Unbeckoned Angel

BTOB_Apink One Shot compilation


Hayoung´s POV

Ever since the beginning of high school I can´t seem to make any friends and I could always hear them talking and whispering about me at times.

“Hayoung looks really weird. Although I haven´t talked to her before” a girl said to her friend as she responded “I know, I always get this feeling, like she´s wearing a sign over her head saying –Don´t talk to me-“

“Is that really how I look to them? Actually there are a lot of things I´d like to talk about and I´d like to be friends with everyone too” I thought to myself as I heard them talk about me.

Nobody´s POV

Getting tired of feeling left out, Hayoung decided to finally take the first step. So, after school finished seeing those two girls walking her way through the corridor she thought “Ok, Let´s go home together, let´s go home together” as she finally said out loud “Let´s go home together” closing her eyes from nervousness.

She opens them slightly seeing a boy standing in front of her, instead of the two girls that belonged to her class.

“I got the wrong person?!!!” she thought to herself stressing out. She then looked at him not knowing what to say “Uhmm… hmm…  Uhnm”

“Sure let´s go back together Hayoung” he said smiling to her as she thought “Wait, this isn´t how it was supposed to go!”

So because of her little mistake they ended up walking home together as they walked he asked “This is the first time we´ve talked to each other. Do you even know my name?”

“I think so… You´re Minhyuk, right?” she asked him.

“Yeah, that´s right. I´m glad you at least know my name” he said to her smiling as she looked at him and said “Well… you are my classmate so I think that´s the least I should know” as she suddenly looked forward seeing two girls that tormented her during her middle school year.

Hayoung´s POV

When I saw them my legs couldn´t stop trembling from fear. I could never forget what they had done to me in the past.


“Don´t you look pretty” they said to me as they threw dirty water at me and worms.

“Come on grab her” she said to her friends as they grabbed me by the arms dragging me and throwing me into the equipment room.

“Losers should stay where they belong, dirty and filthy in the dark” She said to me as she closed the door and locked me in.

Scared, I cried calling for help “Somebody, help me!” I screamed over and over again but no one came for me I stayed until the next day someone came to fetch the equipment.

End of Flashback

Nobody´s POV

“What´s wrong, Hayoung?” he asked her as he looked to where she was looking and noticed the two girls.

“Do you know them?” he asked her as he saw Hayoung´s face going pale, her body trembling.

“I don´t want to see them! I don´t want to be here!” she thought constantly to herself as Minhyuk noticing that she seemed to not want to see them quickly hugs her, making so that they wouldn’t be able to notice her.

After they had passed by them he let´s go of her saying “Ok, I think they´re gone…” as she suddenly loses all her energy in her legs and falls to the floor.

“Are you alright?” he asked her as he got startled from her falling on her knees. Minhyuk then lowers himself looking at her and asked “Are you ok? Did anything happen between you and them? You seemed to be scared of them…”

“I…I… was… bullied by them” she said to him stuttering.

“Ever since then I haven´t been able to make friends with the girls” she said to him wanting to cry.

Minhyuk seeing her tears start to fall, hugs her trying to comfort her. “I´m scared… I´m really scared” she said repeating herself having small flashes of the past.


As I walked into the school the first thing I got before I entered the building was a bucket full of trash falling from the second floor window.

I tried really hard not to cry but it was hard. “Didn´t we say that we didn´t want trash like you in our school!” she said to me out loud from the window.

I tried to ignore it so I just entered the school building and when I was about to change into my shoes, there were spikes in them and they pierced through my skin. So I quickly talk my foot out of it.

“That´s what you get for being a sore loser” one of her friends said to me as she just stood there watching me. I couldn´t take it anymore, tears just overflowed my eyes.

“Oh look she´s crying!” she said to me as the rest of the crowd just yelled at me throwing papers “We don´t want you here!”

End of Flashback

Minhyuk hugging her says “Then let me stay by your side, so please don´t cry”

Hayoung´s POV

When he said that I felt really calm, his embrace was so warm I thought I was going to melt into his arms and all my worries slowly fade away.

On the next day of school Minhyuk quickly sat next to me smiling as a girl from my class quickly noticed us and asked him “You´re hanging out with Hayoung? Why?”

“We became friends yesterday” he said to them smiling as he then looked at me and said to them “By the way, Hayoung has something that she wants to say”

But I just kept quiet. “Come on…” he said looking at me as he pushed on my shirt.

I then tried to gain the courage and asked nervously to her “Could you be friends with me?”

Surprised the girl starts laughing so Hayoung asks “Did I say something weird?”

“No, of course not, it´s just that it´s the first time someone has asked me that” she said to her smiling as she then looked at her and said “I´ll be your friend and by the way I´m Hyuna and this is Min”

At that moment I felt so happy I could cry and it was all thanks to Minhyuk that I was able to make friends and feel that my world was slowly becoming a better place.

Nobody´s POV

As Hyuna, Hayoung and Minhyuk laughed and joked around, Min kept constantly fixating her gaze at Minhyuk.

“We have gym class afterwards do you want to come?” Hyuna asked Hayoung as she quickly said to her “Yeah, I´ll be there in a minute”

She quickly walked towards Minhyuk, holding her gym clothes. “Uhmm” she looked at him wanting to say something.

“What is it?” he asked her.

“I just wanted to say thank you for earlier, if it wasn´t for you I would probably still be standing there alone in my seat” she said to him smiling as she quickly turned around and ran to the girls locker room to change clothes.

Once Hayoung finished changing Min suddenly walked up to her and asked “Can I talk to you for a bit?”

“Yeah, sure, what is it?” Hayoung asked her smiling as she closed her locker.

“Do you by any chance like Minhyuk?” she asked her all of a sudden. Surprised she asked Min “Why?”

Min all of a sudden changed her tone to a harsh one and said “Isn´t it obvious? It´s because I like him! So tell me already do you like him or not?!”

“I don´t like him” Hayoung said to her as she thought “He already did so much for me, I can´t just throw it all away”

“I see that´s good” she said to Hayoung as she changed her voice in to a sweet one all of a sudden “So do you want to go to an ice cream shop later?”

“That´s right… I finally have friends. I´m satisfied with this” she thought to herself as she agreed and went out with her to the ice cream shop.

After classes finished the three of them went to the shop where they ended up by chance seeing Minhyuk.

“What a coincidence” he said to Hyuna as she looked at him and said “You knew we were coming here, didn´t you?”

“Of course not, it´s just a coincidence” he said to her smiling.

“Just relax. Besides the more the merrier” Minhyuk´s friend said to her. “Whatever” she said to him as they all sat down at a table.

Hayoung´s POV

“This is not good” I thought to myself as I felt my heart beat faster when I saw Minhyuk. “Let´s eat a sundae” Min said to him pulling on his arm.

“What about you? Do you also want a sundae?” Min asked me as I looked at them and said “I´ll pass”

“The both of you should eat it together” I said to them smiling as I lift up and left the shop. Seeing that the beach was practically in front, I just walked there with the rest leaving those two alone.

“Let´s go play at the water!” Hyuna said smiling to me as the both of us went into it. “What am I doing?” I thought to myself “I finally have friends yet I feel empty, I can´t stop thinking about Minhyuk”

“Hayoung, hurry up” Hyuna called for me as she was further into the water.

“Coming” I said to her smiling as I suddenly felt a cramp on my leg, I couldn´t swim properly and I was already going under the water “Am I going to drown? Someone please help me” I thought to myself as I suddenly had a flashback.

-“Open the door! Someone please help me” I screamed for help as I banged the door hoping that someone would find me-

I suddenly felt pulled out of the water. It was Minhyuk “Hayoung? Are you okay?”

Scared I quickly hugged him crying “I was scared… I was so scared”

“It´s alright now, everything is fine” he said to me with such calming words, it was just like when he hugged me before, his embrace was really warm. “Just like I thought, I really like him”

“Minhyuk?” I said his name.

“What is it?” He asked me.

“I think I´m going to be alone again” I said to him looking down to the sand. I then looked up to him and asked “… I, someone who can´t even talk freely to you, can such a person still be really considered as a true friend?”

He then lifted my chin up and said smiling “Didn´t I say I would stay by your side?” as he suddenly turned around to everyone and said “Everyone, listen up! I like Hayoung!”

I was so surprised I didn´t know what to say. He then just looked at me and said “I´m serious. And I want everyone to know how I feel about you… I only fell in love with someone. What´s wrong with that?” as he then asked me “What about you? How do you feel about me?”

“I… I… I alssso lll…llike Minhyuk!” I said to him out loud, finally being able to tell him how I feel.

“I´m so happy!” he said to me smiling as he hugged me tightly in happiness and kissed me sofly on the lips. I felt that in his arms I would always be secure and feel the warm and gentle light that comes from his little world.



The End



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Chapter 7: “He changes girls just like he changes underwear” this part make me laugh even hardxD
sipasipot #3
Chapter 5: hyunsik yookyung is just soooo cute>,<
can't wait for namjoo's story
MissAilee786 #4
Chapter 4: Songjae is such a bully xD
I wish I was bullied by him :P
Great story author-nim!
Renxnuest #5
Chapter 5: It´s short but I loved it!!!!
I´m looking forward to Changsub-Chorong !!!!
sipasipot #6
Chapter 3: hayoung-minhyuk story is great.
but i keep on looking at hyunsik photo not minhyuk, i think you got messed up.
no hard feeling, i just got a little confused.
btw, i like your story, and please make a joojae story:-)
Chapter 1: omg!!! this is soo great <3 i love hoonmi!! please make some hoonmi fanfics again writer-nim <3
Chapter 2: I just stumbled into this collection a few minutes back and i just finished chap. 1 when you updated.

Waaaa. My BToApink feels. <3 i am looking forward to Hyunsik-Yookyung and Changsub-Chorong. Haha 4 of my biases.. <3
Exopink31 #9
Chapter 1: aawww this good xD Hoonmi♥♥♥♥
coolkidz_BTOB #10
Well that was a nice story ^_^
Great job author-nim :)