

It's the year 3035 and Earth is no longer the sole habitable planet in the universe but it has remained as a sanctuary. A place well protected by the Ki̱demónas to keep its purity.


"They're a threat to the whole universe. They were never suppose to exist."

"But they're innocent. They didn't choose who they are, the gods has chosen them"

"That's not the point. Mortals should stay as mortals and gods should stay as gods. They're not suppose to mix."

"This has already happened hundred of years before, Taeyeon. The gods had heirs on Earth."

"And what happened to them, Leeteuk?  Yes, they were trained to fight, to use their powers but they became greedy. They threatened to reveal the Immortal world to the mortals and we had to put them to rest."

"I was against that."

"But had we not done it, Earth would no longer exist.We just saved that planet from self destruction and I'm telling you, I'd do it all over again if Earth will be put in danger."



The Ki̱demónas : the group who keeps the balance between the mortals and the immortals. Their main responsibility is to hide the immotal world to the mortals. Ki̱demónas is divided into two; Taeyeon leads all the female while Leeteuk leads all the male. They are tasked to keep the balance of the universe, they're called the In-Betweens. They are Immortals but they possess the wisdom and knowledge of mortals and although they possess powers as great as the imortals, they can only use theirs in desperate times. 


Leeteuk sighed. There was no use arguing with Taeyeon when the woman has made up her mind and although he hates to admit it, Taeyeon has always been right in her decisions but this time, his instinct tell him to fight for his decision.


"But this is EXO we're talking about. It's a young planet. What do we do with--with---"


"The conflicts?"


Taeyeon and Leeteuk turned to see two men walk into their conference.


"Yunho, Changmin?" Taeyeon asks


Yunho and Changmin are the Magi: the ones who interprets prophecies sent by the Oracle, Boa.


"The Conflicts? What do you mean?" Leeteuk asked.

"Those threats you are talking about. That's what they are, conflicts." Changmin said.

"Exactly. That's why we need to get rid of them before it's too late." Taeyeon said.

"This is were we have to disagree, Taeyeon. Getting rid of these conflicts will post a bigger problem in the future." Yunho replied.

"What do you mean?"

"The oracle has shown a possible future. You have to keep the conflicts, they might be the universe's only hope."  Changmin said.

"What we are about to tell you is very important. EXO will be destroyed as soon as the youngest conflict is born." Yunho added.


Taeyeon and Leeteuk showed an expression of confusion and concern.


"The Ki̱demónas will have to be prepared to face death. There will no longer be guardians that will separate the mortals from the immortals. The existence of Ki̱demónas will be destroyed by the Titans thru a revolution." Changmin said.


"I don't understand, why? The Titans has long been banished into the depths of Tartarus." Taeyeon said.

"And if it happens that they are able to escape, I'm sure the Olympians will be able to put them back in there place." Leeteuk added.

"If you have noticed, the Olympians are at their weakest right now. What I'm telling you  will be an absolute truth when it happens. The Olympians will be defeated, they lost their immortality and they know it. The Titans will rise from Tartarus and they will end the life of the Olympians after which they will hunt you. They want to take over the universe. Put the mortals under their authority. This is why you have to stand your ground. You have to delay their plans, hold them off as much as you can. You will have go to war against the Titans." Yunho said.

"But we won't be able to put the Titans back to Tartarus. It's impossible! Only the Olympians have the power to do that!" Leeteuk said. Fear can be felt in his voice.

"This is why the Olympians created the conflicts. They passed on their powers to these conflicts but because they are not pure bloods, the gifts given to them will be altered to adjust to their form. These powers, or gifts, as we'd like to call them, will have to be nurtured. The conflicts will have to be guided for them to control it and it is the Ki̱demónas' responsibility to train them." Changmin said.

"Train them? How?" Taeyeon asked.

"You have to choose 12 Ki̱demónas to watch over them. One for each conflict. " Yunho answered.

"But you said EXO will be destroyed." It was Leeteuk's turn to ask.

"Yes. The Titans will destroy EXO because they know what the Olympians has done. But what they don't know is  that we have seen through their plans. A day after the youngest conflict is born is the time when the Titans will rise and the first thing they do is destroy EXO. You have to move fast. As soon as the youngest conflict comes out of his mother's womb, the 12 Ki̱demónas and their assigned conflicts must take flight. We have to let the Titans believe that they have killed the Olympians' heirs." Changmin explained.

"Where are we going to send them?" 

"To Earth. The only place that the Titans won't touch until the right time comes and when it does, the conflicts must be ready to fight and repeat what the Olympians has done."

"Will they succeed the way the Olympians did?"

"It is unclear. The conflicts are half mortals meaning, their feelings can greatly affect their decisions. As we all know, mortal feelings are unstable and that makes the future hard to predict."

"This is why the Ki̱demónas assigned to them will have to guide them well."


Taeyeon and Leeteuk tried to absorb everything that the Magi told them. They have to decide the 12 Ki̱demónas who'll accompany and train the conflicts. 


"When will the youngest conflict be born?" Taeyeon asked


Before the Magi can answer, white smoke filled the room and a woman, glowing and dressed in white, walked in. The Magi immediately knelt and Taeyeon and Leeteuk followed. The Oracle, Boa , has descended.


"Oracle, what brings you here?" Yunho asked.

"I have seen something important from the stars." the Oracle said.

"What is it, my lady?" Changmin asked.

"The Olympians chose 12 children to receive their powers but it seems that out of this 12, they have chosen one who will possess a little bit of the gifts of the other 11. He is the most important conflict, the one that we need to protect the most. The one that needs the most proper guidance. The Exairetikós. If we fail to do so, he can be used against us."

"Do you know which of the 12 conflicts is the Exairetikós, Lady Oracle?" Taeyeon asked.

"Sadly, no. It can be anyone of them. When the right time comes, all his powers will reveal itself. "


Before any of them can ask another question, Boa has spoken again.


"It will happen soon, the birth of the last conflict. You have to move fast." Boa said.


Upon hearing the words of the Oracle, Taeyeon and Leeteuk made their way out of the conference to gather the Ki̱demónas.


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Melynwang #1
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: I love that you included canada!! I'm from there so I'm really happy ^.^
Update soon!! :)
pls update soon author~nim its very interesting
devilia_gayoel #4
C0ol!! Up date s0on! Up date s0on!!
Can't wait for the other appereance of exo member and its story,.
I h0pe you update faster coz this is interesting!!
Up date s0on!!!
This sounds extremely cool.
Ah~ so excited! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Can't wait to read more~