A Stupid Yet Painful Meeting

When Fairytale Appears

riiiing riiiing riiiiing!

"uuumhhh" he slowly open his eyes and begin to rub it.When he realized today is Monday.Is it Monday already?Monday always .He start to walk to the bathroom and begin showering himself. As soon as he done, he put his uniform and walk  downstair to meet his mother. And,there she is sitting on the couch. Watching TV.

"Good morning,umma'

"Shh! omo! omo! Jongsuk and Woobin is sooo cutee!" she start to curled herself on the couch.With a loud and creepy happy scream

"Seriuously,mom?Are you still watching those drama?"  he start to pour his homemade coffee to his mug before he start to sip it.

"umma, why do like * thingy anyway?You know, they only in TV shows" he munch his sandwichh with topping ham and cheese to his mouth

*( is bromance love. if you don't know bromance its boysxboys love)

"Ya!Don't say  things like that.You just don't know yet.Soon you will know" she rolled her eyes and start to drink her homemade choco mint milk which is really like REALLY delicious.

"Omo!Did you just expect me to be one of the guys?" He stared at her with wide eyes as big as full moon.

"yeah. wae?" she blink at him cutely and he can't it's to cute like how a 30s mom can be like 20s.

"As you know. I WILL  NEVER  become . NEVER."He said it with a wide eyes and he stared at his arloji and yeah it's thirty minutes left before he got scolded by the principal again. fμck 

He  started to ran outside will he shout "Thank you so much for the food, umma! sarangheyo!" her mom just stared at her boy running like that and palnted a soft smile at her face. Omo my son is really cute.

He start at his arloji again. Thank god it's 5 minutes left. he panted heavyly as he saw an unfamiliar face walking the same way as him. "Kyungsoo-yah!" he shouted as he waved his hand to Kyungsoo.And well Kyungsoo, he just smiled with his heart-shapped lip and his doe eyes. "Baekhyun-ah!" He rushed  at him and gave him a bone crushing hug. 

"Kyungsoo~ can i borrow your homework i forgot to do it" baekkyun gave him a super aeygo and it's super creepy.

"Here, this is the last time, okay? or I will pinch you" kyungsoo gave him a pinch sign with his hand.

"Araso~araso~" He gave him angelic smile who can bring everyone to the heaven.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo already friends since kindergarten. It started when Baekhyun fell from his bike when he was  palying in the school playground and cried really loud.And then a kid with doe eyes just walked to him and gave him a pikachu plaster.So eversince then they become good friends

Finally. school ended

Baekhyun streched my hands and gave a big sigh.Someone tap my back "Today was preety tiring huh?" he gave a comfort hand circled at the back .It was kyungsoo."Yeah,preety much especially Mr.Choi"they started to chat along and walked  and suddenly

he got knocked by a ball.

It's really fine for him, but the fact that his newly Iphone. Fell on the muddy ground.

"Baekhyunie! Are you hurt? Are you okay?" he cuped baekhyun's face and started to search any kind of scratch on his face but he just shrugged it  off and telling that his fine.He pick his muddy IPhone and just stared at the phone with an angry face.veryveryveryvery angry.

"OMO! I'M REALLY --" a high pitched voice yet still deep voice shout at him and he stand at the back of baekhyun.

"YOU!" Baekhyun turned back and just saw a boy with a massive height and he just don't care if he was taller than him because now he is really mad. "DO YOU HAVE EYES?DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WERE STANDING LIKE HERE?NOW, MY IPHONE IS ALL MUDDY LIKE BECAUSE OF YOU!" he shouted at him with a high pitch voice

"maybe you should become more taller than me so i can SEE you" he said more like mocking at me.

"WHY YOUU" Baekhyun pinch his ears so his head can bent down and he started to pinch his cheeks and he well shouting like an alien and "YOU SHOULD APOLOGIZE!" While pinching his cheeks."we do I hhev thoo apohohhis whe ih yoh foh (why do i have to apologize when it's your fault). i pinch him harder and he just scream in pain.

"Baekhyun just cut it out." Kyungsoo stared at them with a lazy face mosttly because he is to bored to see this sceene.Baekhyun look at Kyungsoo with a wide eyes he forgot that Kyungsoo is still waiting for him.He stopped and stared at the tall pink-cherry-cheek boy "you're lucky next time I will make your cheek as red as an apple.

The taller just mouthed 'whatever' 

As soon as he goes home he rush to his room and quickly jumped to his quene sized bed. when he remember he has to wipe the muddy away from her phone.he slowly pick his muddy Phone and began to clean it. Baekhyun came from rich families, so whatever he wants it will come true. when he's done he take a quick shower and call it a day.




Okay, this is the very first chaptered, I know everyone is questening where is the fairytale.  first of all I don't want to rush things so maybe you should wait. And this is a baekyeol fic not a baeksoo they're just friends 

so I think I should explain to you the ball scene. baekhyun was walking with kyungsoo and a ball hit the back of his head and because of that he accidently drop his IPhone so. get it?

i reallyreallyreally appriciated all your beautiful comments and subbies and upvoted and viewers! Did you know that i was smilling like a retarded pig when i saw people comments or subbing or saw my fic? haha

oh I'm quite don't understand how to insert photo so if you want to teach me,COMMENTS BELOW. from now  i can't put the pic first sorry sorry sorry everyone. 


byeee! love and kisses from meee! <33



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Chapter 2: Lol.... fight
Chapter 1: Cute chapter ...
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