The Heirs of Aphorodite and Hephaestus


The first thing that Yesung did when he and his conflict landed in the middle of the Las Vegas strip was to look for a decent place to stay. He found an old apartment ran by an old couple just outside the bright and busy city. The second thing that he did? Explore Las Vegas.  

Las Vegas has lived up to it's name, Sin City. The underground mafia has taken over most of the hotels and clubs in the strip but it is still highly patronized by people around the world. Yesung, although wise, was heavily influenced by the people around him. He left his conflict with the old couple and pretended to work at one of the casinos but in reality, he spends his day and night gambling. With the powers that he has, Yesung can easily manipulate all the games he plays and wins most of them and will lose on purpose so as not to draw suspicions from other gamblers. He took care of all his conflict's needs while growing up and paid the old couple their rent and added some money for taking care of his supposed little brother. His conflict grew up as a bright cheerful and mischievous child and the old couple dotes on the little boy so much, they treated him like their own son. 

When the boy was 10, he and the old couple were involved in a car accident on their way home from school. Yesung rushed to the hospital as soon as he heard about the accident. The boy was in critical condition and Yesung tried his best to save him with little power that he has.Fortunately, the boy survived but the old couple passed away. It took a couple of days for the boy to recover and he was deeply devastated when Yesung told him that the old couple didn't make it.  

It has been a month since the accident and the boy was still at the hospital . Because of the couple's death, there was no one who will take care of the boy at home so Yesung decided to keep him at the hospital and let the nurse look after him. He still continued his gambling at the casinos so he can pay all  the bills at the hospital and because he was always away at night, his conflict had to discover by himself that he wasn't an ordinary boy.

It was almost midnight and the boy tossed and his bed. He has been having the same dream ever since the accident. He was sitting happily at the back of the car as his Nana asked him how his day was and then it all went black. When he opens his eyes, he'll be in the hospital with his Yesung hyung telling him his Nana and Papa passed away but tonight was different. His dream has become a nightmare. It started out the same but this time, he sees how the accident happened. They were in the middle of their conversation when a blinding light exploded right in front of their eyes. His Nana screamed and his Papa tried his best to avoid whatever it was that was in front of them. He tried to call for them but it was no use. He felt the light cover his whole body then it started to penetrate him. He felt ike someone was burning him to death. He heard himself scream and then he woke up. 

Sweat and tears trickled down his face as he sat up and looked around the room. His heart was beating fast as he tried to catch his breath. He reached for the nurse's button to ask for help but he froze as the pain he felt in his nightmare became a reality. 

"Help! Anybody! Please! YESUNG HYUNG!"

The boy was in so much pain as he screams for help but no one seems to hear him. He thought that this was his end. This was how he was going to die. The boy was giving up on his life and as he closed his eyes, another explosion of lights happened right in front of him and with the appearance of these lights, his pain slowly went away. The lights turned into orbs that glowed and danced around him. The boy reached out for them and as soon as his finger made contact with one of the orbs, every single one of them stopped moving and stayed suspended around him. He grabbed one and his hands absorbed it like it was the most natural thing in the world. The other orbs slowly moved towards him and his body absorbed every single one of them.

When the orbs were gone, the boy realized how dark his room was. No light from his lamp, not even a light from all the machines around him. He stared out the window and the moon was out of sight. He was in complete darkness and he was afraid. He closed his eyes wishing for light.

"Baek?" Someone called and knocked on his door.

The boy opened his eyes when he heard his name and that was when he realized that his whole body was glowing. 

"Baekhyun? Are you alright? Open the door." 

Yesung was the one at the door and he knocked again. The nurse called him informing him that they couldn't open Baekhyun's room and he wouldn't answer when they called him. 

"Baekhyun! Baekhyun! Can you hear me? Open the door!"

"Hyung! Help me! Something's happening to me! Help me!" Baekhyun replied.

Yesung felt the fear in his conflict's voice. He made sure nobody else was around and used his powers to open the room and quickly went inside and locked it again. The scene inside surprised him. 

On the bed he saw Baekhyun glowing as bright as the stars. 

"Hyung, what's happening to me? Please, help me." Baekhyun pleaded.

"Baek, you're okay. Don't be scared, I'm here now. I'm sorry, it's my fault. I know it's hard but you have to calm down. Control your emotions so the light will go away." Yesung said as he sat beside Baekhyun on his bed.

"Hyung, you're not scared of me? I'm glowing!"

"No, Baek. This is you, the real you. We're not like them." 

" We? What are you talking about, hyung?"

"Baek, you need to calm down. The light needs to go away."

"I don't know how."

"You can do it. Focus and calm down. I can't tell you everything you need to know if you can't control yourself." Yesung said.

Baekhyun focused on his breathing and closed his eyes. He imagined that his Nana and his Papa were with him and they were hugging and kissing him to make everything feel better. The light he emits slowly faded until it disappeared.

Yesing held Baekhyun's hand to bring him back to reality.

"Hyung, what happened to me?" Baekhyun asked.

"Baek, I'm sorry if it took me a long time to explain to you who you are, who I am and what our real purpose is in this world. I was influenced by the mortals. I abused the freedom given to me when I was sent here and I forgot my main purpose: to protect and guide you. "

"Hyung, please, I can't understand. Tell me everything that I need to know. What am I? What are we?"

"First of all, we are not from this world. I am not your brother and we came from different worlds. I live in a place where immortality and mortality collides while you came from the planet EXO."

"Does this mean I'm an alien?" Baekhyun asked.

"No, Baek. People here on Earth and Exorians are just the same. EXO was a very young planet that is known as the second Earth. People started to move to planet EXO when we decided to rehabilitate this planet. Earth was abused by the mortals and it was slowly dying. As guardians of the universe, it is also our duty to save this planet." 

"You're a guardian of the universe?"

"Yes. Me, my brothers and our sisters are called Kidemonas. It is our responsibility to balance and separate the mortal and immortal world from each other. We are physically and mentally like mortals but we also possess a hidden power given by the gods in times of need and we can live forever as long as nobody kills us."

"What about me? If you're not my real brother, then where's my family? Where's my mother and father? Why am I here on Earth and why are we together?"  

"Eleven years ago, the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus graced planet EXO with their presence. They searched for pairs and decided to have mortal children with their chosen pair. My brother Leeteuk and our sister Taeyeon, were worried about this union between mortals and gods because when this happened decades ago, the mortal children abused their powers and tried to expose the immortal world. We, as guardians, had to get rid of them to protect the balance of the universe. So when another union happened, Taeyeon was planning to do the same but the Oracle Boa had a prophecy about the future of this universe. The gods decided to pair with mortals in order to have someone who will inherit their powers. Centuries ago, the gods of Mount Olympus overthrew the Titans and banished them to the depths of Tartarus. Eleven years ago, the gods felt their powers weaken and their immortality fading. As the oracle and the magis explained, it is because the Titans are strengthening themselves to take revenge. This is why the gods had to transfer their powers to mortal children. The oracle saw the gods being defeated when the Titans rise. She saw that the universe's only hope are the mortal children, the conflicts as we call them, the gifted ones in the eyes of the oracle. "

"What does this have to do with me?"

"You, Byun Baekhyun, are one of the conflicts. You are one of the gifted ones."

Yesung saw the worry in Baekhyun's eyes. It was too much information for the young by but he has to know everything.

"10 years ago,the Oracle saw that the Titans will rise right after the last conflict is born and the first thing that they will do is destroy planet EXO. The Titans knew about the gods' mortal children and they will do everything to make sure no one can stop them from taking over the universe. The oracle, because she is a free spirit, is unknown to the Titans. They had no idea of her existence. Because of her prophecy, we were able to gather the best Kidemonas who will each take a conflict in their care, guide them and train them to prepare for battle with the Titans. When the last conflict was born, me and 11 of my brothers were taken to our assigned conflicts and the moment I carried you, we were both sent to Earth."

"There are others out there like me?" Baekhyun asked.

"Yes. There are 11 of them out there and when the right time comes, all of you will gather to protect this universe."

Yesung held out his arm and showed Baekhyun the mark on his arm.

"You have the same mark on your chest." Yesung said.

Baekhyun ed his shirt and indeed, he saw the mark on his. Yesung used his power to hide Baekhyun's mark from the old couple as they took care of the boy.

"This is your emblem, a mark given to you by your immortal parent."

The emblem on Yesung's arm began to glow as well as the one on Baekhyun's chest. Out of nowhere, a golden hand mirror appeared in between them. Yesung took the mirror and examined it.

"The mirror of the goddess Aphrodite." Yesung said.

He gave the mirror to Baekhyun.

"This mirror is a sign that your immortal parent is claiming you as her son. Baek, your mother is the goddess who can light up the whole universe with her beauty. The fairest of them all, goddess Aphrodite."

Baekhyun looked at the mirror and for a few seconds he saw a very beautiful woman smiling back at him. Baekhyun's tears fell as he knew, it was his mother looking back at him.

Yesung hugged Baekhyun and apologized.

"I'm sorry, Baek. From now on, I'll be a good Kidemonas and help you with your power." Yesung said.


Conflict #3: Byun Baek Hyun, Heir of Aphrodite

Current Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Age: 19

Alias/Nickname: Baek, Baekkie, Bacon

Ki̱demónas: Ye Sung

Gift: Light


The Kidemonas and the conflict became closer and has now treated each other as real brothers. Yesung took care of Baekhyun and made up for all the years he left him in the care of the old couple. They trained day and night because Yesung knew that Baekhyun was already late in mastering his powers if compared to the other conflicts. 

It was an advantage that Baekhyun was a fast learner. 2 years into his training, he was already able to perfectly control his power of light and used it in his everyday life. Yesung saw this improvement and was confident to leave Baekhyun with special trainings he can do on his own.

It has been 9 years since Yesung told him about his powers. Right after he recovered, Yesung trained him. They moved out of the apartment a few months into the training as Baekhyun would cause power failures in the city whenever his powers gets out of control and settled at a small house in the middle of the dessert so as not to catch any unwanted attention.

Baekhyun woke up and found out his hyung's bed was empty. He checked the time, it was two in the morning. He got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As he was drinking, he saw the note left by Yesung on the fridge.

"Went out. Be back before the sun goes up."  The note says.

Yesung knew that Baekhyun always woke up in the middle of the night. It has been a habit ever since the accident. He thinks it has something to do with the lack of light during the night time.

"That's the third time this week. This is getting out of hand." Baekhyun said to himself. He stared out the window and saw the bright lights of the Las Vegas strip. A mischievous smile forms on his lips.

Yesung was at the Ceasar's Palace Casino playing poker. He started going back to the casinos two years ago and back then, he has only been going for as much as twice a month. Lately however, he's been spending more time in the poker tables playing with other gamblers than eating dinner with Baekhyun. Yesung felt like he owes himself a little fun specially after all the years of training and caring for Baekhyun. This was his reward to himself but he also knew he's been playing around more often than needed and Baekhyun doesn't like it.

He just won for the third time that night when the lights in the casino started to falter. On and off it goes and everyone stopped whatever they were doing.It lasted for a full minute then the light became stable. Everyone sighed in relief but just before they can continue their work and play, all the lights just shut down and the room was filled with darkness. Most of the people gasped at the sudden absence of light while Yesung stood up and gave a deep sigh.


Inside the small house in the middle of the dessert, Baekhyun was rolling on the floor as the lights he stole from the strip danced around their house.



Conflict #1: Park Chan Yeol, Heir of Hephaestus

Current Location: San Diego, California, USA

Age: 19

Alias/Nickname: CHANYEOL, Channie, Yeollie, Puppy Yeol

Ki̱demónas: Kang In

Gift: Fire

Chanyeol quietly sneaked inside their house. His Kidemonas, Kangin was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"I know it's you. Where have you been all night?" Kangin asked.

Kangin is one of the toughest Kidemonas but he has a soft heart. Although he enjoys rough fights, he also likes to do household chores specially cooking and gardening.

"Hyung, I swear you have super sonic senses. I was really quiet this time." Chanyeol said.

"You're never quiet, Yeol. You're like our neighbor's puppy." Kangin said as he chops some vegetables.

"Hyung, I'm not a puppy. I'm a teenager now. You should stop referring to me as one."

"You'll always be my cute little puppy Yeol you know. You and your puppy ears. I'll bet when you meet the other people, your ears are the first thing they'll notice."


"Alright, alright. Just turn on the television. I want to hear the news. I'll call you when breakfast is ready" Kangin said.

"Ah, but the television is broken....I think." Chanyeol said as he dashed up the stairs and went straight to his room.

Kangin put down his knife and took of his apron to check the television. He turned it on and it was perfectly fine.

"You little~~"

He was cut off by the breaking news.

It has been reported that a wild fire has started in an area near San Diego National Park. The authorities are on their way to the scene to check the cause and the severity of this incident.

Kangin's face turned red and he had a tight grip on the remote control.


Chanyeol hurriedly opened his window so he can jump and run away but Kangin was faster. His room's door flew away and before he could even jump off the window, Kangin was already dragging him back downstairs by his ears."

"Hyung! Hyung! Ow ow! My ears! Hyung!" 

Kangin let go of his ears and pushed him on the sofa. 

"What the hell is this?" Kangin asked as he pointed at the television news.

"I swear, hyung, It was an accident!" Chanyeol said.

"An accident? an accident? Chanyeol, when were you planning to tell me? After you burn the whole of California? I told you didn't I? No playing with your powers without my supervision!"

"I'm sorry hyung! But really, it was just an accident! I didn't mean to cause a wild fire!" Chanyeol said.

"You have a minute to explain, you little piece of dog poop."

"Okay, okay. So, I was out with some friends last night and they were camping in the park. Of course when you have a camping, you have a bonfire. My friends older brother showed us how to make one but then he had to leave because he has school tomorrow so we were left there. We put out the fire before going to bed but when dawn came, it was freaking cold outside that one of my friends decided to make fire to keep us warm. So yeah, I just gave him a little help 'coz he was struggling and then the wind blew and before we knew it, the fire was spreading! I didn't even know how it happened. I just ran away with them." Chanyeol explained.

"Who the hell goes on camping in the middle of February?! Of course it's freaking cold outside!"

"It wasn't my idea, hyung. It was my friend's, I just tagged along."

"And you didn't even ask permission if you could join! What the hell is wrong with you, Chanyeol? I didn't raise you to be like this!" Kangin said.

"I'm sorry hyung but really, it wasn't my fault this time! It was a very strong wind. Like there was a small hurricane or something." Chanyeol said.

Kangin sighed.

"It already happened. Just pray that nobody gets hurt because of this and next time, tell me if something like this happens again and ask me before going on camping or sleep overs."

"But hyung, I'm already 19, I'm old enough to take care of myself."

Kangin sat beside him on the couch and twisted his ear.

"You are still under my care, whether you like it or not. I don't care how old you are, as long as you're with me, you follow my rules. Got it?"

"Ow, ow, yes hyung, I got it."

When Kangin let go of his ears, Chanyeol immediately held them to check of they were still connected to his head and gave small whimper.

"Stop acting like a baby. I'm not gonna pull of your giant ears." Kangin said as he made his way back to the kitchen.

Chanyeol pouted as he massaged his ears. He stood up so he can go back to is room but Kangin beat him to it.

"You stay there. You're not going anywhere unless I allow you. Be a good puppy and stay put." Kangin said.

They quietly ate breakfast and Kangin ordered Chanyeol to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen as he monitors the wild fire. Chanyeol hates doing chores but he didn't complain so as not to anger Kangin.

Fortunately, the wild fire was extinguished by the fire fighters before the sun sets and Kangin was relieved that nobody was hurt in the incident. He thought a lot about Chanyeol and his gift. He cared for the boy so much and saw how cheerful he was even when he was younger. He has always called him puppy not only because of his big ears and toothy grin but because he follows and clings onto Kangin like a puppy when he was young. Chanyeol was very playful but he cares so much for other people that's why he has gained a lot of friends. 

It was during their first month on Earth that Chanyeol was claimed by his immortal parent. A burning hammer appeared above Chanyeol's head as he sat on his high chair while Kangin was feeding him. Right after Kangin grabs the hammer, Chanyeol began throwing balls of fire around the kitchen and set everything on fire. Kangin watched as the boy played with fire, holding them and not getting burned. He snapped out of it when he realized the house was burning down. He carried Chanyeol and ran out of the house and drove away.

Ever since that day, Kangin made sure that the house they were moving to would have sensitive water sprinklers that will activate even from the slightest hint of smoke or fire. He doesn't care if the house gets flooded, his goal was to contain Chanyeol's powers specially during his toddler years.

Growing up, Chanyeol knew he was different and Kangin always told him that what he has is special and that he should never be ashamed of his powers.  His hyung made him promise that he'll only use his powers for good and that he won't let anyone know about it. Not even his best friends. His power is a secret between him and his Kangin hyung.

When Chanyeol was old enough, Kangin began training him. They will drive all the way to a cliff where no one dares to climb and there, they practice on how Chanyeol can control the fire. Kangin saw how hard Chanyeol worked to control his gift because he knew, the boy never wanted to hurt anyone with his gift. Chanyeol has always been cheerful and he has always controlled his temper. He vowed to always stay positive and happy because he was afraid that when anger takes over his emotions, he won't be able to control his power and he'll hurt the people that he cares about. 

Chanyeol was sitting on his bed reading a book when Kangin came in.

"Chanyeol, do you want to go to the cliff today?" Kangin asked.

Chanyeol's face lit up. It has been a while since they went out.

It was a two hour drive from their home to the cliff and Chanyeol jumped out of the car to run around as soon as the car stopped.

"Hyung, it's so nice to be back here!" Chanyeol said as he tried to feel the wind that blows on his face.

"What are we going to do, hyung? Did you prepare something new for my training today?" 

"Yeol, I think it's time for you to know your father and why he gave you this power." Kangin said.

Chanyeol's smile faded as he stared at Kangin. His hyung has always avoided the topic about his parents and would just tell him that he was a child of someone special.

Kangin brought out a hammer and gave it to Chanyeol. As soon as he touched it, the hammer started to burn in his hands.

"This is was sent by your father when you were a year old. Do you recognize it?" Kangin asked.

"Hephaestus' hammer..." 

"Yes, this is Hephaestus' hammer and you, Chanyeol is his one and only living son."

Chanyeol was lost for words. He knew he was different but he didn't expect this. He looked at the burning and hammer and concentrated on putting the flame out.

"I know your father is very proud of what you have achieved and I think he knows you are ready to fight his battle." Kangin said as Chanyeol successfully stopped the flames of the hammer.

Kangin told Chanyeol about the prophecy of the oracle Boa about the revenge of the Titans. He told Chanyeol his real purpose and why he has his powers. 

"Chanyeol, you are not alone in this battle. When the right time comes, you will meet the other conflicts and all 12 of you will have to work together to protect this universe." Kangin said.

"Why is it that we can't grow up together? How can you be so sure that we'll like each other when we meet? Wouldn't it be better if we knew each other right from the start?"

"Because it would've been dangerous for all 12 of you and the rest of the world if you were together at such a young age. You had no control of your power and you will act based on emotions. If all of you were together, you might kill each other or cause chaos around you. We had to keep you away from each other until all of you learn how to use and control your gift in the right way."

"But hyung, what if we don't like each other? What if we hate each other so much, we'll try to use our powers against each other?"

"Yeol, those other kids grew up with my brothers. I'm confident to say they were raised well and they all have a clear idea on your purpose and as the oracle said, all 12 of you have a bond with each other so I'm pretty sure you'll get along just fine."

Chanyeol stared at the hammer in his hands. He trusts his father even if they were never able to meet and he felt the faith his father has in him.

"Chanyeol, don't think about it too much. You made a lot of friends because you are a good kid. I'm sure you'll treat the other conflicts just the same, or maybe even like brothers." Kangin said.

Chanyeol nodded. Kangin was thankful that Chanyeol always stays postive.

"Now, how about we skip training today and just have some fun?" Kangin asked.

With a snap of a finger, a camping set was set up as well as an unlit bonfire.

"Wow! Hyung, this is amazing!" Chanyeol says as he explored the camp site.

Kangin sat in front of the bonfire.

"Don't you think it's a little chilly?" Kangin asked.

Chanyeol stopped moving and indeed, it was getting cold although there wasn't much of wind blowing at that moment.

"Would you please do the honor of lighting our camp fire?" Kangin asked.

Chanyeol gave him a happy grin and with a whip of his finger, the camp fire was lit.


A/N: Tadaaaaa. DO you think this chapter was rushed? If yes, I'm so sorry. I'll try to do better next time. I hope everyone enjoys this. :)



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Melynwang #1
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I love that you included canada!! I'm from there so I'm really happy ^.^
Update soon!! :)
pls update soon author~nim its very interesting
devilia_gayoel #4
C0ol!! Up date s0on! Up date s0on!!
Can't wait for the other appereance of exo member and its story,.
I h0pe you update faster coz this is interesting!!
Up date s0on!!!
This sounds extremely cool.
Ah~ so excited! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Can't wait to read more~