All At Once

It Just Happened







(*Ding ding ding ding*)

[Paging all passengers of fight XO1293 Manila to Seoul Please proceed to gate 1 exit]


I look at the time and fast pace to get to gate one. I just came out of the car. Since when did I start rushing for something? Since when was I ever even late? I’ve always been on time.



Last night


“Emz? You should be sleeping! Why are you still up on the computer? It’s like, 3am! Don’t tell me your still on Omegleee!? Look, K isn’t going to just pop out right in front of you, you know. Get some sleep. Your parents will be at the Incheon airport on time for sure. You’re fight is at 9am. You have to be at the airport at least 2 hours early. If you miss this flight, you’ll be paying for another flight and your parents will definitely kill you!”



That’s Jenny. My annoying and naggy housemate, who! May I say is always right. Especially when it comes to this, being sleep deprived. I love her none the less.

I’ve been on the Omegleee for almost 4 hours and I still haven’t come across K. To be honest, we haven’t talked for quite a while now. Two months to be exact. I don’t know what happened to him, but I’m kind of worried. He sort of just stopped showing up. It started about early October. The last thing we talked about, if I’m not mistaken, was about the new places I could visit in Korea, what day I will be there and until when.

Ever since then I’ve been going online to see if I could get to him. But I could never contact him. It really hits me deep to wonder what happened to him…



“I know I know, don’t worry. I’m going to bed already.”



Giving up on Omegleee, I shut the computer and finally went to bed. With only less than 3 hours of sleep to go, I laid in bed with a heavily worried heart… The horrid part of this would be when I wake up in the morning, feeling like I got hit on the head by a bottle of beer, and then the beer plus the little pieces of glass would have gotten into my eyes, obviating all possible sight...


-End of flashback-



Now here I am, rushing as I go through security and check-in.


[This is your last call. Paging all passengers of fight XO1293 Manila to Seoul Please proceed to gate 1 exit]


Hurriedly, I carry my entire hand-carry luggage through the second set of security scanning, paced through the automatic double doors, up the escalator, down the hallway, straight to the entrance of gate one, and into the plane.


Made it!


I walk down the isle of the plane to look for my seat. And as soon as I get there I discover that I’ll be sitting next to a Korean boy, a cute looking Korean boy. 

How on earth will I survive this plane ride sitting next to someone like him!? Well he looks nice. let’s just hope he isn’t a snob or a jackass rich kid…



“Hi there!”



Oh! He speaks!



“Hi there to you too.~”

“I’m Zelo! And you are?”

“Oh! I’m Emz. It’s nice to meet you Zelo.”

“It’s nice to meet you too Emz.”

“So Emz… Are you on vacation?”

“Yeah, I’m visiting my parents and relatives.”

“Cool, me too! I don’t really have close friends in Korea since I’ve been in the Philippines ever since I was in the fifth grade”

“Really? That’s too bad.”

“So do you have close friends in Korea?”



I was debating whether or not should I t tell him about K, but I only just met this boy.

His personality is as cute as he looks. It sort of reminds me of K. Though I don’t know what he looks like. He must definitely be cute, maybe even handsome.



“Yes I do. I have a childhood friend. She’s my neighbor. We still talk to each other even if we’re far apart.”



Nope, I’m not telling him anything about K, even if he's cute. But I'm not lying about my close friend/neighbor.



“Well that’s nice…”



We sat in silence for a while, but only until the plane took off. As soon as the plane was steady and turbulence free, we both had so much to talk about on the way. I’m happy that I didn’t get a lonely flight.

It only takes a few hours from Manila to Seoul, roughly 4-5 hours. An extra 30 minutes if there’s air traffic, but if you’re lucky, you get there on time, maybe even earlier if the odds are in your favor.


[Attention passengers this is your captain speaking. The time now is 1:35pm on a cloudy Thursday afternoon. We had a smooth flight and we will be landing shortly, so please go back to your seats and fasten your seat belts before our landing. The temperature in Seoul is currently -2 degrees Celsius. We advise all of you to stay warm as you exit the cabin. Thank you for choosing Korean air. We hope to have served you well.]


-2!? Oh god that's low!? I thought it wouldn't be a negative

It’s too cold and I didn’t bring a scarf… I’ll be damned… At least we were lucky enough to get here early.

When the plane finally landed everyone stood up and exited in an orderly fashion.

As I walked out of the cabin and on to the platform of the gate entrance, all its mighty freezing cold air is no match for Incheon airport’s heating system. The coldness just hits me right in the face. Zelo on the other hand looks like a goddam Eskimo with one too many jackets. I can’t even see his face anymore. Plus, now that he’s standing, I see how freakishly tall he is, almost like a cute Bigfoot if you ask me. I look at him and he gives be a cute smile.



“I have an extra scarf here. If it’s cold in here, it’s definitely even colder outside. Please, take it. You can return it anytime.”

“I really shouldn’t. But I know I need it. Thank you Zelo.”



I take the scarf and wrap it around my neck. Thankfully it does make me feel warmer.

After that, Zelo and I went our separate ways. Zelo didn’t hesitate to get my Kakao Talk ID. I think he’s just happy he made a new friend.



“I’ll see you around Emz!”

“Yeah, I’ll see you around too Zelo! Bye~”




As I walk out of immigration. I’m excited to see my parents. But they arent here yet. I didn’t see them. I guess I arrived earlier than they expected. So I decided to walk around and get something to eat.

But I notice something weird happening down at the lobby. There seems to be a lot of people. But not just people, majority of girls with huge cameras.

What in the name of Black Pearl is going on down there?

Curious, I decided to go down and take a look.

Is there a celebrity of something? Did some VIP arrive?



“Luhan! Luhan! What are you doing here? Are you expecting somebody to arrive??”

“D.O! D.O! Why are you and Luhan here!? Are you going somewhere? Are you guys running away from EXO? Take me with you!!”



What in little Mermaid Tears is going on here!? Sasaeng fans!? These guys are total psychos... EXO? Aren’t they that boy band or something? I’ve heard of them but i don't know anyof them. I do know that Growl song. But aren’t they like 13 members? Or was it 12? There are only 2 of the members here…


I look at those two poor boys get surrounded with no security protection. What in Peter Pan’s name were those two even thinking of coming here by themselves?

I notice that the shorter guy, D.O if I'm not mistaken, sort of looked at me. It could just be my imagination, but I swear he looked right at me…

Oh what the heck! I’m out of here. I don’t want to get trampled on by these people…

As I turn around to get away from this unruly crowd, I hear something all too familiar.






I think I just got a Heart Attack… Did I just hear somebody shout E?






There it is again!

I look around to find the source of that familiar voice. My heart is rising. Could it be who I think it is? Could it be K?






What the heck is happening??

I turn around and BOOM!



“KKAMJJAK-A!... ZELO!? What the History are still doing here?”

“I was just about to go, but then I saw you.”

“Were you the one calling me?”

“Yeah, that was me.”

“No I mean like calling me E, like the letter E.”

“What? Who’s E? Why will I call you E?”



Great… If it wasn’t Zelo then It must have been my imagination. I must be dreaming. This is definitely the lack of sleep.



“Oh My Lady! Is that Zelo from B.A P!?”


More sasaengs!?...



“, I gotta go now Emz. See you around!”

“Huh?? What?? B.A.P??"

"Bye Emz!"

"Wait Zelo! (He's gone)... Okay bye??”



Zelo? B.A.P? He’s from a boy band? And why was he in the Philippines? He lied to me too! That sneaky boy! When I get my hands on him I swear, I’m gonna give him a piece of my mind, and maybe even a piece of my fist.

And bfore I could try to chase after him, I hear someone call my name again... What is this!? "Call Emz Day"!?


“Emz! Honey!”

“Mom!? Dad!?”

“Hey there sweet cheeks”

“Oh my gosh! I’ve missed you guys so much!”



My Parents! Oh my loving parents! All we did was give each other Hugs & Kisses! And then cry, and cry some more. I just want to go home and take a nap. I feel exhausted!



“We’ve missed you too honey. Now let’s go home. Everyone is excited to see you!”



Thank goodness… So many things just seem to happen all at once. I’m thankful that I’ll be able to get home and get some rest. Tomorrow will be a great day! No drama, I hope…




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Atesarov #1
Chapter 4: I thank you for this story. It was quite adorable. I loved how you switched between writing out what happens to messages in the chat. It was rather clever ^^