It Was You [Final]

It Just Happened










It's Friday today and I just finished unpacking all my luggage. I spent half of the morning cleaning my room to make space for the new things I brought from the Philippines. The rest of the morning until late afternoon I spent on unpacking and eating.

It's around passed 5pm now, I'm on the couch resting and watching some mindless TV...

Finally, shows I can understand! It's been a while since I've actually watched legitimate Korean TV shows I miss the ever so weird commercials.

As I flip through the channels, something catches my attention.


"Hmm KBS Music Bank... Wait..."

I read the caption at the bottom left of the TV screen.

[Backstage Host: EXO's Baekhyun & D.O 
With: B.A.P]

"B.A.P!? The one where Zelo's a member of! And that's that D.O guy from the airport!"




"Hello everyone! We are now here backstage with a special group that will be having their comeback today!"

Says that Baekhyun dude. 

"Hi everyone we are B.A.P!"

Then someone I don't know starts speaking. He has a really low voice... But where is Zelo?

"Today is our comeback, so please wait for our performance later! It's going to be awesome! Right Daehyun?"

"That's right Himchan Hyung! We will be having a special performance for all of you so please stay tuned! And also please watch out for EXO's performance later as they battle for the number one spot on the chart this week!"

I noticed that Zelo was standing on the right side behind D.O... Zelo is really freakishly tall.

While one of the B.A.P members was explaining the concept of their comeback, D.O kept looking at Zelo for some reason. He kept mumbling something to him. I wonder what they're talking about? Is this some sort of fan service? 

Baekhyun seems to be done talking...

"Isn't that right D.O!?... I said, Isn't that right D.O!!??"

"Oh!! Uhm yes! That's right Baekhyun! But now let's get right back to the music!"

D.O seems to be distracted. I wonder if he and that other guy he was with, what was his name? Luhon? Luhan? Was able to meet the person they were waiting for at the airport yesterday... Or were they supposed to meet Zelo? Why am I so curious to know anyway!?...

"I think too much..."

After that, Baekhyun introduced the next group that will be performing, then they said their goodbyes.

I continued to watch the show until it ended. Surprisingly, Zelo was so cool! It was almost like he was a totally different person, but then I remember how funny he looked in that Eskimo get up yesterday. It still makes me laugh. EXO was really cool too. They're both really cool boy groups.
At the end of the show EXO didn't win. They seemed sad but they respected the winners and they were very polite.

I noticed that Zelo was standing beside D.O somewhere in the middle behind the other EXO members. They were talking. It looked pretty serious. What's up with those two? It seems like they're always talking about something...

"It might not really be serious... Whatever, i've got better things to do."

I look at the time and I realize that it's almost 7pm.

"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot that I'm gonna meet my friend tonight!"

By friend I mean my "childhood neighbor friend", her name is Yunmi. I have lots of stories about my stay in the Philippines, and I bet she's got a lot to tell me too! We need some catching up.

"Hmm, I'll just take a quick look at my social media updates. Maybe there's something new"

Should I go on Omegleee?...


I got a text message from Yunmi.

[From: Yunmi]
-I'll see you in a while! Miss you! Got loads to tell you! Xoxo-

She's always so perky. Even in text form.

-Okay! I'll see you Yunmi~ be ready in a sec. Miss you too!-

I quickly got ready and we met outside of my house around past 7:30pm and we decided to walk into the buzzing streets of Seoul. We stopped at quiet café and ordered coffee.

I told her about how the traffic has gotten worse over time in the PH, and how good I am in saying Tagalog bad words. She on the other hand, told me about her new boyfriend. I kinda knew about it already since she posts a lot of photos of them together on Facebook, but I don't really know the details so she just told me how they met and how they enjoy eating patbingsoo even during the winter.

Time passes as we talk and laugh about each others stories. Its nice to bond with a friend you've known for a long time. You know more about each other than you think.

We were just about to order another round of coffee when out of nowhere, I receive a text message from none other than the famous Zelo.

[From: Zelo]
-Hi Emz! Can we meet tonight?? I was wondering if I could get my scarf from you. I kinda need it because my other one got stuck in the car door and it totally ripped in two.-

Why is Zelo so clumsy!?



"Who's that you're texting?"

Asks Yunmi. I don't know If I should tell her about this because she might freak out. She knows a lot of kpop groups so I don't think it's the right time to say anything to her about B.A.P or EXO.

-Okay, where will I meet you?-

I look back at Yunmi.


"Oh it's just my mom... Uhmm, I think I have to go now. I have to run some last minute errands. Lets just hangout again tomorrow! Okay?"

"Really? Last minute errands at 9pm? Whats so important at this time?"

"Uhmmm, I don't know but, I have to return something that was borrowed..."

"Oh, alright then. Will we head back together?"

"Yeah, I have to get the thing that I need to return, it's at home."


[From: Zelo]
-Text me your address. I'll come to you.-

I text him my address and tell him that I'll be home in a few minutes. I told him that he can't be carelessly flaunting his face everywhere, and that he needs to wear a disguise. It's not everyday an guy idol gets caught hanging out with an unfamiliar face late at night.

Yunmi and I went our separate ways when we reached our homes.

"I'll see you tomorrow Emz!"

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow Yunmi~"

As soon as I got into my house, I quietly and quickly went straight into my room to find the scarf. I have to do this fas before anyone realizes I'm back.


[From: Zelo]
-I'm near~"

-Alright, I'll be down in a minute.-

I quickly head out the door before anyone in the house notices me. I told them that I'd be home late so they don't really expect me to be here just yet.

Its cold out here. Maybe i should treat Zelo because he lent me his scarf.

*beep beep!*



Oh my gosh that scared me... What the heck is this cars problem!? Wait... Is that?... Zelo? Yeah it is Zelo. But he's sitting shotgun while someone older is driving. Is that his manager?

The car window rolls down and Zelo pops his head out.



"Hi Emz! Get in the back~"



I get in the back seat and before I could greet Zelo and his manager I notice that I wasn't alone in the backseat.

"Hi Emz."

I don't know if who I'm seeing is real. But I'm well aware that I'm perfectly fine and not seeing things.

"You're that D.O guy from the airport yesterday, what are you doing here??"


What is going on!? I look over at Zelo.


"We'll just drop both of you guys of at the nearest cafe."

"Wait what!? What do you mean?? Zelo! What's going on!?"

"Emz relax! D.O hyung will explain to you everything."



I'm really confused. What is D.O doing here? Why is he involved in this situation that has absolutely nothing to do with him?...

"Okay, Emz let me just formally introduce myself. Hi! I'm D.O from EXO... D.O is my stage name. My really name is Do Kyungsoo. But you can just call me Kyungsoo."


"Yes... Kyungsoo."


Not long after his introduction the car finally stopped.


"We're here..."


Zelo says, the doors unlock and we get out.

Zelo opens his window and says some last minute apologies.

"I'm sorry about this Emz. I was shocked too when Kyungsoo hyung first told me... Keep the scarf for now. You'll need it tonight. Take care guys!"

And they drive off. Well, now I know that Zelo didn't really tare his scarf in two...

I look at Kyungsoo, and I catch him staring at me. Why is his face like that? It's as if he's looking at me with longing eyes... It's very attractive.


"What is it you needed to explain to me Kyungsoo? I'm really confused right now because I don't think you need to explain anything to me since this is our first time meeting each other."

"Come, let's go inside, it's cold."


I sat and waited for Kyungsoo to return with our drinks. When he came back, we sat in silence for what seemed like forever!

"So... Are we just gonna sit in silence or you're gonna tell me why Zelo left me with you?"

I said, not even a little bit ready to hear what I'm about to hear and witness what I'm about to witness.

"I dont know where to start... but I finally see you in the flesh Emz. I'm sorry for taking this long to get back to you."


"Wait what?"

Oh my gosh, dont tell me...From the looks of it... with that said, I knew. I knew that everything I know isn't what it really is. And god forbid me to run away, I'm glued to this freaking chair!

"Oh my god... Kyungsoo? As in K for Kyungsoo??"

I'm terrified of what his answer will be, because I'm positive it's a yes...

"Yes K as in Kyungsoo"

"All this time... You were hiding who you really are to me because you're D.O from EXO??"

"Yes, but I really wanted to tell you. There were times where I almost did, but I had to wait for the right time. And that time is now, where I can see you, and tell you face to face."

"But why did you wait this long? Why did you stop talking to me? I waited for you, everyday since the last time we talked. I almost gave up on you. I thought I was never gonna speak with you again."


I feel like screaming, im angry, but why should i be angry? There is a legitimate reason why he kept it from me... I feel like everything i know about him was nothing but a lie... My eyes are tearing. I want to cry. But I can't do it if he's right in front of me...

"I know, and I'm sorry. I really am. It's just that, my group was getting ready for a comeback. I never had the luxury of time those past 2 months... The only free time I had was at 4am after practice and shooting the music video. I tried to reach you. But I never could."

My eyes gave up. I couldn't hold my tears.

"You lied to me... I'm mad at you, but at the same time I dont have a reason to be mad. I understand why you could never tell me who you really are... But I was just expecting someone more real than you... I was expecting something real could happen between us... I, I already have feelings for you, I was so sure that I would find you again and tell you that i like you... But now that I know who you really are, I'm not so sure I can handle this."

I'm still crying... It's a good thing that there is only one other couple sitting on the opposite side of the cafe from us.

"But everything was real Emz. Everything else I told you about me is real. That's why I'm here now. I want us to work. I, I really, legitimately, sincerely, like you... For once, I've met someone I feel like I've know since I ever even existed... I know this wont be easy for you. I know you might have a hard time dealing with this, but I really want to be with you , I want people to know that I've chosen someone I really like. And I want us to work."

I'm looking at him... Staring into his eyes, such sincerity flows within them. His nose is red from the cold weather and his eyes start to water.

"How am I supposed to deal with this. I didn't sign up for this kind of relationship, Kyungsoo."

"I'll help you, I'll be with you through the process. I'll protect your from the media, from my members, from my managers, from my bosses, and even my crazy fans. I'll be here for you. I really want this to work out. I want US to work out... I've thought long and hard for this day. And now I'm finally here, with you, in this shabby cafe, begging you to take me. Please Emz. Give me a chance to prove it to you. I really want to be in your life, and I want you to be in mine."


I looked long and hard into his eyes, I practically tore through his heart... I do want this? Thinking it through, I think I do. I want us to work. I want to give it a chance. I want to be brave. I think I'm crazy, crazy enough to give this a second thought. I think I might even love this boy... For the past few months ever since I've talked to him, I've been the happiest girl. The only time I lost my touch was when I stopped hearing from him... My curiosity is over, I found him. Well technically he found me, but this is the faithful day I've been waiting to see. And now I'm here, sitting across this boy, who I know likes me, and for all I know, I think I've always liked him too... Our lives will be in turmoil, I just have to say that four letter word that will automatically change my life, and will ultimately change his life too...


















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Atesarov #1
Chapter 4: I thank you for this story. It was quite adorable. I loved how you switched between writing out what happens to messages in the chat. It was rather clever ^^