

Hello everyone and welcome to my first BTS bangtan boys story! I've been so obsesed with them that this little story kind of came up and I just HAD to write it! Enjoy!


He is literally perfection.” I sighed out and glanced at said perfect boy from across the lunch table. My best friend, Kim Taehyung, sighed for a whole different reason and just shook his head.

“He is too far out of your league, Mina.” He took another bite of his food and frowned when I didn’t do the same. “Oh come on, he is like the playboy of the whole school. If he were to even talk to you I bet it would be only for you to be his toy.”

I finally snapped out of my daze and looked towards Taehyung, “But Tae he is literally the best person in the world. I mean yeah he’s been around but that doesn’t make him a bad person and besides maybe he’ll change for me.” I stated defending the most popular boy in the whole school. He was a senior, I was a junior as well as Taehyung. His name was Kim Seokjin and hes been the center of my attention for a whole year now.

There is obviously a story behind this crush of course. He helped me out when I was a sophomore when a bunch of boys thought it would be funny to make fun of me and try to beat me up. Taehyung was gone around that time due to a bad fever he had gotten and I really had no other friends. Seokjin stopped them and told them to never hurt such a beautiful girl and when he smiled at me I was done for. The boys never picked on me again, but Seokjin never talked to me again either.

And with Taehyung the reason for him being my best friend is because our parents are family friends and we’ve known each other since elementary. I always laughed at him since he was born two days after me so it made me older and I refused to ever call him oppa.

“You’re so delusional.” Taehyung laughed but said nothing more. He always tried to tell me that Seokjin wasn’t worth it and that Seokjin always hung around Namjoon which made him a bad influence. I didn’t see the connection there because all Namjoon wanted to be was a rapper and he worked together with his underground partner Suga to see that it could finally happen for them.

Taehyung heard about all of this from his friends Jimin and Hoseok, who heard it from their younger friend Jungkook who knows the guy who does underground rapping.

But that still doesn’t make Seokjin a bad person. Besides even though everyone says he sleeps around, I’ve never heard of any of the girls who he has actually slept with. They could all be rumors said about him to make him seem cooler since he hangs with the underground.

Soon I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t even notice the bell ringing until Taehyung lightly pushed my shoulder and told me to hurry to class and that he’d see me after school. Since we’re friends due to family we both live in the same apartment complex since they thought it would be nice to live close and that gave me a best friend to cling on to.

I nodded to him and stood up to throw my food away and head to the bathroom before my classes started up. After getting that done the whole hallway was practically empty which made it easy to get to class.

“Hey long time no see.” I looked behind me and noticed Seokjin waving at me with that smile on his lips that made me fall for him in the first place.

I looked ahead again to see if he was waving at someone else but instead that just made him chuckle lightly and walk up to me. “I was talking to you.”

I blushed lightly at the close contact and turned to look at him again. It has been a whole year since he helped me and it felt weird to see him so close to me again.

“Uhhh…” I mumbled and looked anywhere but at his face. “Hi.”

“I never caught your name when I met you last year, I thought maybe it’d be nice to get together sometime and hang out.” Seokjin asked and I couldn’t tell if he was serious because I refused to even look at his face to see if he had any sort of amused expression on his face.

“Uhhh…” I spaced trying to think of my name and mentally hit myself. “I’m Mina. Lee Mina.”

“Oh such a pretty name for a pretty face.” I looked up just in time to see that smile again and my heart did a somersault at just how close we were. “I’m Kim Seokjin if you didn’t catch it, though my friends call me Jin.”

Ha Jin and Min see we already make a wonderful couple name.

“Oh, uh, thank you.” I blushed even more and tried to hide it so that he wouldn’t see how red my cheeks were.

“So, can a get your phone number so I can call you maybe this weekend?” He asked patting my shoulder in a very friendly manner. I nearly exploded from the physical contact but I was still able to take his phone and key in my number into his new contact list. He smiled and put my name down as the contact name and nodded to me.

I couldn’t speak a word but luckily he didn’t seem annoyed by that. “So I’ll see you this weekend.” All I could do was nod and wave goodbye to him before rushing to my next class before I was counted as tardy.


“YOU WHAT?!” Taehyung shouted once I told him what happened in the hallway.

“I gave him my number! He wants to see me Tae! The guy of my dreams wants to see me!” I skipped ahead of him and smiled brightly. “Aren’t you happy for me?”

He frowned deeply and crossed his arms. “I don’t trust him.”

“Oh come on Tae, this is literally my dream guy. Be happy for your best friend!” I pouted and crossed my arms as well. He sighed and uncrossed his arms in response.

“I just don’t want to see you hurt.” He muttered just loud enough for me to hear. I frowned this time and sighed.

“I just want you to be happy for me.”

“I am happy for you, or rather I would be happier with any other guy.” Taehyung responded and walked forward and engulfed me in one of his warm hugs that I always loved.

“Just trust me Tae, I know he’s good.” I mumbled into his shoulder and hugged him back. Taehyung always gave the best hugs and I always lost myself in them.

“I trust you Min, it’s him that I don’t trust.” He muttered back and squeezed me extra tight before letting go. “But if you believe it’ll be worth it then do it, just don’t go overboard on the first date, okay?”

I nodded and he finally smiled. “I promise it’ll be just a normal first date and nothing will happen.” I smiled extra bright for him and he nodded back.

“Good! Now let’s get home, I know your mom is cooking stew tonight and I love it when your mom cooks.” Taehyung already looked a lot happier so I left it at that and we walked the rest of the way home together in silence.

I’ve always had a problem with having Taehyung as my closest friend and it was that people thought we were dating from the second we got into grade school. I’ve defended the idea of having a best friend who was a boy my entire life and even my parents sometimes wish we would get together. I’ve always wanted to have an actual boyfriend, someone to be with and someone to call my own. I’ve thought about it with Taehyung once or twice back in middle school but I always shook the idea off as both weird for me and probably weird for him.

Actually the reason why Taehyung is my only friend is because I’ve fought with so many people about the idea of having a best friend who was a boy. People thought it was unnatural and weird to be best friends but not be dating. I’m fine with only having him as my friend, but I guess sometimes I wish I had the advice from another girl on dating than with Taehyung who obviously doesn’t like my taste in men.

“I still don’t see what you see in him.” Taehyung commented after grabbing some stew and sitting down in my computer chair. He never much cared to sit with the families so we always ended up in my room or his talking or playing video games.

He was like my brother, my best friend and everything great all put into one person and no one seemed to get that.

“His smile is dreamy, he is a very nice guy and he actually talked to me when like half the school wants to date him.” I defended and crossed my legs Indian style on my bed. I placed my stew on a fold out chair and went to turn my TV on. I didn’t want my parents hearing my conversation about a boy.

“He sleeps around, most girls like him because he has with them and he hangs out with underground rappers.” Taehyung shot back and turned to face his stew so that he could eat some before getting into another argument. He sure did love to argue with me, but more than that he loved to eat.

“All of those are rumors and I will prove them wrong when I see him on Saturday.” I smirked and reached for my spoon so that I could eat something as well.

We stayed silent for a while to avoid the argument and to eat our food and I was expecting a retort back from him but instead he just stayed quiet and watched whatever drama that was on TV at the time.

It was a weird silence for us to have, something that usually didn’t happen or rather never happened. I was about to say something but suddenly my phone started ringing and I freaked out and dived for it.

“Uh Hello?” I answered and tried to sound as smooth as possible. I mean it could be Seokjin on the other line.

“Hello, this is Mina right?” And I was right.

“Sure is!” I smiled and almost couldn’t contain how giddy I was feeling, even with Taehyung still in the room.

“Perfect, so for this weekend you’re free Saturday right?” His voice sounded so pretty over the phone it was hard to catch what he was saying.

“uh, yes, yes I am.” I was hoping for Saturday anyways since I always hang with Taehyung on Sundays and we go to the arcade together usually.

“Great, so this is my number make sure to write it down or save it to your phone. Text me your address and I’ll come by at about eleven in the morning to pick you up for lunch. Sound good so far?” I just wanted to drown in his husky voice but of course I had to respond.

“Of course!”

“Good and then afterwards we can spend some time together, if that’s fine by you?”

“Perfectly fine.” I smiled widely at the idea of us going on an actual date. This was exactly what I wanted but more.

“Okay so I’ll see you then!”

“Okay!” And then the line went dead and I just wanted to explode from how much I was feeling right now. Seokjin officially asked me on a date and was acknowledging my existence!

“Was that Seokjin?” Taehyung asked and I totally forgot he was in the room for the entire conversation.

“Uh, yeah. We were going over what we were going to do on our date on Saturday.” I explained quietly since I didn’t want my parents to know yet. I was hoping to surprise them with my ‘boyfriend’ when Seokjin actually asks me to be his girlfriend and hopefully asks for my parents’ permission first since that would be extremely romantic.

“Great.” Taehyung said obviously in a sarcastic tone. Though he couldn’t say much since he already agreed to it being okay.

“Though I need to ask a favor of you.” I smiled extra sweetly at him and held my hands together in the cutest manner I could do.


“Please say I am going to hang out with you on Saturday so that my parents don’t know about Seokjin!” I begged even getting on my knees to show how serious I was being.

Taehyung frowned at me for a solid minute until he finally gave in and nodded. “Fine! But you owe me! Big time!”

“Of course! So just hang with Hoseok or Jimin on Saturday and stay out of sight until I text you, okay? I’ll have Seokjin pick me up at the front of the apartments so they’ll just see me leave with you!” I explained getting more and more excited by the second. I was finally going to go on my first date and with Seokjin too! It was already shaping to be one of the best days of my life.

Next to Seokjin asking me to be his girlfriend just short of him asking my hand in marriage.


Time always seems to slow down when you want something. The seconds feel like minutes, the minutes like hours and the hours like days. Friday was painful for me at school, seeing Seokjin talking to random people from across the cafeteria and having to deal with this until Saturday when it’ll be my time to shine. I had to look my best for him. Something y but not too revealing so that he’d ask for more. I needed to catch him and hold on to him so that he’ll want to be with me.

Taehyung stayed oddly quiet for the rest of the week leading to Saturday and didn’t want to talk to me as much. He still walked with me to school and walked with me home, but he seemed off and distant. I guess I can’t blame him since I’m using him to sneak away with a boy on a weekend when I’d normally never do that.

I’ll have to repay him extra by doing anything he wants for the next week or so. Then things will for sure go back to normal, except for me having a boyfriend that is.

But finally Saturday arrived and I dressed up in a casual outfit with a blue blouse and a white flowing skirt. I twirled around for Taehyung to see his opinion on the outfit, he just nodded at me and said I looked cute. That’d have to work since y and me don’t really go next to each other in the dictionary.

The time was nearing eleven and I was starting to get really excited so much that I couldn’t stop holding on to Taehyung asking him if it were a dream and if this was actually happening.

He just said it was a nightmare and I should go back to sleep. He’s just jealous since I’m finally going to on the dating scene and hes never had a girlfriend before.

Once it was about five minutes ‘til we walked out of the room and announced that we’d be hanging out today and that we might or might not be home for dinner. My parents agreed just like how I knew they would and we walked out of the apartment complex with absolutely no problems. Things were finally looking up and I was getting excited just thinking about it.

Taehyung waved goodbye to me after we got outside and went in the direction of the nearest bus stop so that he could spend the day with Hoseok. It’s funny that he complains about Seokjin hanging with Namjoon who is a rapper but doesn’t mind Hoseok who also wants to be a rapper? Taehyung was always just a confusing guy.

On the dot at exactly elven Seokjin pulled up in his own car and rolled down the window to smile at me and gesture for me to get in the passengers seat. I gladly accepted his offer and ran to the other side and got inside.

“Hey there cutie.” He said once the door was closed and I was buckling myself in.

“Oh hi Seokjin.” I greeted already feeling nervous being alone with such perfection.

“Just call me Jin today.” He replied and started driving off towards the streets of Seoul. I noticed Taehyung walking by himself to the bus stop and I wanted to roll down my window and wave at him but I needed to act cool around Seokjin so I decided to pretend not to see him and sat back in my seat.

“I hope you’re hungry for some ramen because I know a wonderful place that serves it like you would get in Japan.” Seokjin stated and grinned towards the wheel since he had to keep his eyes on the road. I honestly didn’t care about what we were going to eat as long as it was with him but I just agreed and acted like it was the best thing in the world.

The car ride took longer than expected due to traffic but honestly in Seoul getting anywhere is a challenge for a driver. We arrived at the ramen shop at around twelve thirty but it was a good time since a lot of people were already there eating for lunch and getting ready to leave by the time we ordered.

I just went for the special ramen deal for the day and Seokjin did the same and we sat down while we waited for our orders.

We chatted for a bit, talked about school and he talked about how he was already applying for colleges which made me sad in thinking that he was going to leave after the school year. He talked about wanting to be an actor and getting a degree in the arts and theatre. I thought that would be a wonderful career and that he should go towards it. He smiled at that and nodded.

Soon our food came and we ended up eating in mainly silence. I tried to eat as politely as I could since ramen could be messy and I was always told that boys don’t like sloppy eaters. I always argued that not all boys thought that since Taehyung didn’t mind how I ate at all.

We talked a bit more after the food was eaten and he asked what I wanted to do after school. I didn’t really think about it much since I was still a second year but I really wanted to do something at a company. Maybe be a stylist, or even someone who handles cameras and photography.

He thought those were very interesting career choices and said that if he became an actor he would hire me as any of those jokes for his career. I blushed at the idea of being able to support him in his career while doing something I would love to do. We could work as a team and we would become an unstoppable duo.

Though I also told him that one thing I really liked to do was create stories, he said that sounded silly so I didn’t talk much about it in detail. Taehyung always told me I had a knack for coming up with interesting stories and when we were kids I would always tell him a story before going to sleep and that I could be a story writer.

However, if Seokjin wanted me to be a stylist or a photographer I would drop story writing in an instant to be by his side.

After the food and our little conversation we got back into his car and I was excited to see where else we will go on this beyond perfect day.

But instead of him asking me where I’d like to go he just said, “We’re going to go back to my place if that’s fine with you.”

I couldn’t just say no to him so I just nodded and said it was fine. Maybe we could cuddle up on the couch and watch movies or watch silly videos while eating small snacks. We don’t need money to have a good time.

The drive took extra long to get there and I almost fell asleep in the passenger seat from how long of a drive it was. Didn’t help that Seokjin was singing along to the radio and lulling me to sleep with his beautiful voice. He should be a singer not an actor, his voice was just as perfect as the rest of him.

By the time the car stopped it was almost four in the afternoon and I wanted to pout at how fast the day was going by, but I wasn’t going to complain about it until later when I talk about how awesome of a day I had to Taehyung. It’ll be when I prove him wrong and tell him how amazing my day was with Seokjin.

The walk up the stairs to his apartment weren’t so bad. He lived on the third floor and he was three doors down, I had to remember in case of future times of me being there. Besides I like to remember the small details as well as the big ones from the best day of my life.

He unlocked the door with a password and opened the door swinging it wide open and gesturing for me to go in first. I bowed and accepted his politeness and walked straight in. His apartment looked like how I figured, neat and well kept but definitely shows that someone lives there.

“Namjoon is out for the day so we have the whole place to ourselves.” Seokjin said and placed his hands on my shoulders. I felt a shiver of nervousness from his touch and was only able to nod in response. Being a senior must be so cool to live away from parents and with other friends.

One day Taehyung and I should do that, that is if I don’t move in with Seokjin first.

It was then that I noticed that his hands did not leave my shoulders like I thought they would but instead gripped on to them and used that force to turn me around and have me look at him instead of at the room like I was originally.

“So shall we get on with things?” He whispered in a very husky tone and moved closer to me. The room felt hotter all of a sudden and I couldn’t process things correctly much just from how close he was to me. What did he mean by ‘get on with things’? I hope this isn’t turning out to be something completely different than I had promised to Taehyung.

He didn’t give me any time to answer before he came closer and placed his lips on mine. My first official kiss. I say official since back in third grade Taehyung randomly grabbed me in the playground and kissed me saying that he was man enough to kiss a girl. He apologized profusely afterwards and we promised that it just didn’t happen.

He let the shock subside before moving his lips to form to my lips and pressed a bit harder in hopes of me responding. However I didn’t know if I should respond since Taehyung made me promise to not do anything the first date. But a kiss isn’t too much, right?

I started kissing back slowly afterwards, getting a feel of how it was done and working along with Seokjin so that it didn’t look like I was an amateur. Even though I was, but I didn’t want him to think that.

We broke for air not much longer and he moved closer to my ear and whispered, “you’re a pretty good kisser.” And that in itself almost sent me over the edge.

But I had to play it cool and stay on guard since I promised Taehyung that nothing was going to happen, but he won’t mind if I kissed Seokjin or not, or at least let’s hope not.

Seokjin seemed pleased after that and moved towards the living room area so that we could take a seat on his couch. He the TV and I was starting to feel a lot better now that sound was coming from not us and it was becoming a bit more normal.

Except not for long because once we got comfortable on the couch Seokjin moved closer to me and started feeling up my leg and rubbing my thigh a bit too high for my liking. I was a respectable girl who even if perfection was asking for it I was only going to give it to someone who was in a relationship with me and committed to me.

“I’m sorry but please stop.” I whispered loud enough for him to hear and the movement stopped.

“What did you say?” He asked, it sounded a bit rude but I ignored that.

“I just don’t want to do anything like this on the first time of getting to know you.” I turned to look at him now and saw the obvious frown on those beautiful lips of his.

“But you already know me well enough, don’t you think?” He asked moving a bit closer and trying to woo me over. It wasn’t going to work even if he was perfection because a promise is a promise.

“I’m sorry but I promised my best friend that I wouldn’t do anything bad.” I held my hand to my heart and smiled inwardly with how I was responding to the situation. Seokjin was bound to agree and leave it at that.

But he didn’t.

“You mean Taehyung?” I nodded at his question. “ Taehyung, he just wants you for himself and doesn’t want you to get closer to any guy.” Seokjin looked angry now and I had to admit, he did NOT look perfect when mad.

“Hey whoa don’t talk about my best friend like that, he is only looking after me.” I defended Taehyung immediately, no one curses about my best friend and gets away with it.

“Yeah sure, well I can’t just leave you without having with you or else I’d lose my deal so how about we do this the nice guy way. Just enjoy your time with me, have the time of your life and we can never talk again.” He explained in a rather rude manner and the more he talked the more I realized how much Taehyung was right.

“And if I don’t do it the nice guy way?”

“Well lets just say you’ll be having whether you like it or not, and you’re going to like it because its me we’re talking about. The ladies love me and I know you do too.” He was sounding crazier than I wanted and I was starting to freak out more than I should because he saw it and smirked. “Don’t be scared baby.”

“I—I don’t want to have with you Seokjin, I made a promise and I’m sticking to it.” I stood up but he grabbed my hand and pulled me down.

“I don’t think I made myself clear. I am going to have with you and you are going to enjoy it. I lose out on fifty bucks if I don’t do this so please just take it.”

“Fifty bucks?” Was that really all I was worth?

“Yeah Namjoon heard from Hoseok that apparently this girl Mina was untouchable because Taehyung only wanted her for himself. I can get any girl and I remembered you back when I saved you from those punks so how about a little gratitude from that?” Seokjin explained and I was starting to feel weak and my stomach started to hurt as well. He was going to have his way with me whether I wanted it or not and I think he thought I was going to be an easy catch.

“How about no!” I shouted loudly and startled him just enough to jump off of the couch and towards the front door. He tried to catch up to me but he didn’t expect me to run like I had and I was able to make it out the front door and towards the stairs.

He tried to chase after me at that point too but I started screaming at the top of my lungs down the stairs so that I could alert any one close on the streets or in their apartments. I safely made it to a main street and sat on a bus stop bench to catch my breath. I received a text at that point that only read ‘I know where you live’ from Seokjin.

I started crying by that point and held my head in my hands while I waited for the bus. I didn’t want to go home and I didn’t want to chance walking around alone either.

Finally I picked up my phone and sped dialed the first number on the list. Taehyung.

He was right all along and I should have listened to him from the very start. He answered not long after and stupidly asked if I was ready to go and if I had a perfect date with Mr. Right. It wasn’t until he heard my sniffles and sobs that he stopped joking around and got serious. “Where are you?”

When I didn’t respond he repeated his question until I looked up and told him which bus stop I was at.

“Okay I want you to catch a bus to the arcades we usually frequent on Sundays, okay? Are you hurt at all? Did he do something to you?” He asked multiple questions but I remained silent and just told him that the bus was going to come soon and I’d be there.

I didn’t know what to do at this point. Seokjin was the love of my life and yet he used me. He was just nice to me for a bet; well I got to say he’s going to make one hell of an actor when he grows up.

I broke down on the bus ride there crying my eyes out at how stupid I was. Who would love me anyways? No boy has ever shown interest in me, they always back away from me and distance themselves from me. Of course I was going to jump on the chance to be with someone, especially someone I actually really liked. Was I a fool for falling too deep when I thought I had a chance with him?

Maybe I should just accept that no boy will ever want anything to do with me.

I got out on the stop right next to the arcade and tried to hide my tears from Taehyung but I was too late because he was waiting for me right next to the stop. The second I walked off of the bus he embraced me in a tight hug and started crying into my shoulder.

I didn’t know what to do. Shouldn’t I be the one crying into his shoulder? Not the other way around.

“I don’t ever want to lose you Min.” He muttered into my neck and hugged me even tighter until he finally let go and looked me straight in the eyes. “Did he hurt you?” He didn’t even give me a chance to answer as he started searching my body and sighing in relief when no visual marks were on my body.

“Do you want to sit down? The café we love to go to is just across the street, my treat.” He tried to stop crying by placing a small smile on his lips but it didn’t stop how sad his eyes were.

He always cared for me, even when I didn’t want him to. He never left my side and even when I told him to leave he’d always be close just in case. My childhood best friend. My middle school best friend. My high school best friend.

Why did I never notice this before?

I nodded to him and he took ahold of my hand and walked us safely across the street and towards the café. He smiled to the workers and sat us in our usual spot that was closer to the back where no one would go.

Without a word he ordered my favorite item along with his own favorite and sat down across from me and once again held his hand in mine.

“I’m always here for you.”

He would always say that when I was sad. The day my pet hamster died he said the same thing, the day I failed my math test and had to retake it over break, anytime I cried he always said those exact words.

“Why have I never noticed this before?” I voiced it this time and looked straight into his worried eyes. They grew confused and shook it off as he stood up to grab our drinks. He came back handing me my favorite drink and he placed his on his side of the table.

“Noticed what before?” He answered, not holding my hand this time and focusing a bit more on his drink.

“How much you cared, how much you always cared. You love me, don’t you?” I asked getting straight to the point.

Taehyung stopped focusing on the drink completely and stared at me with a blush already forming to his cheeks. “W-What makes you say that?” He stumbled over his words slightly and then tried to look anywhere but at me.

“Don’t be shy Tae, be honest. You’ve always looked out for me, in every way possible.” I stopped and thought about what Seokjin said earlier. “You keep all of the boys away from me because you don’t think they’re worthy of me.” It would make sense, Seokjin wanted to prove them wrong by getting me but that didn’t work well at all.

He still couldn’t look at me but he nodded and remained silent for a bit before taking a deep breath, looked me straight in the eye. “I love you Mina.”

I smiled and nodded to him. “I’ve always loved you as a friend Tae, as a best friend to be exact but how about we change things up?” I smiled even brighter and leaned against the table to get closer to him. He did the same wondering what I was up to. I regretted briefly giving my first kiss to Seokjin but I pushed that thought away the second I pushed my lips against Taehyung’s.

His lips felt soft and inviting, a different feel from how Seokjin felt and to be quite frank I liked the feeling of Taehyung’s lips more.

I pressed my lips a bit harder against his and he sighed into the kiss and continued to kiss me until we were both out of breath and just panting slightly from just the feeling it left behind.

“I want to try. I want to be with you Taehyung. Not only as my best friend but as my boyfriend.” I touched his cheek lightly and felt how warm they were growing from just the contact of my hand.

He laughed slightly and leaned into my touch, “I’m supposed to ask you that, not the other way around.”

I laughed in response and nodded, “Well then do it before I do.”

He smiled at this and cleared his throat slightly to add effect, “Will Lee Mina take Kim Taehyung to be his lawfully wedded girlfriend?”

I laughed but nodded, “I do. And will Kim Taehyung take Lee Mina to be her lawfully wedded boyfriend?”

Taehyung leaned forward locking eyes with my lips for a second before looking into my eyes. “I do.” He whispered against my lips.

“You may now kiss the girlfriend.” I whispered back and he kissed me until we both couldn’t breathe anymore.

This may not be the perfection I had imagined with Seokjin, but this was far better than I anything could ever imagine.


Sad thing is my bias in BTS is Kim Seokjin! Sorry Jinnie for making you the bad guy! I know you're not like that!!

Also if enough people want it and comment about it below I will write a second chapter dealing with Taehyung and Mina's relationship and fluff and possible will be added if so! But only if people comment a lot!! :) I hope you enjoyed it, also here is some Taehyungie for people!

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Chapter 1: Omg too cute </3 the ending was adorable lol
Chapter 1: awwwww so good!! my bias is jin, but taehyung ruined my feeling towards jin though <3
14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Hahaha i like their vow for asking each other out ~~~
blueandgrey_ #4
Chapter 1: i really really enjoyed this...gosh, it really takes a good fanfic to give me feels...and this was great :D ♡
JUNMAsWifeu #5
Chapter 1: Kyaaahhh ~ >.< TAEHYUNG-ah saranghae <3 ..

I want a sequel .. Pleaseuuu author-nimmm :D..
eyesmilegyu #6
Chapter 1: Taehyung is too sweet sobs
rion_01 #7
Chapter 1: Oww, bad Jin. But oddly, I like it. Lol Maybe he can change for her but sadly, that didn't happen. But I kinda don't mind if she ended up with any of those two guys. Both are perfection to me xP. Anyway, thanks for sharing the story with us ^^ Keep it up!
LeiJin #8
Chapter 1: second chapter pls c: