고 소오진 // 002

↷ The Senior Project ✧ Dating for Dummies
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chapter two
Go Soojin, Lee Jaehwan



For the past half an hour, Soojin had been gritting her teeth so much, her gums are starting to get numb. Crumpling the third paper from her book, she brought the ball up to her face and threw it harshly at the back of Lee Jaehwan’s head. Startled, said boy turned around cluelessly, hands rubbing at the spot where the paper met with his head, trying to locate who was the culprit that kept abusing him with crumpled sheets.

Pathetic , Soojin thought as she kept a natural expression on her face, as if she had no idea what was even going on in their classroom. Raising her head to look at Jaehwan again, she felt herself freezing when she saw that the boy was already staring at her with an unreadable expression. Soojin cursed under her breath, thinking that she was finally caught after a whole year of throwing paper balls at the annoying brat. She was taken aback when a shy blush decorated his cheeks, instead of an angry reaction like what she expected from him.

She sees Jaehwan opening his mouth, as if wanting to say something, but the thought might have died because he turned around before she even got to hear his voice. Well, that was weird.




Walking down the school hallway with a few books in her hand, she looked exactly like what normal High Schoolers in her state would. Except she is not a regular High School student, at least not from the outside point of view. Eyes bold with dark make-up, some called it a smokey look, but Soojin says what the is a smokey eye and ends up scaring everyone that dares to question her about her style. 

She brushes past everyone with a glare, lips formed into a frown that looked almost too natural. Her gloomy and intimidating aura caused her a lot of misfortune throughout High School, earning herself almost no friends at all. It is not something she mourns over though, instead she is almost grateful when people choose to ignore her. The only memorable conversation she had in the hallway was when an annoying classmate yelled a bright “Good morning, Soojin!” and earned herself a cold “Who the are you?” from Soojin. Soojin thought the shocked expression on the other’s face was hilarious, but made no attempt to form even the smallest smile. Destroying good mornings, that was something she enjoyed doing.

Because of all this, she was personally surprised when someone called out to her in the hallway, at least she thinks it’s her, who else is named Go Soojin in this school anyway. Tilting her head slightly, enough to have a look of her back, she felt annoyance bubbling at the pit of her stomach when she came face to face with Jaehwan. He came to a halt at least a feet away from her, anxiety evident in his eyes.

“I, uh..” He muttered, hands brought up to scratch his mess of a hair bashfully. Soojin replied with a quirk of an eyebrow, clearly uninterested with whatever he had to say. Catching up on her bored reaction, he quickly reached behind his backpack, embarrassingly dropping almost everything inside to the floor.

“I have no time for your -”

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✧ characters revealed! also, new layout because I got carried away


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Chapter 6: omg,,,,,,,, i miss this
i'm here to read ^^ the story plot seems interesting. hope u update it soon
Chapter 10: Hello! c: Glad to hear from you again! ♥
Chapter 10: yeah. its good to hear news from yew.
i feel very happy that you dont plan to abandon this story. phew~
anyhow, thanks for the update babeh~
update soon. lololol~
hi bb girl,
just wondering where you are ;u;
Chapter 9: luna and honja are like the cutest little sh i a ts in eart omg
theyre like the typical but not so typical bestfriend-ish kind of
story and awwww for luna being the only one who makes honja happy <33
the classprez has me shi i a tting my pants oh gah no mercy for any one ;;
"You" faq ,y kokoro is going crazy everythang is so cute < 33

i dont know why but i like fEEL soojin- idek
but i think its because she's like extremely frustrated
with hating someone so much so youre not exactly contented with
simply throwing pieces of crumbled paper and you dont exactly
like the idea of the person finding out youre the culprit but at the
same time you kinda do-- okay what in the world was i rambling about

i find soojin so comical and funny i dont even know why weezhes
"the bigger it is the better-" d'aw c'moooon why did i laugh at such a middle
school erted joke. "too tired to deal with this kind of " soojin is like
"i have enough of your stupidity" "why am i even here" "youre so stupid its painful"
but why do i find it so amusing ;; soojin reminds me of a sadist omg- byt lets not forget
jaehwan- he is so cute like a little fluffball of sunshine- hes like oblivious and omg he
kept the crumpled paper and practically searched for the person who 'wrote' in
the crumpled paper. and his "scarred for life" reaction when soojin gave the finger RAUGHS

okay this was kinda long but you dont know how your updates make me happpyyyy
(im sure it does the same for everyone too rly) im at ease with your writing - you
make it easier for us to understand what youre trying to write without using redundancies,
and thats pretty cool. C : and as for the turns, you should probably reveal?? or something-
just so the last couple that gets picked wont get too disappointed with the turns- yeah-
you update so fast my heart is going fast i l y. <3
Chapter 9: From Nia,


to authornim.
ps, i love you to moon and back... wooooooo~
Chapter 9: eeeeeee this is so beautiful
but are you serious this soojin threw her crumpled up paper at this kid for a whole year without him noticing?? and yet when i whisper "i luh yuh papi" to a hot guy who walks by he stares at me like i'm weird some people and their ability to get aWAY WITH THINGS sobs
but omg i feel soojin and the smokey eye thing everyone thinks i'm some sort of makeup goddess but in reality i sleep with my eyeliner on and it gets smudged all over my eyelid and i'm too lazy to fix it
its my goal to look so good that i can intimidate people tbh
but omg omg jaehwan has to be the most precious thing on the planet and he had her crumpled up paper aw bless his heart
"that's what she said" yeah but not to u punk ooooooooooooooo
screams you don't know how much i like bubbly boys and pessimistic girls together they're just so perfect

and luna and hyeongja = eeeeeeeeeeee
i'm so happy that there are so many lesbians like my life is complete
"literally in my face" omg hyeongja don't scare the poor child
every interaction between luna and hyeongja makes me wanna curl up into a ball and die bc they're so cute "is missing you more than i miss up to ms hwang good enough?" is currently dead bc they're so precious
and eeee luna declining a party invitation to hang out with her prez my heart
i'll need to punch my wall to feel punk rock again thanks a lot
Chapter 9: a whole year of throwing paper at Jaehwan, WITHOUT HIM NOTICING?
Soojin is like a ninja xDD Her character is so feisty and yet so comical,
"what the is a smokey eye", "who the are you." wHEEZING.
I'd prolly be one of the girls to compliment her look eheheheh. But yet it's for intimidation yes yes?
Omg I did not expect him to pull out her crumpled paper. Like damn gurl u got caught.
Does he think Soojin has a secret crush on him or sumin?
My chapter is already up so I can't rly have a say in what u do lol ( ̄ω ̄)
random.org is fair right soooo = 3=
but woo, something to wake up to, hwaiting \o/