Choi Minho, my brother...?

Is this really LOVE?


Chapter 5: Choi Minho, my brother...?

Yeshik followed her brother into the hospital, whenever someone passed him they bowed as if he were a high class person. They entered her mother's room, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kai peeked inside.

Her mother laughed and asked "Yeshik-ah, are they your friends?"

Yeshik nodded and asked "Can they come in? Also, who's he?"

Laughing a little, she said "Of course, they can enter and that's your older brother, Choi Minho. He worked in America that's why you don't know him, he went to America when you were born."

Yeshik kneeled beside her and asked "How are you feeling? And why does he have a different last name?"

She coughed and said "Much better now. And he had a different father."

Minho then announced "Since mom is sick, she wants you to live with me."

Yeshik glared at him and said "Look, I never even knew I had a brother for 18 years! And now your saying that I have to live with you? I took care of myself very well when mom and unni was not home, there is no need for me to move in with you! And even if I had to move in with someone, I would choose one of these three or Sulli to live with, I knew them longer than you! I don't even know if I should call you my brother!"

Her brother pleaded "Please Yeshik, give me a chance. I know I wasn't a good older brother, but I never knew you existed until I heard dad and mom video-chatting!"

Yeshik felt dizzy, she excused herself from the room to get some fresh air. She walked out the hospital, after walking around she found a little boy crying.

She walked up to him and asked "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

The boy answered sobbing "U-Umma was supposed to be here. She's taking too long!"

He continued to sob, Ayumi picked him up and said cheerfully "Don't worry! Noona will stay here until umma comes back, okay?"

The boy smiled. Yeshik made him laugh, soon his mother came back, she thanked Yeshik and left. Yeshik smiled then sneezed, she was still in her summer school uniform, it was Autumn she needed to change her uniform to winter. She sneezed again, she felt something warm around her shoulders.

She turned around and saw Baekhyun putting his jacket around her shoulders, she blushed and asked "How long have you been there?"

Baekhyun shrugged and said "I followed you. Oh and your brother wants me to give this."

He gave Yeshik a card, on the card there was an address on it.

They started walking back to the hospital, Baekhyun said "This is why most people should like you."

She looked at him and asked "What?"

He smiled and said "They should like you because of your kind heart."

She shrugged and said "Helping one child isn't much..."

He shook his head and said "You didn't only help one child, you once helped my little sister. "

Yeshik looked at him curiously. Baekhyun chuckled. "Do you remember a winter day, there was a girl who had a drink in her hand and she tripped and spilled the drink? Well, she was my little sister who got lost and you helped her."


"Wahhh~~~Oppa!! Where are you?!" Yeshik heard a voice wail.

Quietly walking towards the wailing, you saw a little girl crying on the floor.

"Whats wrong?" She asked bending towards the little girl.

"I cant find oppa...And now I spilled my drink!" The little girl cried getting up. Her jacket was soaked in juice.

"Lets go get you cleaned up! And unni will help you find oppa!" Yeshik smiled pulling the girl up into her arms. Not caring that she was getting juice all over herself.

"Yah! Byun Baemin! Where are you?" Baekhyun shouted as he looked for his little sister.

Walking around, he heard chattering. Well, of course there was chattering. He's in a public place, after all. But this chattering caught his attention. He recongnized one of the voices, it was Baemin's and the other voice belonged to someone he didnt know but, he had to admit, that voice was beautiful. It was fit for a singer voice. Walking over to the chattering, he saw Baemin sitting on a bench with a brand new jacket and a chubby (Not to be mean or anything) girl beside her.

"Ah! Yeshik-unni! There's oppa!" Baemin exclaimed running towards Baekhyun.

"Baemin-ah! I'm glad you're safe!" Baekhyun hugged her. "Where did you get the jacket?"

"Unni, got it for me! She's really nice! My other jacket got soaked, she got me the jacket I wanted and bought another drink for me!" Baemin smiled and returned her attention back Yeshik.

Yeshik waved at Baemin and walked away.

"Oh! Baemin was your little sister?!" Yeshik exclaimed.

"Yep!" Baekhyun chuckled.

They chatted all the way to the hospital where her brother, Minho, waited for her.

"Ok...So, um...Minho." Yeshik started. "I guess, its a pleasure to meet you!"

Minho's mood brightened up and he said. "So, lets go home!"

"Sorry, cant. I still have school." Yeshik apologized. "We should call the school, telling them we're here."

"Already did when you ran out." Baekhyun informed. "I said that we might not come back."

"Perfect! Then lets go home!" Minho exclaimed joyfully.

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Please ignore the Ayumi, Jason, Testuya or Yukimura...Those were the original names of the characters...Im changing them now


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Exofangirl68 #1
Chapter 4: I so remember when you wrote this at first I was like what the heck ? But after a while I understood