Chapter VI; Give It To Me... Or Not

Sass Got y

Apologies, but it was brought to my attention that the forced make out scene in this chapter can be triggering, so this is now a warning.



Donghae never expected Hyukjae to react as strongly as he did that afternoon.

Their cleaning duties had started out normally, ignoring each other and disappearing in separate directions to start their daily punishment, but halfway through cleaning his second classroom, Donghae heard a noise that made him turn around.

Hyukjae stood in the doorway, staring at Donghae's half bare arms (he rolled his sleeves up to avoid getting them dirty) and his gaze followed the flexing muscles. Getting impatient with the silence, Donghae stood up straight.

"Can I help you?"

Hyukjae didn't reply, walking towards Donghae slowly and forcing him backwards against the wall.

"H-Hyuk...jae.... Wha-"

Hyukjae's mouth was as warm, soft and wet as it looked, Donghae noted absently. All coherent thought flew out the window as Donghae's arms wound themselves around Hyukjae's neck, effectively trapping the blonde. It didn't really look like he cared, his strong arms slinking around Donghae's back, Hyukjae's iron grip pulling him flush against the dancer's body.

They parted for air, gazing at each other from under hooded eyes and a thin string of saliva attatched their mouths. It took a moment, but suddenly Hyukjae jumped back as though he'd been burned, before turning and fleeing the classroom.

Donghae knew he should have felt pride at messing with Hyukjae's head, but as the blonde ran away from him like something diseased, all he left behind was an empty sinking feeling.

And Donghae didn't like that at all.

The afternoon went by tortorously slow, before Donghae finally burst out of the school building with his school books and ran towards the gates. He slowed as he neared the sidewalk, stopping just short as the blonde boy pushed off the brick pillar.


Donghae stared, slack jawed as the blonde approached him, reaching out and crashing their lips together. It didn't last long, but it made Donghae's stomach burn and his senses wanted more. Hyukjae moved towards the gate, as if their sudden liplock hadn't even happened. Donghae followed behind blindly, knowing where they were going and smiling stupidly as they boarded the train to Hongdae.

His common sense kicked in, when Hyukjae led them a different way than their usual route. Away from the busy main streets and away from the usual food stalls they sit by. Instead, Hyukjae led them towards the quieter backstreets, to where slightly posh apartment blocks lined the streets and teenagers wandered in pairs.

Donghae was pulled into an apartment building and bundled into an elevator, forced against the back wall as Hyukjae turned to him; there was a hungry glint in his eyes and it terrified Donghae.

He held out his hands in front of himself, feeble protection but a barrier nonetheless. Hyukjae smirked as a strike of fear sent shivers down Donghae's spine. He was alone, with no one knowing his whereabouts and Hyukjae wasn't acting like himself. And then he smelt it.


Somehow, Hyukjae had managed to chug a drink in between the start of their punishment and now. Donghae guessed it had been the moments when Hyukjae had been waiting for him. How he hadn't smelt it before was strange, because it was definitely there.

He screamed pathetically when the elevator jolted to a stop and the lights went out. Just his luck, he was stuck in an elevator with a drunk and more-than-likely Hyukjae. Donghse started to squirm when the blonde came closer and he whimpered as hot breath washed against his face. Clenching his eyes shut tightly, Donghae prayed for the elevator to start working again, before Hyukjae went too far.

"H-Hyukjae... Stop..." Donghae whimpered feebly.

"Mmm? Why~?" Hyukjae's dark smoldering eyes were on him suddenly, brazen desire making his eyes molten bronze but Donghae was too scared to appreciate their beauty.

"S-Security cameras...." He could have slapped himself for giving such a half-assed excuse.

Hyukjae chuckled darkly, his mouth attacking Donghae's neck with bites and , "Let them watch, babe."

Donghae shuddered at the sudden drunken endearment and tried his best to supress the moan when Hyukjae on his adams apple. They didn't notice when the elevator lights came to life, but Donghae lashed out when he felt Hyukjae's hands around his pants.

The resounding smack of skin on skin, echoed horribly in the small space and Hyukjae was sent sprawling to the floor, a bright red handprint decorating his right cheek. It snapped him out of his drunken behaviour enough to see Donghae flee the elevator, scared tears escaping his eyes.




The walk, or rather sprint, from Hyukjae's apartment block towards Hongdae, was partially obscured by the mess of tears running down Donghae's face. He had contemplated calling Jaekyung or Donghwa, but decided against it as they would definitely ask questions, that he wasn't ready to answer.

Instead, Donghae drew in deep breaths and wiped his face hastily, jumping on the train back to Insadong. He avoided the curious stares of other passengers and focused on his feet, only looking up when he made to get off the train.

He walked from the station in silence, hoping to the Old and New Gods that Hyukjae would be too drunk to remember anything in the morning and that they could just go about as usual.

Jaekyung was already home when Donghae walked in the door, standing in the kitchen in her favourite apron and the scent of Sundubu Jjigae wafting through the entryway. She turned when Donghae paused in the doorway and immediately hurried over as she noticed the still red eyes.

"Darling, what happened? Are you okay?" She fussed over him like a mother, gentle hands running through his hair and his cheeks. Her eyes held worry and confusion, when Donghae shook his head and forced a smile.

"Nothing Jae, just tired is all. I... I thinkI'll skip dinner tonight, sorry."

He needn't have bothered with the apology, as Jaekyung was already shooing him up the stairs, "Don't worry about that. I'll save some for you, if you get hungry. Go get some sleep."

Nodding, Donghae hugged his soon-to-be sister-in-law once again before heading up the stairs and into his room. He changed out of his uniform quickly, diving under the covers and bawled, the fear returning and he fell asleep, feeling dirty, used and terrified.

He was starting to think this plan, wasn't such a good idea.



So then... This wasn't quite the chapter I was hoping to write, but I hope it's okay? I'm stressing about school and family matters lately, so updates might seem a little strange or really full of because all my feelings are being poured into what I write.

So let's all "aww poor Donghae" and " you Hyukjae" while we read, shall we?


xoxo Raine

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[SGS] This next chapter is taking me forever to write and I don't know why. Hoping to get it up soon.


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Chapter 7: This is so good and funny kkk hope hae will ignore hyuk later and his sass level will increase lolol make it hard for hyuk, hae XD
Fadelah #2
Chapter 7: I love this story but do you mean that you are stopping it!!! Pleas pleas don't :"(
Chapter 7: Already on ur new acct. so I am good.
Minulzzang #4
Ahh, I love this!
TaiShanNiangNiang #5
Chapter 6: Yeah, Hyuk needs to remember and feel like a total about it - so that when Hae throws a good punch at him, he'll know why.
Chapter 6: Ehh?? What the freak why was Hyuk acting up all like that...... >:(
Chapter 6: Well I guess Donghae's plan was working out to well and now he is regretting it . Thanks for the Update look forward to see what happens next:)
sapphireblue940421 #8
Chapter 6: oh hyukjae is stupid to harrass hae like that he such a bully, donghae don't forgave him.
Thanks for the update0
Chapter 6: Dammit Hyukjae! *growls threateningly* DON'T HURT HAE. Awww Hae got hurt cause Hyuk is a face! ;~; POOR BABY. ;A;
Chapter 6: Hyukjae is an absolute a-hole here. I can't believe he did this and it sickens me to see people say things like 'well it wasn't his fault, donghae asked for it by changing his looks' because that is exactly culture in our society.

That's what people who (consciously or not) support culture say, things like 'the victim asked for it'. No he didn't. He changed his looks to get a rise out of Hyukjae, for fun. But the moment he was taken and kept against his will, the moment he was scared and didn't want it, the moment he had to use force to get Hyukjae off of him...that's the moment hyukjae was on a dangerous slippery slope to donghae.

Ugh, sorry if this comment is a little too full on but I felt like it must be said. Victims of harrassment and will see it this way and the scene in this chapter could trigger memories. *sigh* sometimes I wish people in fanfic comments won't take such scenes so light-heartedly.