from pursuing their singing activities. The court ruled that all of TVXQ’s activities must be carried out through SM Entertainment but the three members have been non-responsive to our offers.


There was nothing but darkness inside the room. No light was able to come through; aside from the television and a little bit more between the curtains. Just with a short glance, no one would see the existence of the certain person inside. The person was indeed too quiet and unmoved to be noticed by anyone at the time. The person; who was a man, just sat in silence at the corner of the room. His eyes were never left the television, though he didn’t seem to pay attention on it. Sometimes, the man unconsciously tightened his grip on the sheets, as he couldn’t hold back his emotions anymore. He hated to see how untrue the news was; telling about him and the other two like that.

He was Park Yoochun, one of TVXQ!’s former members.

Yoochun smirked cynically upon his own thought, thinking that it was absurd to call himself as one of the former members. Since when he has become the former one, he himself didn’t know about that. As far as he knew, they have never cut themselves off from the group; from TVXQ!. On the opposite, the news was simply making Yoochun realized that it must be controlled by a certain party. Heck, he was sure that he didn’t hear about any offers from his former agency; just like it has said.

“. you, SM. all of these,” murmured Yoochun, letting the tears slid out from his eyes.

Yoochun wanted to scream desperately. Everything was just too much for him to bear alone. About them getting accused over something that they never did, about knowing that the other two would use their name to make a comeback; nothing was able to be tolerated enough by Yoochun. The only thing that prevented him from doing so right now was just his two remaining members. Up until this point, Yoochun has successfully hid the news from them and he still planned to keep it like that. He didn’t want to add anymore pain for the other two. He himself was enough to get hurt by those.

Knock. Knock.

Yoochun turned his attention towards the door, noticing that there was someone knocked his door repeatedly. He was immediately wiping his tears off from the face, before finally opened the door to see whoever it was. Yet, it didn’t mean that Yoochun was ready to face the panic and worried Junsu right in front of him. Without explaining for any details, the younger one has already pulled Yoochun towards the living room; where Jaejoong has been there already.

“What’s wrong, Junsu? What’s the matter? Seriously- .”

When Yoochun was going to scold Junsu for pulling him along over nothing, his eyes suddenly caught on what Jaejoong was watching at the moment. Almost instantly, the curse was slipped out from his lips as his eyes started getting bigger as well. Yoochun realized that he was indeed making a mistake that way; indirectly telling the other two that he has known about the news ever since before. It was proven easily with the suspicious looks that were aimed towards him from the other two, right after he has said those words.

“Yoochun,” Jaejoong called, threatening the younger with his tone. “Why did you hide this important fact from us? Do you think we will never know about that? We’ll know it, Yoochun; sooner or later.”

“I’m- It’s just that-” Yoochun stuttered completely with his words, wasn’t ready to answer Jaejoong’s accusing question. True that the other two would know about the news eventually, so what Yoochun was hoping for; in fact? Yoochun himself wasn’t sure. “I’m sorry. I just... I didn’t want to see those painful eyes in front of me anymore, Jaejoong.”

“By hiding these kinds of things?” asked Jaejoong back with a slight chuckle.


“Hyung, Yoochun didn’t mean anything bad. Don’t be like that,” said Junsu, cutting the conversation between them immediately. Nevertheless, the conflict between members would be the last thing he wanted to face right now. “Let’s just put that aside for now, okay?”

“Why don’t you tell us?” Jaejoong asked again with more demanding tone, ignoring Junsu’s words. “I don’t understand, Yoochun. Aren’t we family? Why don’t you share everything with us? Why should you keep all the pain for yourself? It’s not right like this, Yoochun. We deserve to know.”

Yoochun was lowering his head as he gulped down nervously. “Do you really want me to share those with you?” he asked; somehow even sounded like challenging the older one. “Do you want to hear on how everyday I think that we might have taken a wrong decision? Do you want to hear on how much regrets I have for leaving the other two there?”

There was a brief of silence, as none of them knew on how they should continue the conversation so that no one would get hurt in any ways.

“I know how you will answer those questions already,” Yoochun continued without someone asking him to, letting his tears rolled down at his cheeks once again. “You will say that I’m stupid that way. You will say that there’s no room for us to think like that and we should just focus ourselves with the current condition. Am I right?”

“No. You’re mistaken, Yoochun,” Jaejoong quickly answered; didn’t want Yoochun to take different perception of him. “You’re not stupid because I understand your reasons as well. But... it’s true that we should focus ourselves with the present. There’s no use for us to think something like that.”

“I know,” Yoochun replied. “But I just... can’t help to think that we’re so screwed up right now. Not because we’re banned from the television; we knew something like this would happen nevertheless. But... can’t you see that we practically live our lives lifelessly?”

Jaejoong clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, trying to not snap out towards Yoochun upon the foolish questions. “This has been our choice,” he finally replied. “They have a different idealism with us. Nothing else to be thought about, Yoochun. Nothing will be changed either way.”

Without saying about something else, Jaejoong immediately left both of Yoochun and Junsu there. Not only that, Jaejoong even slammed the

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[The Last Single] last chapter added. it's finally reached the end (though i'm not sure that it's really an end.) what do you think? comment is lovely. ^^


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just read this again- couldn't help commenting again too~ its beautiful :'3
dbsk5Lover #2
Chapter 5: Wahhhhh! really love it. It was well write. Do more Yoomin please~
omg this was beautiful ;-;
my poor feels, my poor poor Yoomin & DBSK feels ;A;
This was just perfect, I loved it <3
Thank you for writing this author :3
donnaughty #4
Chapter 3: "Why don't we see like this? That we have to keep the name alive; for our fans, ourselves, and... for them as well. We'll do our best to not waste our hard work since years ago until now. We'll make sure that he name can be remembered by everyone until forever."

Yes. Thank you, leader-ssi and Changmin for staying.
donnaughty #5
Chapter 2: aaaaaaaaaaargh!! my YooMin feeeeeeeeels!!! my ot5 feeeeeeeeeeels!!!

I'm reading this fic at work right now, and my eyes full with tears,,,eottokeeee?? TT^TT
Chapter 5: Last chapter… *switch on the song and put it on repeat mode* *almost ready to cry already*
OH you introduce ChangKyu here? Oo I’m very surprised XD well at least that’s good that he has friends behind to support him.
Wow I didn’t expect the chapter to be long after either. This chapt is full of surprise! Lol
I like the fact that he thought about everything with the distance he got from the time that passed by. It’s still very hurtful, but it looks more mature in a way. Also I’m glad it happens in Japan, because for me they are Tohoshinki first ^^’’ just like Min, I think Japan was the hardest place for them to go, but it’s also the most beautiful part of their hard work.
Omo I can feel the mistake already <3 thanks Obaa-chan! And thanks to Kyu also? Ah yeah indeed. I knew it was evil plan, so since it’s not Changmin’s, it’s Kyuhyun’s XD
Uwa it must be so stressful! For both of them. Changmin because he wasn’t prepared at all and Yoochun, because he exactly knew what he would have to face, without knowing how Min would react.
Owww so Min… he tries his best to act strong. That’s so touching… Can I hug him again? I think it’s DongBangFreeHug today XDDDD
Oh Heechul the evil king with Jaejoong … true, should have thought about them too. Lol I like the few notes about YunJae hidden here and there ^^
This chapter is very different indeed, deep but also lighter.
Omo I soooo love Yoochun’s reply here.. moving on from his sadness but not from Min <3 Gosh So beautiful *melt*
They’re cute even if it’s still slightly bitter. Their feelings show the best# Nya~ So sweeeet, love Yoochun’s declaration! And I’m glad Min takes time to say out loud his feelings properly<3
Glad they decide to start over, without forgetting what happened but with the will to go on.

It isssssssss <333 that’s full of hope and very beautiful and nice and they’re lovely and and and… I LOVE IT! <333
It took me a long time, but I’m glad I managed to read it finally
Thank you for writing it darling~
Chapter 4: Mouuuu… you wanna kill me from the start ? first the TV announcement (and I’ve been thinking about what is says a logn time) and then this expression “Former member” How harsh is that >< be nicer with your unnie!!
You’re alternatively make me pity Chun and Min, is that your goal? Killing me slowly?? U_U
Ah~ My babyChun <3 *hug* yes SM is bad and they control the media… but you’ll get use to it eventually.
Owwww <3 Junsu is very sweet and understanding. I guess I’d be hurt like Jae in this case. Jaejoong’s words remind me what they used to say about Yoochun, that he doesn’t share his pain even when the hurt is visible on him.
I hate Yoochun’s words >< it’s so true and so sad! Y___Y but yeah… in the end I have to agree with Jaejoong. And he must be hurt too in fact.. they all were ><
Ah~ what a desperate hug… lemme help, I’ll hug you too! (both :p)
Omo omo … second message … (thank you junsu!)
Yoochun got the meaning of his words in the end… that’s good he still remembers it.
I really like how you made those messages match. I know it was your idea from the start, but I still wondered how you’d make it and I really like. It’s like a secret code they share but also the representation of their feelings for each other, and their hope somehow, since they still can understand with few words.. I really like it <3
Chapter 3: Poor Min looks really hurt, even when he tries to hide it. At least, that's good that Yunho is there for him and knows him well enough to know how to behave. It feels like he's torturing himself, but his doubts are logical. He even gives up his usual pride by begging his hyung and allowing such hug.. so touching. Poor baby, I wanna hug him too!
Yunho is a very good hyung and leader, very caring. hopefully Changmin has him or else it'd be worse.

Ow.. here comes the single. Oh My... nooooo you will change my feelings on this song >< I'm already gloomy enough sometimes, no need to make it worse Y.Y
How hard it must be for them...

Yeah that's true, there's something with this single and those messages. Like... hints. Easy to find different meaning with Yoochun's. Good that Changmin can see through it.
Heee!! how can Min say that!! Yunho is still (and forever) THE leader! ><
Omo and this phone call.. is he asking for forgiveness? That's sad that he feels like he had to...

Ah~ I feel like I've to listen to DB5K's song now
Chapter 2: Goshhh I'm so very late with this ^^' Sorry ~

I'm amazed at how you give the tone with very few details. The heavy atmosphere, YC's doubts and yet resignation at the same time... ah~ not easy. That's beautiful but a bit hard to read somehow and on the other hand I don't want to stop. It looks real, really real. And that's difficult to accept it as it might have been like this. That's the feeling as I read at least.
I like the way you describe it. The way it follows YC's thoughts/feelings until CM arrives is very smooth. It's like an explanation about their relationship with few words directly talking about it. It makes it kind of complicated but also so easy to guess the context and history if you know a bit about DBSK. It's like hints for Cassies ~ I like that.

CM is quite harsh while YC looks a bit lost and taken by his own decision, but I can understand him so well. His pain and hurt, betrayal feeling... so Changmin. The bitterness he has makes his feeling looking so much stronger.. And that's so true, CM's eyes are really something! hurt and longing seem so powerful in them.
But YC's desperation is visible as well and I like the fact that you don't really take side on this and just try to explain both situations and feelings.
The conversation between them looks also real, it goes fluently, even how harsh Min is with Jae, it feels like it's only his hurt talking. YH's appearance makes the situation even more bitter, because it shows that they're not alone in this but all are involved and everything looks even more complicated this way.
It's impossible to take side but yet so easy to not feel both desperation. I don't know which one to pity more... you really made it difficult for the readers, don't you?
The goodbye is probably the worst part... sooo painful to read Y_Y don't cry sweeties
Ah~I hate the last part... well not really, but I hate to imagine it. So sweet and hurtful at the same time..

2000characters restriction?! WTF!
okay... NEXT!
Chapter 5: so sweet
love it