Chapter Four: The Commotion

Sanctuary at Times

Chapter Four: The Commotion



When Savrina said that the S.A.T has problems, the ambiance in the room changed. They became serious due to the serious tone of their editor in chief.

Maybe they’re going to kill the news paper? If that so, my life wouldn’t be life! Yes, you heard me mortals, this is my happiness aside for God and being a school’s scholar. Micka Lei thought. She looked at everyone and thinks again for the possibility of their cub getting banned by the school.

This isn’t what I wish for… I don’t want this to happen. I mean, I can’t see them and I can’t even talk to them more if this would happen, right? Just thinking that really hurts me a lot.

She was in the middle of thinking and reminiscing when she heard a click of a camera. It was Sheeya and she just smiled at her and her jaw just dropped a bit and got confused.



“Do we need to prepare ourselves for the worst?” Asked Lassy as she sips her tea. The twin remains calm.


“Don’t let us wait, Sav, I can’t bear the tension. I think I need to go to the toilet room after this.” Halene said.


“Why don’t you all shut up so she can say what the problem is, and please Lassy, stop sipping your tea, and Sheeya, why do you have to take a photo of Micka?” Lance said.

Lassy just continued sipping her tea for she says it is good for the skin.

“Chill, Bro. You can also say you’re nervous, okay? We’re friends.” Halene said teasingly.

Micka sighed at the scene,

What a twin. Lassy is a snob especially for those whom she really don’t feel and I am thankful I’m one of those she feels like being friends, you know. She is just a typical sophisticated young lady, while her brother is also a snob.

He only talks to Halene. He will only talk to you if he needs something. He has a short temper so I’m not into him for he can actually punch me and I will hate him and my face for that.


“I…I  just like how h-her- e-yes seem so e-emotional a-and uhh… expressive, I need to capture one of her moments, bad or good.” Sheeya answered shyly, and then she looked at Micka and smiled, a reassuring smile.

Micka felt nice because of her smile.


“Mortals, Quiet!” Rune shouted.


Savrina inhaled and exhaled then picked up a white envelop mixed up with black letters. They’ve read it.


From: Thy

To: the S.A.T members

Good day!

I am neither a fan nor a hater to you all, I am just a concern student/reader of your newspaper, I congratulate your efforts of bringing life to your paper, but sadly, I just wanted to say that I think you are being unfair  to our Emperors, yes you see the special treatment they get and you, the media club, made sure that students can see it too,  but I can also see the unfair treatment they get from you, why not take their sides for a while,

Thank you!

P/s I like the poem you write on your feature section.


 “What the hell was that?” Lance asked with knotted forehead but still looking so good.

“Who is that?” Halene asked.

Micka looked at Rune; his hand is on his chin thinking. Then she looked at everybody with their mixed looks.

“What do you think the letter meant?” Savrina questioned.


No one dare to talk, all their minds asked if they are really being unfair.

“Ruh?” Savrina turned to the man.

Ruh Replied a shrug of his head. Micka sensed the problem and thought what Savrina’s solution is.


“Then would you mind letting me now to tell them, I know what you are thinking Ruh, you should just think of the Plan B okay?” Savrina said while smiling to kuya Ruh.

“So, what’re we going to do?”






Then she looked at them.


“We will let “THY” see that we are not being unfair.”


“An article of one or two about the unseen characters of the Emperors.  An Interview!”

“What?!” They all said in unison.

“Savrina, how can that be? Ruh?” Micka asked still not believing what she declaimed.

Lassy still remains to sip her tea that is before she heard the plan and her jaw even dropped a bit.

Lance doesn’t like the idea either and even Halene and Sheeya.

“I don’t like the sound of that Miss Savrina” Lance said while looking seriously at Savrina

“Neither do I, Lance…no one likes this.”- Savrina

“Why are we doing it anyway?” asked Halene

“It is because once and for all on those four long years we build and nourish the S.A.T. I just thought that we really are just seeing the bad side of these Emperors.”

“And your point, Miss Savrina?” Lassy raising a brow.

“An Interview that they wouldn’t know. I know what you are thinking… that it is suicidal if we ask for an interview because they will instantly know who we are. And our hidings will be wasted.”

“And it will be a big bang bang”! Rune with his position with guns.

“So, what is the plan?” Micka felt chill run down her spine when Rune and stared at her.

 “For the next three months, we will print our paper but will leave a specific page. On that three months someone will try to get good/positive side of these Emperors… If they have. ” Savrina started.

“…and the information that that person  will gather will be printed in the paper, relevance news… like it will make the paper fair and for that to happen the person need to get information on the soft sides if those Emperors have that side. And that person needs not to be caught.” Rune continued.

 “Meaning to say someone from this group will need to be friends with them and gather information without them knowing” Lance said.

“That person needs to be good at acting and should just pop up in their lives then leave them like bubbles…” Lassy added.

“Someone... who has an interesting personality to caught their attention, right?” Sheeya asked.

“… and someone who will not fall in love with one of them” Halene said.

“And that someone is….

That is really what I don’t want to happen. I really hate it when they do that, this is really scary.

“You… Micka Lei Fortez…”



“No, why me? Why not try the others or let’s just hire!” Micka really don’t like to be in that position.

“No can do, Lei. Hiring isn’t our job and you are on the theater club.”

How about Halene?




Or Ruh?

Why me of all the members?

“Savrina… why me? Just seeing them don’t really feel right, and being friends? No, I can’t do it.” Micka complained.

“You can do it, besides I trust you. This mission needs a girl.”

“Why not Lassy?” She looked at them and asked.

“Because Lassy is……… One of the emperors’ girlfriend” Halene said

“What? Wait, I didn’t hear you, Halene.”

I said, Lassy is one of the em-----

“Shut up, Halene, don’t use is, it should be was… was Halene… was. Do the teachers don’t teach you tenses of verb?” Lassy said calmly as she again sips her tea.

I was dumbfounded “You seems to be surprised, Micka? You don’t have any idea?”

I nodded because I really don’t have any idea at all. Then I turned to Lassy who was still looking sophisticated and cool like nothing happened.

Then I turned to Lance with mixed expressions.

“Why do you need to bring that back, Halene?” Lance said annoyingly.

“Sorry…” Halene said

“So, that’s it. You are the only one available.” Rune said then glanced to Sheeya,

 “Sheeya can’t do it because she’s too shy to do the mission”

“So, what do you say, Lei?”Savrina said raising her brow.

Can you just give me time to think?

“We can wait ‘till tomorrow. Its fine, Micka. So, it is up to you, Alright!” Savrina then clapped her hand for three times which is her habit to get their attention.

“You’ll be late for your first subject. You already know where to exit.

All of the S.A.T members exited the area and Micka is still in deep thinking. Hoping that the day wouldn’t end, that it wasn’t her. Then Savrina called her attention.

 “Micka, I hope you make the right choice, okay? Our paper depends on you.”(:



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