Chapter I ; Donghae meet Hyukjae, the jackass.

Sass Got y

The school was huge.

Donghae could already feel himself blending into the walls as the other students bustled by, heading towards their classrooms with well practised steps. Usually Donghae would step up and ask someone for help, but everyone here seemed so busy and well, rich.

There he was, that little seaside boy from Mokpo, suddenly thrown into the heart of Seoul and the raging economy status was playing havoc with his mind. Donghae's family was not poor, but they weren't filthy rich either.

They lived a comfortable life, in a two storey cottage overlooking the more quiet stretch of sandy coast and both his parents were well-respected within their occupations, his father a fishing merchant and his mother a jeweller. He had an older brother too, Lee Donghwa, who had moved to Seoul years ago, to start a new life with his then girlfriend (now fiancée) and owned a taco restaurant.

Donghae was thrown out of his thoughts as he bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry!" He said, "I wasn't paying attention." He mentally congratulated himself for hiding his accent on default, as he bent to help the girl pick up her fallen books. "Oh that's alright," she said, sending him a blinding smile, "No harm done. You're new here, aren't you?"

The girl was beautiful, with long honey blonde hair, bright expressive eyes and flawless skin. Donghae nodded shyly and he was sure if he wasn't more-than-half attracted to the same , his heart would have fluttered, "I'm Lee Donghae, just transferred from Mokpo." The girl nodded, "Ah yes, everyone's talking about you!"

She held her hand out and smiled as he took it, albeit a little confused, "I'm Jessica Jung. Half American, so excuse the weird habits I have." Donghae laughed at her introduction and suddenly felt more at ease than he did before. "So Donghae, what classes do you have?" Jessica didn't wait for an answer, but tugged the sheets of paper out of the brunette's hands to read. Her eyes scanned the paper quickly, before smiling brilliantly, "Oh, look at that! You're in all but two of my classes! How lucky are you?"

Donghae smiled and nodded, not quite seeing how he was lucky, but going along with the blonde's enthusiasm anyway. Their chatter was interrupted as a bell rang through the PA and Jessica wrapped her hand around Donghae's wrist, tugging him behind her gently, "Come on, that's the warning bell. We have two minutes before class starts." Donghae followed without a word, feeling somewhat relieved that Jessica wasn't going to leave him to fend for himself.

He mentally thanked his ancestors for their good will (he didn't really believe in God, because he wasn't sure if he'd actually lived (he knew his ancestors had lived though)), although he wanted to curse Jessica's fast pace and strong grip. Before long, Jessica tugged him through an open classroom door and stood him in front of the full class.

"Okay everyone, listen up!"

The students stopped their chatter almost immediately and turned to face Jessica, "We have a new guy starting today. His name is Lee Donghae and he's from Mokpo." Eyes turned his way and Donghae bowed shyly, "Hello. I'm Lee Donghae, please treat me well." Almost instantly there were squeals and wolf whistles when Donghae spoke.

"Oh, he's so cute!"

"Not bad for a dude."

"I wonder what his accent sounds like!"

Jessica turned to him and whispered, "I think you should set them straight on a few things." Donghae looked at her in surprise, "Like what?" The raise of eyebrows and the smirk was all he needed to know.

"Oh, that."

"Okay, are there any questions for Donghae?" Jessica said, clapping her hands together to gain everyone's attention again. A pretty redhead stood up from her seat and gave Donghae a cute eyesmile, "Hi, I'm Tiffany Hwang. Could you show us your accent?" Donghae flushed lightly and said, "Only if you don't laugh at me."

The entire class nodded solemly and he greeted them again, letting his accent slip through. The girls erupted into coos and squeals over how cute he was, while the guys did their best to hide their laughter. "Enough," Jessica called, "Anyone else?" A young looking boy with mochi cheeks stood up, "I'm Henry Lau. Which way do you swing?"

Jessica gave Donghae a look that screamed I told you so and Donghae only smiled slightly. "Both ways, although leaning more towards queer." Some of the boys suddenly became a little more interested and one of them shot up, "Choi Siwon. Do you play sports?"

Donghae brightened slightly, "I play soccer, basketball and I swim. But my main thing is dancing." Cheers went up amongst the boys and the girls swooned. "The boys love anyone who plays a variety of sports and the girls just love dancers." Jessica piped up, as Donghae gave her a questioning glance. "Ah," Donghae answered intelligently, feeling more welcomed as a few more questions were thrown at him.

"What's Mokpo like?"

"Beautiful, especially in the Summer. The sea's crystal blue and sometimes if the weather is just right, dolphins come to play in the coves."

"What family do you have?"

"My parents, older brother and hopefully soon to be sister-in-law."

"Chances of leaving before graduation?"

"None. I'm living with my brother and his fiancée until I graduate."

Jessica stepped in when the questions started to head more in the direction of, "Can I have your number?" and "Would you date me?" By then, the teacher was sitting at her desk and watching the proceedings amusedly. Just as Donghae went to move towards his seat with Jessica, the classroom door slammed open and possibly the hottest guy ever stood in the doorway.

"Who's he?"

The new arrival snapped, obviously in a bad mood and reeking of cigarette smoke. "Pull yourself in, head." Jessica spat nastily, before turning to Donghae with an apologetic look on her face. "Donghae, meet Lee Hyukjae. The school's resident jackass. I'd stay away from him, if I were you."

But of course, Jessica wasn't Donghae and oh how he wished she was, when his heart skipped several beats as his eyes locked with Lee Hyukjae's.

For s sake.

So here's the start of this and this is just been sititng in my head for I don't know how long and I'm finally going to start writing this stuff, though I probably won't update it very quickly. > ~ < Please be patient with me, yeah?

xoxo Raine

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[SGS] This next chapter is taking me forever to write and I don't know why. Hoping to get it up soon.


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Chapter 7: This is so good and funny kkk hope hae will ignore hyuk later and his sass level will increase lolol make it hard for hyuk, hae XD
Fadelah #2
Chapter 7: I love this story but do you mean that you are stopping it!!! Pleas pleas don't :"(
Chapter 7: Already on ur new acct. so I am good.
Minulzzang #4
Ahh, I love this!
TaiShanNiangNiang #5
Chapter 6: Yeah, Hyuk needs to remember and feel like a total about it - so that when Hae throws a good punch at him, he'll know why.
Chapter 6: Ehh?? What the freak why was Hyuk acting up all like that...... >:(
Chapter 6: Well I guess Donghae's plan was working out to well and now he is regretting it . Thanks for the Update look forward to see what happens next:)
sapphireblue940421 #8
Chapter 6: oh hyukjae is stupid to harrass hae like that he such a bully, donghae don't forgave him.
Thanks for the update0
Chapter 6: Dammit Hyukjae! *growls threateningly* DON'T HURT HAE. Awww Hae got hurt cause Hyuk is a face! ;~; POOR BABY. ;A;
Chapter 6: Hyukjae is an absolute a-hole here. I can't believe he did this and it sickens me to see people say things like 'well it wasn't his fault, donghae asked for it by changing his looks' because that is exactly culture in our society.

That's what people who (consciously or not) support culture say, things like 'the victim asked for it'. No he didn't. He changed his looks to get a rise out of Hyukjae, for fun. But the moment he was taken and kept against his will, the moment he was scared and didn't want it, the moment he had to use force to get Hyukjae off of him...that's the moment hyukjae was on a dangerous slippery slope to donghae.

Ugh, sorry if this comment is a little too full on but I felt like it must be said. Victims of harrassment and will see it this way and the scene in this chapter could trigger memories. *sigh* sometimes I wish people in fanfic comments won't take such scenes so light-heartedly.