
A Twisted Cinderella Story


Hey, I'm back, I'm writing a new short story. Big Bang style, hahaha. If you noticed~ I changed the font~~~ (it's 'cause it's not a SHINee story). Anyways, here's some information that you might need to keep in mind. 

Everyone is a guy... except for some... which doesn't make sense; because it's a SURPRISE!! Ahaha.... I laugh too much...

Yes, that's right! It's twisted! Step-brothers, step-father, and the princess! ^^



Chapter 1: Seungri



        Life is horrible... I, Lee Seungri am cleaning the floors of this mansion that Yang Hyun Suk appa owns. Yeah, he owns it... I only own... like, the attic which is my room. And I'm trapped there all day long, unless Daesung hyung or Taeyang hyung boss me around. Doesn't my life ? Yeah, it does.

"SEUNGRI!" screamed Daesung hyung. I groaned. Dude, can't you see I'm cleaning the floors!? "SEUNGRI GET UP HERE!"

"Yeah, yeah, coming..." I muttered.

"SEUNGRI ANSWER ME!!" he yelled.

"DUDE I ALREADY DID!" I yelled back.

"You dare raise your voice at my son?" Hyun Suk appa shrieked.

"You dare raise your voice at me!?" Daesung echoed. 

"Whatever," I muttered. "What did you need?"

"I'm hungry, get me food," Daesung whined like a little boy. WHAT THE HECK!? Is this guy even.... a normal person!?

"I'm not your slave," I retorted.

"Yeah you are!" Daesung replied.

        I didn't want to start a fight, so I just went off to get him food. I bumped into Taeyang hyung on the way to the kitchen. He smiled at me and walked off to somewhere random. DID THIS GUY JUST SMILE AT ME!? Taeyang, who hates me like he hates... I don't even know what he hates! Am I acting girly...? 


        I paced around my room fuming about how Daesung hyung was all 'go get me crap'. But I'll keep it to myself, 'cause that's just how I am. I'm a good boy, so I won't complain... ahaha...

Ding dong~!

                   Curse you ringer of the bell-er! I opened my door and trudged down the extremely steep stairs. I swear, these people wanted to kill me. Everyone else's stairs were normal, mine were like... 1-inch large steps... do you know the pain of that if I fell!? Which I already did.

"Seungri! Hurry the up!" Hyun Suk shouted. I arrived at the door and opened it.

"Good morning, sir!" an overly cheerful voice said. I twitched.

"Hi," I simply said.

"I've got some mail for you!" the girl continued. I looked at her closely. Yeppeo...

"Thanks," I said taking the envelope from her.

"You're welcome! Have a nice day!" she said as she skipped away...

        I chuckled to myself as I looked at the envelope. It was decorated with little crowns, sparkles, and other assorted creations. Suddenly, I heard a familliar beat in the background. And then I heard Daesung hyung walking down the stairs. He was halfway down when a familliar voice started to sing... he stopped walking, and started dancing on the staircase. I stared.

"Neon malya  michyeosseo jeongmal michyeosseo~" he sang loudly destroying the fluent singing of Son Dam Bi. I stared at him.

"What?" I asked. He ignored me and kept dancing. Soon enough, the chorus of the song came again. I realized he changed up the lyrics of the original song...

"Neon malya  michyeosseo jeongmal michyeosseo~" I laughed. Is he calling me crazy? When he's the one dancing around on a staircase singing to a girl's song?

"MAIL!" I yelled. Everyone gathered around me quickly, and Daesung turned off his radio, then scrambled over.

Good morning to all you filthy citizens,

I have decided that the Princess will get married. And her husband, shall be the lucky one who catches her eye at
the ball that will be held tommorrow. Everyone must attend whether male or female. You never know if my kid is
biual. Hahaha! Now, remember, show up; or be executed! My daughter deserves a loving husband that will be
there for her! Meaning you must show up or I kill you!

Thank you,
 Your Amazing King.

"Um, excuse me, what!?" Taeyang exclaimed.


Ehehe, do you guys realize that T.O.P. hasn't appeared yet? ^^ He's gonna be very surprising! By the way, if Seungri isn't allowed to attend -- because Hyun Suk doesn't let him -- that would mean he gets killed.



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Chapter 4: so... i was coming throu my subscribtion... and i found this again... and i just couldnt resist not rereading it XD
its 1:30am and am laughing andne fljerngeriupgle i just love this story <3
well always reread it to chear me up again and again and again~~
s2xxdae #2
Chapter 4: LOOOOOL I LAUGH! Hahahahahah this is so gayy! good story! :D
Chapter 2: WTF???
Chapter 4: Wow. Seriously man this is....... I don't know what to say(type) it's so.... WOW JUST WOW! And I can't stop laughing XD It's just so, how say....the funniest story I have ever read. Keep up the good work!
*then T.O.P appears and take me away....LOL*
Oh My Gosh! This fanfic made my day!!!~ xD I just love it!!! <3 LMAO at T.O.P as the fairy godmother wearing a pink fluffy dress. x) Also when Seungri was looking down there! Pwahahaha! GD is such a manly princess! XD LOL Ladies and Jellyman~ ^___^