Ch03: His plans

Summer Love
A/N: Sorry if its a short update. Its only a filler chapter so its just short.
Don't worry, the next chapter would be the start of everything! 
And thank you for leaving a comment! I'll reply when I can!
This is Zitao's planner! Panda! Wiee Credits to Coloursnme

Kris stirs awake. He squints his eyes and stretched a little bit. His arm brushed something soft and warm. He glanced at his side. And there lies the drooling Tao on his stomach. Kris smiled. The older felt weird that he didn't find it disgusting. Instead, it was the other way around. It was kind of cute.
The older notice a notebook, a planner, on the younger grasp. Cautiously, the blonde slip the planner from Tao's grasp to his. Kris knows that what he's doing is wrong but curiosity got the best of him. He look at the cover, it was the same notebook Tao was holding the last night. The older sat upright before opening the notebook.
He kept turning the pages, seems like he won't find anything interesting. But then he was led to the notes. There are words that is scribbled in Tao's neat handwriting.

Things I would do when I finally step foot on Canada :))
	1. Go to beach with him
	2. Go to amusement park with him
	3. Go to a zoo with him
	4. Go stargazing with him
	5. Eat American food with him
	6. Go shopping with him
	7. Go and lose your ity to him >_< 

Kris is blushing when he read the last part. What the hell? The younger was a and was planning to lose his ity to someone. And again, what the hell? A guy? Tao is gay?
The older raked his hand on his tangled locks. Why do he care? Why is he so curious? Who is he? Kris grab his phone and took a picture of the planner. Just in case he needed it. The blonde stood up and headed to the bathroom. He was irritated that he was curious. He was annoyed and he doesn't know why   
After wrapping a towel to his waist, Kris let himself out. He is surprised that the bed is already fixed and there is no sleeping Tao. As he got dressed, Kris sniffed food in the air. It smelled delicious. Seems like Tao is cooking now and not baking.
After putting on some clothes, Kris headed to the dining room. The older walks in and sees the other moving and back and forth from the kitchen sink to the table, bringing the served foods. The younger suddenly acknowledge the other's presence.
"Oh, Yifan...," Kris jumped a little. "Come take a seat. I'm almost done," Tao gave a side glance and a side way smile. The blonde's heartbeat is beating loudly that he bet the younger also hear it. He walks slowly towards the table and everything gets in slow motion. Their shoulders brushed as he grab a seat, sending a tingling sensation in his spine. 
"Done," The younger said as he pulled a chair next to him. Kris smelled the delicious foods served right in front of him. He missed homemade Chinese food. Last time he ate it was the day before he and his mother fought. Kris sighs, his mother really wants him to attend to that wedding. The blonde shrug the thought off and asked a question he wanted to ask since day one.
"Why do you keep talking in Chinese then sometimes Korean? Can you speak English?" Kris asked glancing. The younger frowned. "I can't speak English. That was supposed to be the role of my acquaintance but sadly he isn't here," Tao said as he put rice on his plate.
The older remembered the planner. Maybe the younger planned that all out with the 'other'. Kris clears his throat. This time he'll ask who is the 'he' in his planner. "What's the name of your acquaintance?" He bit his lip waiting for an answer.
"Forget about him, he's an ," Tao said, his voice firm but you can't deny the unspoken sadness beneath those eyes. Kris heaved a sigh, why is getting mellow with this youngster? Why is he so affected? 
"After eating, take a bath and get dressed. We're going somewhere," Kris said as he digs in. The older didn't know why he wants to fulfill the other's plan but he is sure that he wants to see the other's bright smile and the glisten to his eyes. 
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Chapter 4 part 1 updated! :DD


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pinku_panda #1
Chapter 9: someone call the doctor for kris!!!!!
KouAkira #2
Chapter 9: LOL Kris has love disease. XD

Please update soon/when you have time :)
Chapter 9: kris, you being dumb, but i understand you *pats kris back :)
pursue your tao, i'll support you :) good luck :)
thank you for the update :)
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update. It was written very well.
MissTERMir #5
Chapter 8: soooooo cute xD
Chapter 7: Please update soon, author nim. This is getting so interesting! *_*
MissTERMir #7
Chapter 6: update soon *-*
Chapter 6: your heart try to tell you that you're in love ;D
sweet sweet sweet taoris moments <3
KouAkira #9
Chapter 6: I'll just enjoy TaoRis moment and wait to see who is 'him'still.XD
Chapter 5: Go and lose your ity to him?????? HAHAHA!