Chapter III; Oh Hell No, Trouble

Sass Got y

Donghae tried his hardest not to squirm under the headmaster's stern gaze, as he stood next to Hyukjae in the main office.

"You're really asking for trouble, aren't you Hyukjae?" The headmaster was saying, glaring daggers into the indifferent blonde's head. Donghae flinched when he was turned upon, "And you! I realise you're new here but don't go asking for this sort of thing to happen with my students! Is this the sort of thing you did at your old school?" Donghae stayed quiet.


"No sir."

Hyukjae snickered at the meek tone of voice Donghae had, before shutting up when the headmaster's cold eyes were on him once again, "Clearly, this is funny to you Hyukjae. You're on cleaning duty for the rest of the semester. Both of you."

"But sir!" Donghae glanced over to see Hyukjae actually looking panicked, "I have dance rehersals for the rest of the semester! I can't miss them!"

The headmaster smirked, with a somewhat evil look in his eyes, "Well then, that's for you to work out. This should teach you to think before you start a brawl in my school." He sat down in his big leather chair, before waving his hand, "You're both dismissed. I expect you to start your cleaning duties today."

The bowed and exited.

Donghae was pinned against the wall as soon as they left the office.

"You're in for some huge trouble, kid."

He rolled his eyes at Hyukjae's threat, "Hey, we both got landed with cleaning, so it up princess." He shoved Hyukjae away from him but took a step forward. "You're out of luck though," he said quietly, moving forward until Hyukjae was pressed up against the opposite wall and looking a little scared. "Seeing as you're so handsome," Donghae moved even closer, until Hyukjae could feel Donghae's breath wash across his mouth, "I may not be able to control myself." Hyukjae clenched his eyes shut, feeling Donghae's warmth pressed against him and then suddenly it wasn't.

Opening his eyes, Hyukjae saw Donghae running down the hall, laughing his head off and fought the urge to scream.

"Lee Donghae, you bastard!"

"So what happened?"

Jessica and Sungmin crowded Donghae the moment he stepped into the lunch room, practically dragging him into a seat and forcing him to spill. "I'm stuck with cleaning duty for the rest of the semester." Jessica tutted sympathetically. "And what's worse!" Donghae wailed dramatically, causing Heechul and a few others to stare amusedly, "I'm stuck doing it with Hyukjae." Gasps echoed around the table.

"How awful for you!" Hyoyeon said, patting his shoulder in pity, "I hope you'll make it out alive!"

Everyone at the table snickered as Hyukjae walked past, sneering at Donghae even though people could see his cheeks were a little pink.

"What's wrong, Hyukjae?" Sungmin called, "Junsu not enough for you, so you want Donghae now too?"

Hyukjae spun and growled at Sungmin, but made no move to hit him. He stalked towards his friends and Jessica whistled lowly, "Did you somehow tame the beast, Lee Donghae?" The boy shrugged but smirked confidently, "I don't think so, but I'm getting there."

"Why did he blush when he looked at you?" Ryeowook questioned, having joined the group mid-conversation.

Donghae snickered quietly to himself, "Oh no reason," he said, "Just played a little game with him before we came back."

"What game?"

"An almost kiss sort of game."

"Donghae!" Jessica and Ryeowook shrieked, looking somewhat scandalised, "You almost kissed him? What's wrong withy you?"

Donghae covered his heart and pouted, "There's nothing wrong with me! I didn't kiss him, so what's the big deal? I was messing with him." He faked being upset and Sungmin hugged him. "Do you feel that?" Donghae asked suddenly, "I feel like there's holes being burned into my head." Everyone turned in time to see Hyukjae duck his head.

"You've seriously messed him up." Jessica stated, "Good for you."

Soon enough, school finished and Donghae was ready to go home.

"Jesus Christ!"

Hyukjae had been leaning behind his locker door and scared the crap out of him.

"What do you want?"

"We have cleaning duty remember, smartass."

Donghae's shoulders sagged because he'd honestly forgotten, but being reminded by Hyukjae was just depressing.

"But I wanna go home!" He whined, stomping his foot like a child.

"Oh hell no, Trouble. You got us into this mess, you deal with it."

Donghae dumped all his books back in his locker and slammed the door shut, "Lead the way then, Romeo." Hyukjae cringed at the nickname as he walked off down the hall, "Watch it Juliet, or I won't be the first one that dies."

Skipping down the hall behind Hyukjae, Donghae pitched his voice higher and called, "Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Hyukjae's back went rigid and Donghae giggled at how much like a girl he sounded, before slinging an arm over Hyukjae's tense shoulders, "What's the matter? Don't like Shakespeare?"

Hyukjae shrugged off Donghae's arm in annoyance and snapped, "Not from you, I don't."

Donghae stuck out his tongue childishly, just as Hyukjae came to a stop.


A mop and bucket were into Donghae's face and he took them before Hyukjae let them drop. "You start down there and I'll start up here. We'll meet in the middle and go home." Hyukjae ordered, before stalking away with his own mop and bucket.

Donghae watched him go and shrugged, picking up his cleaning utensils and heading off to the way Hyukjae had pointed to.

Better get to it.

Two hours later, Donghae and Hyukjae were sprawled in the hallway, exhausted and aching.

The sun was beginning to set and Donghae whined when he looked at his watch, "I've missed dinner!"

Hyukjae groaned as he sat up, "Do you want to go somewhere to eat?" His face was turned away from Donghae, but the faintest tint of pink was visible on his ears. "You're actually inviting me to go with you and eat?" Donghae asked, not quite believing what he heard.

"This is the only time."

Suddenly feeling full of energy, Donghae bounced up and dragged Hyukjae up with him, "Okay!"

They put their cleaning things away and grabbed their things out of their lockers.

"So where to?" Donghae asked, once they'd passed the school gates. Hyukjae shrugged, before turning right and heading to the subway station, Donghae tagging along behind him. "What do you want?" Hyukjae asked, albeit gruffly as they waited for the train. Donghae thought about it and was still thinking when they got off the train in Hongdae.

"Whatever's cheapest and tastes good!" He finally settled with, making Hyukjae roll his eyes and the childish joy Donghae's eyes held as he passed the night markets.

While Hyukjae went and found food from his favourite stall, Donghae was left at a table with his thoughts. As Hyukjae reappeared, with two steaming styrofoam bowls of Tteokbokki, Donghae couldn't help but think...

Maybe he's not so bad after all.


Wah~ double update o.o I don't think this has ever happened with any of my stories before.
Naw, Hyukkie isn't as bad as he seems! And Donghae's just getting started ;)

xoxo Raine

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[SGS] This next chapter is taking me forever to write and I don't know why. Hoping to get it up soon.


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Chapter 7: This is so good and funny kkk hope hae will ignore hyuk later and his sass level will increase lolol make it hard for hyuk, hae XD
Fadelah #2
Chapter 7: I love this story but do you mean that you are stopping it!!! Pleas pleas don't :"(
Chapter 7: Already on ur new acct. so I am good.
Minulzzang #4
Ahh, I love this!
TaiShanNiangNiang #5
Chapter 6: Yeah, Hyuk needs to remember and feel like a total about it - so that when Hae throws a good punch at him, he'll know why.
Chapter 6: Ehh?? What the freak why was Hyuk acting up all like that...... >:(
Chapter 6: Well I guess Donghae's plan was working out to well and now he is regretting it . Thanks for the Update look forward to see what happens next:)
sapphireblue940421 #8
Chapter 6: oh hyukjae is stupid to harrass hae like that he such a bully, donghae don't forgave him.
Thanks for the update0
Chapter 6: Dammit Hyukjae! *growls threateningly* DON'T HURT HAE. Awww Hae got hurt cause Hyuk is a face! ;~; POOR BABY. ;A;
Chapter 6: Hyukjae is an absolute a-hole here. I can't believe he did this and it sickens me to see people say things like 'well it wasn't his fault, donghae asked for it by changing his looks' because that is exactly culture in our society.

That's what people who (consciously or not) support culture say, things like 'the victim asked for it'. No he didn't. He changed his looks to get a rise out of Hyukjae, for fun. But the moment he was taken and kept against his will, the moment he was scared and didn't want it, the moment he had to use force to get Hyukjae off of him...that's the moment hyukjae was on a dangerous slippery slope to donghae.

Ugh, sorry if this comment is a little too full on but I felt like it must be said. Victims of harrassment and will see it this way and the scene in this chapter could trigger memories. *sigh* sometimes I wish people in fanfic comments won't take such scenes so light-heartedly.