I'll have you, just watch.

The day when the drama will staged is tomorrow. Hayoung and Suga still practicing the drama calmly, while the other students are busy with the costume which Hayoung and Suga will wear tomorrow. 

In the middle of practice time, suddenly someone comes to the class.

"Excuse me."

Hayoung turns her head, looks at that person. The person who was sat beside the window of his class, the gorgeous one, remember? Hayoung's face turns red without her knowing, while Suga's actually realized it. 

"Hayoung-a, why did your face turns red?" Suga asked. Hayoung shocked, then covered her face with her hand. "Ah, aniya," Hayoung suddenly stops talking while she realized that Myungsoo, her gorgeous boy, is standing next to her. "Hayoung-ssi?" he asked. "Y-yes?" she replied. Myungsoo skims Hayoung's hand which covers Hayoung's face. "So you are the Juliet?" he asked. Hayoung nodded. Suga who seems doesn't care, suddenly smirked when he sees Myungsoo asked like that to Hayoung. "Can I be your Romeo?" Myungsoo asked her. Suga laughed, "Oh wait, so we have another Romeo? Good."

Other students looked at him. "Why? Are you the 'Romeo'?" Myungsoo asked. "I was. If you want to replace me, do it then." Suga said. "My pleasure." Myungsoo smirked, while he smiled at Hayoung. Hayoung confused with this situation.

"Wait. we have to play the drama dispassionately. Here's the provision, who can plays the Romeo better, he can be the Romeo." Myungsoo asked. Suga raised his eyebrows. "Well, up to you." Suga said. 

Hayoung only stared at them without saying anything. This is awkward, she thought.

"Suga-ya," she called Suga who still read the dialogue script. Suga looked up to her. "You said you didn't want to be the Romeo, right? Why doesn't Myungsoo be the Romeo?" She continued.

"I wanted to gave him the roleplay." Suga said.


"But..I think he doesn't look match as the Romeo."

Hayoung speechless when Suga said that. What's wrong with him?, she thought.



"Suga-ya, the day when the drama will be staged is tomorrow. Please memorize your dialogues!" Seokjin said. Suga only nods at him, while Hayoung stared at him. "Wae?" he asked Hayoung. Hayoung stared away, pretending that she didn't look at Suga before. "Ah, nevermind." she replied. 

"Waiting for the Romeo, huh?" 

Suga and Hayoung who was practicing the drama, suddenly stared at someone who just entered the pracrtice room.

"Suga-ssi. Still reading the script?"

Suga smirked at him, Kim Myungsoo. Hayoung rolled her eyes, wondering why does the situation has to be like this again. 


Suga answered coldly. Myungsoo smirked. And Hayoung covered her face with the script paper because she doesn't want to see this argument. Suddenly Myungsoo grabs Hayoung's hand, "I will be her Romeo." as Hayoung shows her confused face. Suga smirked, "Just practice your dialogues, Romeo." 

The question is, why does Suga wants to be the Romeo, he was refused to be the Romeo, right? Even though he always said like he doesn't care about the Romeo, he always upset when Myungsoo said that he's the Romeo.

Hayoung thinks about it, she just mused while the Romeos, Suga and Myungsoo, just reading their script and praciting their dialogues. 

"Hayoung-a, why don't you practice your dialogues? Have you memorized it?" Sungjong said when he realized that Hayoung is daydreaming. Hayoung shakes her head, "focus!". Suddenly her eyes looked at Myungsoo, the one whom she liked, then she stared at Suga, the one who used to in the class.

"Oh Hayoung?" Sungjong called Hayoung who was stared at the Romeos. "Ah, yes?" Hayoung approaches Sungjong. Sungjong gives her a dress. "What is this?" she asked. "Juliet's costume, now, the problem is, we only have one costume for Romeo, when there's two Romeos in here." he said. Hayoung nodded, she understands that she have decided who's the Romeo, so she approaches Myungsoo and Suga, who still practicing their roleplay as Romeo. 

"Excuse me." she said politely.

Myungsoo and Suga, both stared at Hayoung at the same time. Hayoung suddenly speechless when she's stared by them.

"Sungjong-a said that we only have one costume for the Romeo. And because tomorrow we have to perform this drama, I think I will decide the Romeo now." she continued.

"And I've decided who's gonna be the Romeo. He's....." 


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Chapter 4: Aweee so cute~
Chapter 4: Feel like Eunji is evil -,-
sourjongie #3
Chapter 4: suga is jealous rightㅋㅋㅋ nice update authornim♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Chapter 2: Suga vs myungsoo ? ㅋㅋㅋ waaaa bias bias >w<
sourjongie #5
Chapter 2: can't wait for suga&myungsoo battle haha/? really like ths story♥♡♥
Chapter 2: I like seeing Suga and Myungsoo battle ~ *anticipate who'll win*
sourjongie #7
can't wait for the next update kkk
The description seems nice ... I'll anticiapte your updates ^^

*oh ya ! Ur username XDD Suga's swag XDD ! Love that ! Hahaha*