part II

Untitled To Love You

Hannah met Jihoon again in that same week. They bumped into one another in a beautiful morning as the sun embraces the earth with glorious yellow and orange. Sitting facing one another with their drinks settled on the coffee table which separates them. The wind was gentle, similar to that day. Hannah recalled nestling her face into Jihoon’s clothes while her arms wrapped tightly around his slender waist. Maybe she caught a glimpse of his small smirk tugged at the edge of his lips as well, but she might just be seeing things.  They exchanged small glances, and shy grins was evident.


Hannah never questioned Jihoon’s age, neither his story, probably because she was too busy rambling on and on about her life that the thought itself slipped from her mind. Moreover Jihoon would look like he was listening to her attentively, he would appear to be so engrossed in her words that it encouraged Hannah to continue talking while chewing on few snacks that she brought from home and safely hidden beneath her stash of rubbish in her tote bag. Hannah would never deny the fact that she loves the attention that she thought she was given


“So that darn teacher ended up giving me a B for-“ before Hannah could finish her sentence, Jihoon lifted his head after sipping his drink and abruptly cut her off. 


“Who was the friend that once promised you the moon and stars?” His eyes succeeded to pierce through Hannah, and his gaze was strong enough to startle the petite girl herself. She gasped for words like a goldfish as her heart quickened by the seconds. “I don’t think I should tell you.” The girl finally opened to utter a sentence instead of trying hard to look at anything and everything instead of returning Jihoon’s stare.


“Why? Do you feel guilty?” The blond boy’s word widened the girl’s eyes. was slightly agape as her hands were curled into a fist so tight she forgot it hurts. “I don’t understand what you mean-“


“Don’t act like an idiot” Slash. Jihoon sat upright in his seat “On 30 March, at around 3 pm. You left him on the streets waiting for you to appear, but you never did. You texted him that you will be running late when in fact you were taking your own sweet time talking to another guy. I saw you.” Slash. The boy was finally leaning in nearer to Hannah whilst supporting his weight on the table with his arms.“The next thing the poor guy knew, bright flash of lights were directed to him and a screeching of metal touching skin was heard companied with a pained scream. He ended up in the hospital. Earlier than expected, he died.”


“My brother died waiting for you.”


The last slash to her heart was the most painful. Jihoon’s eyes darkened and his words sank in deeper into the wide eyed girl. Each and every sentence began to explain the night she spent waiting for her ‘friend’ to reply her never ending texts and the calls which frequently just kept on ringing without someone answering on the other end.


Before she knew it, her eyes were pooling with her own tears. Her lips shiver, hell, her whole body was shivering. She was afraid. Reality hit her like a ball thrown right into her face.


“Why are you crying?” The boy that has been putting on a facade whispered.


“You don’t deserve to cry.”

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Chapter 3: jIHOON wHAT