When heart said love-4

When heart said love


Chapter 4
“I hate him!” Hae rin said, clenched her phone in her hands.
She turned off her phone and tossed it back in her bag, and started to walked towards the windows. The view of the busy street below the HR building on the eleventh floor doesn’t calm her down. She can’t get her mind off what Seung hyun said over the phone. How could he say something like that?
The sound door opened from the outside startled her. Mr. Kim entered the room with his assistant, Ms. Yun.
“Hello, father.” greeted Hae rin.
“Oh! Hae rin, you’re here.” Mr. Kim said.
“I want files on DDTC project at my desk by early next week. Inform our task force team to be at the SCTD project site tomorrow. And fax this document to the Celetron Engineering & Construction Company.” Mr. Kim ordered his assistant as he held 
out an envelope to her.
After Ms. Yun had left, Mr. Kim walked over to his daughter and hugged her. “How’s your day?”
Hae rin sat at the couch facing her father. “Pretty much the same.”
“When are you going to join us here then?” asked Mr. Kim.
“It isn’t my interest, father. I thought you knew that.”
“Yes, I do. But I also knew that you aren’t going anywhere higher with your doctorate.”
Hae rin glanced at her father, then looked away. “I’m sure Jaejoong oppa will manage this company by himself.”
“Hae rin-ah…” he said. “I built this company with my bare hands. I had been through many obstacles for the passed 40 years. Reality isn’t what you think they are. Competitions are everywhere.”
“I knew that, father.” she interrupted. “But I also knew Jaejoong oppa will be glad to run this company for you.”
“That wasn’t what am I saying. I knew Jaejoong could bring this company to the higher level than it already did. He’s a smart, hard working, creative and identifies well with people.” Mr. Kim paused. “I’m getting older, Hae rin. I want to see you success in your life.”
A knock from the door stopped the conversation.
“Come on in.” said Mr. Kim.
A young man stepped through the doorway brought a smile to Mr. Kim’s lips. He stood from his seat and approached the man, and hugged him. “How are you doing?”
“I’m fine, uncle.” the young man said.
“Come. Meet my daughter.” Mr. Kim said, glanced at his daughter.
“Hello,” The young man said. “We aren’t properly introduce last time we meet. My name is Taeyang.”
“Nice to meet you,” Hae rin said politely. “I’m Hae rin.”
“Mr. Kim, Mr. Alex has arrives.” Ms. Yun interrupts through the intercom.
“Okay, please bring the files to the meeting room. And ask Jaejoong to come as well.” Mr. Kim said.
He opened his desk left drawer and took a red file from it and then closed it back. “I forgot to inform that I has a meeting this afternoon.” he said, glanced at Taeyang.
“It’s okay, uncle.” Taeyang said.
“You two should go ahead with the dinner. I’m sure Hae rin won’t mind accompany you.”
Hae rin taken back by her father’s words. We barely knew each other, thought Hae rin. She nodded as she saw her father’s gaze.
“Great.” Taeyang cheers.
Hae rin grabbed her bag and walked towards the door, followed by the two men. As she stepped outside the director’s office, Jaejoong and Yoochun appeared from the corner.
“Hi, again, Hae rin.” Yoochun greeted.
Hae rin smiled, turned her gaze at Jaejoong.
“Hello, Jaejoong-sshi, Yoochun-sshi.” Taeyang greeted from behind.
“What are you doing here?” Jaejoong asked.
“Actually I want to invite your family for dinner. Since you and uncle have a meeting, I guess I just go dinner with Hae rin.” Taeyang answered.
Jaejoong glanced at Mr. Kim, then turned to Hae rin. 
“I thought Hae rin has a plan with her friend.”
Hae rin looked up. She saw Jaejoong staring at her. 
“Not really.” Hae rin said. “I-I mean we postpone the plan for next week.”
“Enough with the talk.” Mr. Kim interrupts. “We are late for the meeting already. Taeyang, please take care of Hae rin.”
“Yes, I will, uncle.” Taeyang said as he turned to Hae rin. “Shall we go now?”
Hae rin nodded. “See you later, father.” She slowly walked with Taeyang towards the elevator.
Hae rin walked slowly, enjoying the early evening. The trees overhanging the sidewalk were thick with leaves, and the warm air felt rich with the promise of summer ahead. Even the rush-hour crowd, with their briefcases and business suits, seemed to be dawdling more than usual.
As she walked, Hae rin tried to guess what Jaejoong going to do about her secret. Maybe he will keep quiet, thought Hae rin. Or maybe he will tell father about it. And then they will threaten him. They might do something bad at him. I’ll never see Seunghyun again…
“We’re here,” a voice interrupts her train of thought. Hae rin looked up, she saw Taeyang smiling at her. 
“Hae rin-sshi, are you okay?” he asked.
“Huh? I’m okay.” she replied.
“Are you sure? If you want I could just drive you home now. You don’t need to accompany me if you-”
“It’s okay. I need some fresh air too.” Hae rin interrupts.
“Okay then.” said Taeyang as he opened the door for them.
The smell of coffee bean greeted them as they entered. A few people were crowded in front of the counter while the workers taking their orders.
“I’ll be right back.” Taeyang said as he walked towards the counter.
Yay!!! another update XD  i'm sorry for the late update. I'm busy with my college. Probably, next week my update will coming late weekend but i'll update for sure. So don't worry :)
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LJoeIsMyHusband #1
Update soon! Hwaiting!
Yoo-rin #2
I'll be back tomorrow only posting 1 chapter though. Exam weeks coming..i'll try posting probably at least 3 chapters b4 hiatus for a months starting next week. Please wait for the story until then :D
jan888 #3
Nice update ^^<br />
but i really wish more seunghyun hae rin parts $=<br />
thanks dear <3
Yoo-rin #4
Wow! the subcribers getting bigger and bigger.. Thank you for your attention. I'll do my best to update frequently and i'll be update another chap early tomorrow since the internet service here down. Kamsahamida :D
Yoo-rin #5
jan888: thanks i'll try to update now but it totally gonna change from the previous version..so i don't know what's going to happen next..just how this 'writer's block' won't be long...
jan888 #6
It's ok dear ^^<br />
sorry for ur lost <br />
and the story OMG getting so excited <br />
please update soon
Yoo-rin #7
Yumi-hime: yah! Stop reminding abt that. And thanks for the comment.<br />
<br />
I'll update the chapters as i promise on friday xp stay tune~
yumi-hime #8
Good story! update soon.anyway it is not so long until semester break.enjoy your day. and please don't stress over MIB
Yoo-rin #9
Thanks jan88 ^^ i'll try to update during my free time..
jan888 #10
Oh poor she and seunghyun T_T<br />
and now what! !! Is she going to avoid him? ! Such a heart break </3<br />
i'm so excited for the next <br />
please try to update sooon dear <3