The Switch

The Switch


                                    The Switch
                                      Chapter 1 
Seoul, Korea was bright and sunny. Jaejoong opened the kitchen window, to air out the smoke in the kitchen. Jaejoong was making his famous Kimchi noodle soup for lunch.  He placed three big bowls of Kimchi noodle's are on the table and called for Junsu and Yoochun.
Jaejoong: “Yoochun, Junsu, lunch is ready.”Jaejoong yelled, preparing the table. Yoochun and Junsu came into the dining room and sat down.
Junsu: “Mmmmmm this smells good”. Junsu grabbed a pair of chopsticks. 
Yoochun: “Thanks for making lunch Jaejoong.” Yoochun also grabbed a pair chopsticks.
Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu: “Jal meok ge sseum ni da.” All three said at the same time. Jaejoong slurps on his noodle.  
Jaejoong: “Ahhhh this is some good stuff” He said loudly. Jaejoong was thinking about how good his soup was and was hoping that Yoochun and Junsu enjoy their Kimchi soup he made.  
Yoochun: “Hey Jaejoong, who is the girl you have a crush on?” “What is her name?” Yoochun continues eating and slurping on his noodles. Jaejoong stops eating.
Jaejoong: “Her name is Jung Hye Roddy.” Jaejoong continue’s eating again.
Junsu: “Roddy, Is that an American name or something?” Junsu looking at Jaejoong, waiting for an answer.
Jaejoong: “Yeah, Roddy is a American name. Jung Hye is American. She is mix with Korean and black. She moved here from the states when she was ten years old. She is now an elementary school teacher at…………….???? I forgot the school name. She reminds me like Momo from the Japanese anime Peach Girl. She almost look like the popular Japanese singer Crystal Kay".  Jaejoong stops eating, leaning back in his chair.
Yoochun: “Peach Girl?” Yoochun stops eating and looked at Jaejoong. Since when you watched shoujo”? Yoochun asked Jaejoong. Yoochun knew Jaejoong read some manga. Shonen manga for boys but not Shouja manga for girls.
Jaejoong: “I watched it with one time with my little cousin. I was babysitting okay.” Jaejoong continues eating again.“
Junsu: "Well did you ask her out, if so…what did she say?” He asked Jaejoong out of curiosity and the he continues eating, looking at the clock.
Jaejoong: “I asked her out yesterday and she said she would go out with me. We are supposed to go out tomorrow. Its been two years and three months and I fianlly had the guts to ask her out!!!!" Jaejoong started smiling looking at his food.
Yoohun: "You know you have to keep your relationship with her a secret." He told Jaejoong.
Junsu: "I think Jaejoong knows that already Yoochun. Imagine if Cassioepia knew you was going out?“ Junsu was imaging Jaejoong being chase by a stampede of Cassie's.
Yoochun: " I don't want to think about it, espeally the netizens. It will be crazy, if they find out". Yoochun made a concern look on his face, looking at Jaejoong.
Jaejoong: "I know guys.  I'll say she is a good friend of mine and we're going out to eat". Jaejoong look at Junsu and then Yoochun.
Junsu: " Some people will think you are dating her. Go with other people. Invite friends and go out to eat and stuff. You can still date her, but they won’t know your really dating her, because you are with a group of people.
Jaejoong: "Okay, I will do it like that then"! Jaejoong said with excitement. There was a moment of silence. Jaejoong was thinking about how long can he can keep a secret between him and Jung Hee. 
Junsu: Ohhhhhh, look at Jaejoong going out! Junsu broke the silence out of know where.
Yoochun: “Our boy Jae is growing into a man now”.  Yoochun pats Jaejoong back hard.
Jaejoong:“ I'm already a man, thank you very much.”  Jaejoong said, trying to not to smile.
Yoochun: “Oh it is almost 3:30pm, it’s time for me to leave. I have a meeting about our new drama “Love at First Sight” around 4:00pm. We will begin filming and everything tomorrow. Thanks for the food". Yoochun grabbed his bowl and puts it the sink.  He went to his room and grab his things before leaving.
Junsu: “Oh I have to go too. Thanks for the lunch you made." Junsu grabbed his bowl and puts it in the sink. Junsu went to his room and gabbed his things for soccer.
Jaejoong: “I have to leave soon". I have photo shoots today for my drama around six. I will be probably be back before you guys. I will make the same thing for dinner again”. Jaejoong said talking to himself. Jaejoong went to the refrigerator and filled up Jiji bowl with milk. Junsu came into the kitchen with his soccer ball and his sport bag on his shoulders.  
Junsu: "I'm leaving". Junsu said to Jaejoong, watching him make dish water.  "Okay, I will see you later. I will probably make what we had for dinner again". Jaejoong began washing the dishes.
Junsu: “I am kind of getting tired of eating kimchi everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner”. Junsu whined.  
Yoochun:  “I agree too Jae.  Yoochun came into the kitchen and stood next to Junsu. We should go out and eat. We haven’t eaten at restaurant lately, due to our busy schedule.  Since we are all free later on, let’s go out and treat ourselves”. Jaejoong contined washing the dishes looking at Yoochun and Junsu. 
Jaejoong: “That’s cool with me.”Jaejoong pretending to smile, as if he agree with them.
Junsu: “Yeah let’s do that!!! We should eat at Taemin’s babekyu”.  Junsu blurted out, hoping that Jaejoong and Yoochun would agree with him.
Yoochun: “Yeah we should go there!!! I do have a taste for Taemin BBQ and Minho sundae deluxe.” Yoochun added, looking at the clock.
Jaejoong: “Okay, okay, okay, let’s meet there after work”. Jaejoong said as he finishes washing the last bowl in the dishwater. “I don't see how you two can get tired of eating my cooking. You both said that you can eat my Kimchi noodles all day, every day, for the rest of your lives". Jaejoong said with confusion. He swore in his mind, that he remembered Junsu and Yoochun said that last week.

Yoohun: "Well....(cough)...... we are getting tired of eating Kimchi noodles now".  Yoohun look away from Jaejoong and look up at the ceiling. 

Junsu: "I agree with Yoochun. At least make something else. 
Jaejoong: “Okay, I will make something eles from now on.”
Yoochun: “Cool!!!” Yoochun said nodding his head, looking at Jaejoong.
Junsu: "Well I will see you guys later!" Junsu heads out the kitchen.
Yoochun: "See you later Junsu. I will be leaving too. See ya Jaejoong".
Jaejoong: "Later". Jaejoong was alone in the kitchen looking down at Jiji eating. Jaejoong: “Now it’s time for me to clean the apartment before leaving for work. Jiji ignored Jaejoong and continued eating. "Haruman nibangui chimdaega dwegoshipo oh baaaaaaabyyyyyyyyy”. Jaejoong singing Hug, while he was  picking up stuff around the apartment and putting things back in place.
 Yoochun was in his "Love at First Sight" conference meeting. The room where the drama conference meeting was reserved at a 5 star hotel. The reserved room was on the 10th floor. The room was huge and spacious. There were many table's decorated all over the room. There was a stage built in the front where the director and other speakers spoke about the drama and the schedule. After 2 hours, the conference meeting came to an end and everybody was leaving the room.  

Min Kyung: “Hey Yoochun! Are you ready for our first filming tomorrow?” Min Kyung put his arm around Yoochun shoulders, drinking champagne, while they are walking.

Yoochun: “I am ready! We practice really hard during rehearsals and memorizing the script. I am looking forward to our first filming tomorrow” As Yoochun grabbed a cold a glass of champagne from the bar.

Yoochun: “Oh yeah I forgot". Yoochun sighed. He was hoping that Min Kyung would forget about the whole bet. "You don’t mind if I bring Jaejoong and Junsu along? We were already going out to eat later on.”

Min Kyung: “And who help you memorized majority of the script?" Min Kyung looked  at Yoochun, taking a sip of champagne, waithing for his answer.  

Yoochun: “Uhhhhhh, It was you Min Kyung. You knew the answer. I don't even know why you asked me that question." Yoochun finished the last of his Champange and sat the empty wine glass down on a chair. He grabbed his jacket from the chair and put it on.


Min Kyung: “You promise you would me treat me out to dinner, if I helped you memorize the script the easy way. We also bet by doing gawi bawi bo (rock, paper, scissor) and the chum chum chum to see what restaurant we are going to go. You lost both games. Since I won, I get to pick a restaurant for us to eat at and you are paying my bill too. We are going to eat out today.” Min Kyung said smiling at Yoochun, while he was putting on his grey wool suit Jacket.

Min Kyung: “I am fine with that. I haven't seen Jaejoong and Junsu in a long time. I am looking forward to meeting them again, but I am still picking the restaurant.  

Min Kyung: “We have to eat at Taemin’s Babekyu. I haven’t been there forever”. 

Yoochun: “You haven’t seen them since last week. Never mind.  Where do you want to eat at? I need to know so I can text Jaejoong and Jusnsu, where to meet at?”  

Yoochun: "Oh, that is great because all three of us were planning to go there after work. Yoochun is texting Jaejoong and Junsu about bringing Min Kyung with him at Taemin’s Babekyu". 
Random guy: "Yoochun and Min Kyung, director Chin Ho wants to see you both in his office, before leaving". 
Yoochun, Min Kyung: "Okay". 
During Junsu coaching at the recreation center youth soccer field……..

Junsu: “Aiiiiiissssssshhhhh, Min Kyung is coming”??? Junsu Whined. “He is going to talk forever without shutting up”. Junsu put his phone away in his bag.  (Soccer team is around 6-9 years old)

Junsu: "All right everyone, practice is over. You all did a great job today". Junsu picking up all the soccer balls and throw them in a bag. 
Sun Hi: Coach when are you going to teach us the cool soccer moves, you did earlier?” Sun Hi asked Junsu. “Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh” the whole soccer team shouted. Junsu laughs. 
Junsu: "Before learning the cool awesome soccer moves, you have to know the basic of playing soccer like dribbling the ball. Junsu is circling the team by drilling the ball. “I need to teach you, guys about the throw ins, the corner kick, and the goal kick”. Junsu kicks the ball into the goal. The soccer team watched Junsu skills with amazement. “I will teach you about direct free kick, penalty kick, and indirect free kick and more stuff. Once we get all that down, then I can teach you guys some cool soccer moves, to use on the field”.  

The soccer team: “Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh”. The soccer team (little kids) jumping and down with excitement.  

Junsu: “Okay guys let’s huddle. “Hana, dool, set (1,2,3)” 

Soccer team: “Go team”  
Junsu: “I will see you all this Saturday and I will give everybody their position””. 
Sun Hi: “Bye, see you Saturday” Sun Hi runs next to her mom.
Sun Hi mom: "Hello!!! I am Sun Hi mother. I came early, so I was watching you coach and you're just soooooo adorable with the children. The children seem to like you a lot. I know Sun Hi is only eight years old, but I can see her now being a good soccer player, just like you".
Junsu: "Neh.....I am not really that good..........." Junsu trying to play it off.
Sun Hi mom: This team has been at the bottom since the 90's. I believe you can take this team to the little league soccer championship.
Junsu:" I don't know, I hope we can make it that far".
Sun Hi mom: "Take care and See you this Saturday. Let's go Sun Hi".
Junsu: "See you both this Saturday." Junsu waives at Sun Hi. Sun Hi smiled and waived back at Junsu.
Sun Hi: “See you later coach”. 
To be continued……………… 


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Pleez update soon!!!
love your story its cool pla update
LOL this chpt was funny.especially jeajoongs parts!
Yoochun will offer their home for her to stay~~~ yeeee! hahaha. this is a funny chapter. i loled a lot.
that was good jasmine keep it up.
omg~~~ i couldn't wait to see what are the reactions of the other two XD
RainaTB #7
I know there in a bad situation but...LOL. <br />
I would probably grab the nearest person to me and yell as well!
RainaTB #8
Nuu! If the water seems diffrent you should never drink it! Lol This sounds so interesting so far, glad I made sure to check it out! :) Can't wait to read more! <3
Omg. Awesome! Can't wait for your next update. Kekeke.
I can't wait to see their reactions when they switch bodies!!!...I' m so existed!!!...thank you for the update...I'll be waiting for the next chapter ;)