part IV

Untitled To Love You


The school bell rang, and a sea of students rushed their way out of the classroom. Hannah somehow squeezed past the the relentless students who refused to give way, and dragged her heavy feet to the front gate.


Her mind was a mess, each and every thought were all over the place and the petite girl could have sworn she had the choice to run away but she did not. She wanted this. Despite the multiple times her brain told her not to meet Jihoon, her actions refused and followed its heart instead.


Hannah came to an abrupt halt once she spotted a blond boy that stood out like a sore thumb amidst the heavy number of passer-by that crowded the area. The girl could not lie, she admires the way Jihoon’s hair looks so soft and was parted just the right way. His body was lean and was not too skinny either. If there was a line between too less and too much, Jihoon would be in the middle. Jihoon is just right. The latter spun and faced Hannah, he hold a bold smirk and the girl redirected her eyes to ground, crushed beneath the strong gaze and empty smiles.


“Hey there,” he greeted simply. Without expecting an answer, Jihoon grabbed Hannah’s hand and brought her to his bicycle. The girl always wondered why the boy frequently chose the bicycle as a vehicle. “You want me to ride the bike with you? like here behind you?”  She questioned while pointing to the brown seat behind Jihoon with judging eyes. The flashbacks returned and haunted her mind like a tsunami.


“Are you that dumb that I have to tell you what to do?” The boy coldly spouted out. Hannah flinched at his tone and immediately sat on the seat behind him. She hopped on the bike and once deemed comfortable she awkwardly placed her hands on her laps, refusing to wrap them around Jihoon’s waist. Her dress was definitely not helping either and the skirt was riding up her calves as she moves, showing more skin intended.


“Change the way you seat,” Jihoon instructed, “I swear other girls would be more feminine than you are if I were to bring them out for dates.” 


The petite woman in dress frowned and got off the bike, Hannah sat facing to the right where her legs would be glued together and the wind will meet her left cheek instead of her whole face.


“Where are we going?” Hannah voiced out her thought and it took a long pause before she continued and stuttered out, “-not that that I mind.” 


“You will find out, idiot.” He whisked the words in seconds from his mouth. “Don’t call me an idiot,” Hannah quickly answered with a small voice.


“Well, because you are one and quit arguing with me, I hate your voice.” 


Silence took charge and the whole atmosphere dampens. The merciless wind drives its way pass the dancing wind and drifts the unspoken words somewhere further behind them.


“Jun Hong told me once that my voice was his favourite thing in the world.” Hannah whispered.


“Do not mention my brother’s name from that filthy mouth of yours.” Hannah tries to ignore the tightening pain in her chest which was screaming for attention. She pays more attention to the singing birds, the bouncing of the bike due to the rough path, she tries to admire the dancing trees and how happy they looked. Hannah refused to acknowledge the words that cuts through her like shattered mirrors thrown at her. 


The petite girl hated this. She hated herself for not running away when she could, however, the thought of Jun Hong pinned her down to the ground like rock on paper; she realised she did not have a choice, the guilt that rode her body was too heavy.


“Why do you hate me so much? I didn’t know, okay. I never thought that he would be standing there in the rain waiting for me. I clearly told him to take care of his body and stay indoors, beneath the shelters.” Hannah burst out the feelings that had been collected in a cup in her which happened to overflowed, spilling the thoughts that she locked in her and let them drift along with the wind.


“But he still waited for you-“ Jihoon tried to cut off her sentence, similar like before, exactly the same way how he took the words from Hannah’s mouth the first time in the cafe. “Shut up! Don’t give me that bullshi-t. Don’t blame me for the death of your brother when you have no one else to throw your anger at.” By now the girl was starting to give small hits on Jihoon’s back with her small fist, tears that pooled in her eyes spilled due to the anger.


“I hate how you always treat me like I am at fault. I thought you were a nice person. Hell, I actually thought I liked you.” Her voice was shaking and she barely stuttered out the words, each sentence was paused with a second to allow her to take a deep breathe. “How dumb am I to actually think I like you.”


Hannah jumped out of the bike when it came to an abrupt stop and harshly landed on the floor with her knees grazed by the unpleasant surface. She picked herself up and started running wherever her legs would bring her. She wiped the endless streams of tear tracks from her rosy cheeks with her arms and made a brave dash across the empty road.


She could have bent the rules, but at that very moment she realised that it was not possible. The world was not a wish granting factory. The blinding lights that charged her way blocked Hannah’s sight, and before she knew it the world turned black, like some one just turned off the lights. She could only hear her own gasps of air, and whatever amount of air that she tried to breathe in was slowly limited. She could not remember clearly but a screaming voice pierced through the air, it was not her voice, the voice was deeper like-



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Chapter 3: jIHOON wHAT