Tales of Lovers [Of Eros And Orpheus]



Tales of Lovers

Eros, in Greek mythology, was the Greek god of love, while Orpheus was the greatest musician and poet, whose songs could charm wild beasts and coax even rocks and trees into movement.


"Hence, if anyone were to ask me what the connection between music and love is, one possible way I could answer is to say that, once one has discovered music that appeals to two lovers — that is, for which one shares a love with someone you love — sooner or later it dawns on you that, through the music, it is as if one touches one’s lover’s soul, as it were. This may happen when you are dancing together to a song or melody you both love, or just listening to it together. But if it is true that one way of conceiving of a meaningful existence is to say that it requires someone, somewhere, to have “found you” in a profound sense, to know your “real”, most secret name, I would add that this often happens through a shared love of specific music."Bert Olivier



They need each other as much as each one of them needs music to live. 




A collection of Yixing-Jongdae oneshots, drabbles, to  lighten up our day.




I'm just a newbie in an attempt to write something because these lovely sketches of life this otp left me, is too beautiful and i just love the idea of sharing them with all of you. 

Much love; 

the beautiful poster made by Allure Graphics , thanks to the ever kindhearted moonlight08 for her patience and passion in making it!





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Shirahime #1
Chapter 4: Spoons & spatulas! XD nah, love these cute little drabbles~ 'specially Sehun the shipper, aiyayaya~ ^___^
Chapter 4: This was very cute! ^^ Very nice and I loved how you did the meme's and transformed it into a story :)
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 4: Loved all the Christmasness. Beautifully written.
nightingalesatnight #4
Chapter 2: Yes Sehun join us, join the Chenlay shippers. Really liked witnessing Chenlay's story from Sehun's point of view, I don't think I've read a story like this and it was really good.
nightingalesatnight #5
Chapter 1: Just adorable. I loved the colour concept.
parvitasari #6
Chapter 3: Yeah I hope you are getting more more more amazing with your next chenlay stories.. Chenlay is the best!!
parvitasari #7
Chapter 2: Poor sehun at the beginning.. But now you are on the same boat with me, a huge chenlay shipper, woooohooooo...
parvitasari #8
Chapter 1: I love how Chen describe what indigo is.. So deep and romantic.. #blushing cheek..
Chapter 3: OMGGGG HOW COME I DIDNT SEE THIS???? Like ...omigosh WOW.
..thank you?? IS THAT EVEN ENOUGH? You're just so kind...THANK YOU!! Aha I'm so so sooo sorry it took so long for me to respond to this but...
/clears throat and tries to conjure some more eloquent words
I'm absolutely speechless. This was one of the most thoughtful things anyone has ever done for my birthday! And the fact that you think it's so small? I know you're quite busy but you took time out of your life to write about my ultimate otp wishing ME a happy birthday!!! /queue the never ending smiles and giggles

Ahhh...not enough ways to say thank you :3
waiclareli #10