Chapter 4

But You Never Did

Chapter Four


It was 12 AM and I didn't recieve any text message or calls from my boyfriend asking me if I arrived home safely. I sighed and threw my phone onto my bed. It wasn't a good idea to make my boyfriend jealous. When the date ended, Jongdae had to give me a ride because my boyfriend left me behind. It's my fault for joining in with Jongdae to make him jealous. I nervously bit on my fingernails and stared into space. 

"Noona, can you drive me to the nearest chicken house?" Jongin asked as he walked into my room. I, to be honest, wasn't in the mood to drive my little brother to a chicken house. However, I could get my mind off of this whole situation for a moment, right?

"Alright, let's go," I said as I got off my chair. I reached to pick up my phone but decided not too because it'll only distract me. I grabbed my keys and quietly walked out of the house. The two of us walked silently to my car.

"Noona, why didn't hyunga stop by at our house? Did you guys fight?" Jongin asked the moment I the engine.

"What are you talking about? We didn't get into a fi-"

"Was that why you didn't bring your phone with you? And is that why you're still up?" Jongin asked with a humongus smirk on his face.

"Wiped that smirk off your face. I'll tell you later," I said as I made a sharp right turn.


"It's not fair," I sobbed, "why can't I hang out with boys when he hangs out with girls all the time?"

"N-noona, calm down," Jongin nervously said as he snatched the alcohol out of my hand.

"GIVE ME MY DRINK,"I screamed as I bent over.

"YOU.TWO.ARE.GOING.TO.SOLVE.THIS," Jongin said as he pulled out his cellphone.


"Too late."


"Shhhh, eat some chicken and eat your sorrow away," Jongin said as he shoved in a chicken leg in my mouth. I started nibbling onto the chicken leg and tried my best to eat my sorrow away.

I heard the door bell chime after 10 minutes. I looked up and saw my boyfriend scan through the restaurant to look for me. When he saw me, he stormed towards me and grabbed my wrist. I was surprised towards his reaction because I thought he'll be somewhat glad to see me. Oh, right. He's mad at me. I let him drage me to his car because I needed to talk to him in a private place. He buckled his seatbelt and started the engine. 

"Where are we going?" I asked him as I hiccuped. 

"You'll see," he replied coldly and started driving.

The car ride was quiet and I was scared. This was the first time my boyfriend was mad at me. He was usually really chilled and barely got mad. Everything was blurry because I drank too much. The car ride was quite short, which surprised me. He drove to Hangang River and parked at an empty parking lot. He killed the engine and walked out of the car and got things out of the trunk. I walked out the car and the cold air hit my face. The two of us walked to an empty patio near the river. 

"I'll get something for us to eat, you wait here," he said as he handed me a small blanket I always left in his car for emergency use. I covered my body as much as I could with the small blanket and waited for him to come out. He came out three minutes later with two full plastic bags. He placed the plastic bags down and started taking each item out one by one.  He bough water, napkins, ramen, chips, and chocolate.

The two of us sat in silence and fiddled with the food around us. When we made eye contact, he was the first one to look away. I nibbled at my chocolate in silence and thought about what happened in Everland. How things I did there to make him jealous crossed over the line. I sighed and looked up at my boyfriend. He was staring at me with a straight face.

"Do you think that I'm mad at you?" I jumped at his unexpected question but I nodded. If I was him, I would've been mad at myself too. If he broke up with me, I would have no right ot be mad at him.

"What makes you think that?" he asked with a smirk. I almost chocked on my chocolate when I saw his smirk. 

"Well... What I did was pretty wrong. I flirted with other gu-"

"Kim HyeJin... I wasn't mad at you for that reason. I wasn't mad at you at all. I was just scared that you were going to fall in love with someone else..." My boyfriend stopped midway in his sentence. He took a deep breath and fanned his eyes with his hands.

"I would never fall in love with someone else. I was afraid that YOU were going to fall in love with someone else. I'm not the best girl for you, I'm not the prettiest, I'm not the kindest, I'm not th-" 

Then, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. Our lips touched and he pulled me in closer. We were close enough to feel each other's warmth.

"Does this prove that I won't leave you?" he asked between the kiss. I nodded and we continued kissing. 

I felt comfortable for the first time today. It felt as if nothing can go wrong with our relationship anymore.  It felt like our love story could turn into a classic novel story that girls cry over. 





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this is story sound interesring..had subscribe it author-nim...