Chapter V; Change

Sass Got y

Donghae was in an extremely happy mood the next morning, bounding out of bed and practically skipping downstairs, to where Donghwa and Jaekyung were eating peacefully.

"What's this I see?" Donghwa asked teasingly, "Lee Donghae out of bed before 11 on a Sunday? Unheard of."

Donghae stuck out his tongue and they all laughed good naturedly, as Donghae raided the fridge for fruit and made himself a breakfast smoothie. "I'm going shopping with Jessica, Ryeowook and Sungmin," he announced, as he poured the smoothie into a glass, "And if I suddenly have different clothes and hair, don't worry about it. It's all planned."

Donghwa looked like he was about to protest, but Jaekyung shoved a forkful of egg into his mouth and smiled at Donghae, "As long as you don't turn into one of those punk kids with the crazy coloured hair and mohawks, we'll be fine." Grinning, Donghae finished his breakfast, hugged Jaekyung and skipped away.

"That's why you're the best, Jae!"

"I know!"

At exactly 11:30, Donghae met Jessica and Ryeowook at the patbingsu shop.

"Hey guys, where's Sungmin?"

"Right behind you."

Donghae whipped around, as Sungmin appeared out of nowhere. "Jesus Christ!" Sungmin dodged the slap, "Trying to give me a heart attack, are you?" Laughing, Sungmin slung an arm over Donghae's shoulder as Jessica and Ryeowook stood up, before the four of them headed towards the mall. "So Donghae," Jessica chirped, "What are we looking for today?"

Donghae shrugged, "Anything y."

"Like lingerie?" Sungmin questioned, running for cover behind Ryeowook as Donghae exploded, "NO! Ugh, why are you here again?"

Sungmin pouted, "Don't you want me around?" Donghae glared at him, but it disappeared when Jessica latched onto his arm, "Oh lighten up you two, we're here to help Donghae find something to seduce Hyukjae in. And maybe a new haircut wouldn't hurt." Donghae threaded his free hand through his hair and pouted, "What's wrong with my hair cut?"

Jessica rolled her eyes and tugged on his half pony tail, "Look at it, Hae! When did you last have it cut?" He thought about it for a moment and to Jessica, that moment was too long, "See? You don't even remember!" Donghae frowned and he huffed, turning away from Jessica. She pounced on him and tickled under his chin, "Don't be mad, we'll make you hella y, kay?"

And so began their mission, Sungmin and Ryeowook dragging Donghae into their favourite stores to find a whole new wardrobe, while Jessica tagged behind, satisfied in calling up her favourite salon and booking him an appointment with her personal hair stylist.

By 12, Donghae's arms were laden with shopping bags from places like H&M, Armani (Sungmin insisted he couldn't be y without the proper underwear), SPAO, MCM and a few outlet stores Ryeowook had shown him in secret. As Jessica pulled him towards the salon, Donghae was beginning to regret the whole shopping idea, because his bank account was seriously feeling it.

Sungmin and Ryeowook took all but one of Donghae's shopping bags. "We want you to change into that before you come out." Sungmin smiled, before shooing Donghae inside after Jessica. He followed her into possibly the most luxurious salon, he'd ever been in.

"Ah, Jessica!"

Donghae turned to find a glamorously dressed man heading towards them and pinked when he was looked up and down.

"Brian, my love! I was told you weren't working today!" Jessica squealed and ran over to hug him. "I was on a break when they changed reception." Brian explained, hugging her before introducing himself to Donghae.

"Hello, my name is Brian Joo and I'll be your stylist for today."

"Lee Donghae," he introduced himself, bowing shyly and blushing when the stylist cooed adoringly. Jessica laughed and shoved Donghae towards the stylist, "Do your best Brian, he needs to look hella y for this guy at school. Oh and make sure he changes into the clothes in the bag, kay?" Brian mock saluted Jessica as she sashayed out of the salon. Dragging Donghae over to his work station, the stylist got to work.

"Donghae, you look so able right now." Was the first thing Sungmin blurted out, when Donghae stepped out of the salon.

"I totally agree," Jessica said, "Brian worked his magic again and you look hot."

Donghae blushed at their compliments and he tugged on the new clothes he'd changed into. He honestly had though he was dreaming, when Brian had finally allowed him to look in the mirror, after he changed into his new clothing and it was fair to say that Donghae was absolutely gobsmacked at the transformation.

"Fair to say that everyone is going to be drooling over you now," Ryeowook giggled, as they made their way out of the mall, "Not just Hyukjae."

Laughing at the image of Donghae being the centre of attention, they all made their way to the patbingsu shop for an afternoon snack.

Oh, how right Ryeowook was.

The very next day, Donghae woke up feeling bright and refreshed, chucking on the school uniform, but decided to be a little more daring than usual; the top two buttons were undone, shirt untucked and he decided to forgo the tie altogether. It wasn't like it was mandatory to wear the uniform correctly, more so to just be wearing the stupid thing.

He arrived at school and almost instantly, there were whispers and squealing over his new appearance.

"Oh my gosh, is that Donghae?"

"He's so~ y!"

"Did he change his hair over the weekend?"

Smirking, Donghae brushed them all off with a casual wave, before heading into the building to put things in his locker. He could hear the patter of footsteps behind him and he knew that some people were following him, but he didn't mind, just going about his morning business and gathering his needed books for his first lesson. He wasn't worried about finding Hyukjae so early, after all, they had the entire afternoon together.

Heading for class as the bell rang, Donghae felt a suspicious pair of eyes on him the entire way and it wasn't until he actually entered the classroom and sat down, did he realise it had been Hyukjae behind him the entire time. He snickered internally, finding (possibly sick) amusement in being able to capture Hyukjae's attention, even from the back (and even if it was his generous behind gathering said attention).

He wasn't sure if he was just building up the excitement for the afternoon, or he was just doing it to annoy Hyukjae, but Donghae found great pleasure in ignoring every single remark that Hyukjae made to him during the day. In class or in the lunch room, Donghae simply pretended like Hyukaje and his little posse didn't even exist, talking animatedly with Sungmin or whoever was closest to him at the time.

Clearly, it was frustrating Hyukaje, because more than once, Donghae caught the aimed missile without sparing the assailant a second glance. Hyukjae was trying to get a rise out of him, Donghae knew, but he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of getting one.

Not yet, anyway.



Donghae's purchases from H&M, Armani and the outlet stores if you're interested.

The next chapter will be the first big confrontation between our two idiots and so hopefully you're all waiting excitedly for that :)
Tell me if you liked this chapter or not and if you liked my choice of appearance for Donghae!

xoxo Raine

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[SGS] This next chapter is taking me forever to write and I don't know why. Hoping to get it up soon.


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Chapter 7: This is so good and funny kkk hope hae will ignore hyuk later and his sass level will increase lolol make it hard for hyuk, hae XD
Fadelah #2
Chapter 7: I love this story but do you mean that you are stopping it!!! Pleas pleas don't :"(
Chapter 7: Already on ur new acct. so I am good.
Minulzzang #4
Ahh, I love this!
TaiShanNiangNiang #5
Chapter 6: Yeah, Hyuk needs to remember and feel like a total about it - so that when Hae throws a good punch at him, he'll know why.
Chapter 6: Ehh?? What the freak why was Hyuk acting up all like that...... >:(
Chapter 6: Well I guess Donghae's plan was working out to well and now he is regretting it . Thanks for the Update look forward to see what happens next:)
sapphireblue940421 #8
Chapter 6: oh hyukjae is stupid to harrass hae like that he such a bully, donghae don't forgave him.
Thanks for the update0
Chapter 6: Dammit Hyukjae! *growls threateningly* DON'T HURT HAE. Awww Hae got hurt cause Hyuk is a face! ;~; POOR BABY. ;A;
Chapter 6: Hyukjae is an absolute a-hole here. I can't believe he did this and it sickens me to see people say things like 'well it wasn't his fault, donghae asked for it by changing his looks' because that is exactly culture in our society.

That's what people who (consciously or not) support culture say, things like 'the victim asked for it'. No he didn't. He changed his looks to get a rise out of Hyukjae, for fun. But the moment he was taken and kept against his will, the moment he was scared and didn't want it, the moment he had to use force to get Hyukjae off of him...that's the moment hyukjae was on a dangerous slippery slope to donghae.

Ugh, sorry if this comment is a little too full on but I felt like it must be said. Victims of harrassment and will see it this way and the scene in this chapter could trigger memories. *sigh* sometimes I wish people in fanfic comments won't take such scenes so light-heartedly.