I'll have you, just watch.

"Wait," Suga interrupts her. Hayoung turned to him with a confused face. "Why?" she asked. "You can't decide who's gonna be the Romeo this fast, right?" Suga continued. "Why don't you decide who's gonna be the Romeo after you see who acts better as the Romeo?" Seokjin suggested when he understands the situation. 



"Who's that girl? She looks beautiful, more than the other girls I've ever seen." Suga practiced his dialogue while he looked at Hayoung who still trying to wear her Juliet costume. "Yah, can you wear it faster? We need to practice our drama." Suga protested. "Ye-yeah, wait a minute, I think it's smaller than I thought.." she replied. 

"Suga-ya, is it look good on me?"

Suga turned his head to Hayoung.

"Yah, why are you-" he stopped.

"Why? Do I look weird on this costume?" she asked.

"No. It fits you well," he said honestly, because like the dialogue he was practiced before, she looks more beautiful than the other girls he ever seen before. /aw

Hayoung smiled after Suga said that to her.

"Wow, you look beautiful with this costume, more beautiful than I thought before." Myungsoo suddenly entered the practice room. Hayoung blushed when Myungsoo said that, because she never expected that her crush would ever said that to her. "Th-thank you, Myungsoo-ssi." Hayoung replied. Suga smirked when Myungsoo said that to Hayoung, "You're so good at seducing people." he whispered. 

"Should we start the practice now?" Hayoung said. Suga only nods while Myungsoo suddenly says to him, "I will be her Romeo."

Hayoung doesn't say anything when she sees Suga smirked at Myungsoo after Myungsoo said that to him.

"Eeh, excuse me." Hayoung said, Suga and Myungsoo suddenly stared at her. "What?" Suga replied. "This..." she gives an outfit to them. "What is this?" Suga takes that outfit and tries to fit it to his body. "It's Romeo's costume." she continued. Myungsoo suddenly takes away the outfit from Suga's hand and tries to wear it. "Yah!" Suga protested to Myungsoo. "It fits me better." Myungsoo said, while Hayoung only laughed a little. 

Hayoung stops laughing when suddenly Myungsoo wraps his hand around Hayoung's shoulders. "We looked match for each other, right?" Myungsoo said. Suga who was practiced his dialogue, suddenly choked. "Mwoya?" he replied. Hayoung only smiled a bit while Myungsoo smirked at Suga.

Suddenly Suga grabs Hayoung's hand, "But there's only one Romeo for this Juliet."

Hayoung and Myungsoo looked at Suga, but suddenly Hayoung takes her hand away from Suga's hand. "What is this? Come on, this is just a drama. Why'd you take it seriously?" Hayoung said, then walked away from the room with that Juliet costume. 

"You shouldn't grab her hand so she wouldn't mad like this." Myungsoo blamed him. Suga raised his eyebrows, "Why me? You flirted with her first, right?" Suga replied, then running after Hayoung.


[Hayoung's POV]

This is too much. I mean, we perform this drama just for a day. Why should they take it too seriously? Look, I don't like this situation, they just have to practice well so I could choose who's gonna be the Romeo. This is for a drama, not for a real life. I'm here for practicing, not to be flirted. Aish, I forgot. I'm still wearing this costume, Sungjong must be mad at me because I'm still wearing this costume, I said I just wanted to try it but I forgot to take it off hmph.


I turned around. Suga-ya? 

I run as fast as I can, but he keeps running after me.

*suddenly fells down*


It's hurts, I didn't know that the floor is wet so I slipped but well I gotta run. 



Suga catches my hand so I can't run away. "Let me go." I said. Suga laughed. "I can't let you go easily." he said. What? "Just let me goooo." I said once again. "No. Before you tell me why you left the practice room." he replied. Okay then.

"I was mad, a little. Because you, both of you, take it too seriously." I said, but he just smirked. WHY.

"Take what?" Suga replied. "That drama. Are you obsessed with Romeo or what but I don't understand why both of you really wanted to be Romeo. You were refused it, weren't you?" I explained to him. 

"Soo..I will tell you the reason why I wanted to be Romeo." he said, but suddenly he pushed me to the wall and comes closer. YAH IGE MWOYA.

"Wh-what is th-" 

"Shut up, I wanted to tell you the reason why I wanted to be Romeo but you keep on interrupting me." 

Okay, I will shut my mouth then.



MWOYA ///////////

"Calm down, just shut up, I haven't said anything." he smirked. 

The kisseu---well it's on the cheek but this is embarrassing I mean is he crazy or what

"Because I don't like Myungsoo,"

"But wh-"

Chu. Once again. 

"I said shut up."

Well I'd rather close my mouth than being kissed, ew, on my cheek.

"I just..don't like Myungsoo, he's a player, that's why I don't want you to get close with him so you won't fall for him." he continued. Wait, what?

"Hey-" this time I skim his face so he won't 'chu' me again lol. "What?" he said. "I like him, this is my own feelings, you have no rights to stop me for falling for him, and if I hurt because of him, it's not your-" he covered my mouth with his hand so I stopped talking. "Because I like you."


"No, no. Just kidding, I only want to see your reaction lol." he continued. Da-fuq. 


Both of us; me and Suga; suddenly turned to someone who just called our names. Myungsoo-ssi?

"What are you doing here?" Myungsoo asked. "Ah, no, we're just talking." I replied. 



two Romeos fighting for one Juliet.

"Yah, tell me, what did you do with her?" Myungsoo asked Suga. Suga raised his eyebrows, "Just talking." 

Hayoung suddenly brought them some foods. "What is this?" Suga asked. Hayoung takes one food from the plastic and gives it to Suga. "I just bought some food for us. Tomorrow is the day when we perform this drama, so I think we have to practice seriously. You can eat these foods if you're hungry." Hayoung said. Suga eats his food while Myungsoo still reads the script.

"Anyway, who's the Romeo?" Myungsoo asked. Suga suddenly choked when Myungsoo asked about it. Hayoung laughed when she sees Suga's reaction. "Well, after all you has done in this practice room, I think I knew who's the Romeo." she replied. Myungsoo smirked, "Well, you're not gonna choose who suddenly kissed you without your knowing before, right?". Suga looks at him cynically. Hayoung smiled, "Don't remind me of it anymore, Myungsoo-ssi."


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Chapter 4: Aweee so cute~
Chapter 4: Feel like Eunji is evil -,-
sourjongie #3
Chapter 4: suga is jealous rightㅋㅋㅋ nice update authornim♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Chapter 2: Suga vs myungsoo ? ㅋㅋㅋ waaaa bias bias >w<
sourjongie #5
Chapter 2: can't wait for suga&myungsoo battle haha/? really like ths story♥♡♥
Chapter 2: I like seeing Suga and Myungsoo battle ~ *anticipate who'll win*
sourjongie #7
can't wait for the next update kkk
The description seems nice ... I'll anticiapte your updates ^^

*oh ya ! Ur username XDD Suga's swag XDD ! Love that ! Hahaha*