Teaser #7: 'Tomboy Sweetheart' Yang Soo Yun

No Worries, I Hate You Too [APPLY OPEN]

"And then and then, Zico oppa was hugging the giant hello kitty and whining like a little kid! It was so cute~!" Soo Yun stared at Mi Seon as she continued her 'Zico Rambles'. They were on their way home after a practice session with 'Ablaz-ed'. "Oh! And did I tell you about the shirt?" And this was even more tiring than practice.

"Yes yes, around 18 times already." Soo Yun sighed. The train came to a halt and they got off. "Seriously woman, you're obsessed."

"Obsessed and proud!" She winked. Soo Yun rolled her eyes and they both bursted out into fits of laughter. "Come to think of it, this year there's a 'SK Dance Off' right?"

"Hmmm...." Soo Yun thought for a bit. "Oh yeah!" She had been so busy with the underground battles that it slipped her mind. "Aish... How troublesome..."

"I'm sure you will be a representative!"

"MiSeon ah.... You must remember that I'm from Cube's north branch. There's Yo Seob oppa, Doo Joon oppa, Dong Woon oppa and all the other scholars!"

"But you improved a lot! Even Yo Seob said so!"

"I guess... Aish! No point thinking about this!" Soo Yun gently slapped her cheeks a few times as if to wake herself up. "Let's go play with bubbles!"

"Bubble freak."

"Zico freak."

They both laughed and headed off.

North's year 1 ace, Yang Soo Yun is also the sister of Yang Yo Seob. Commonly performing ballet, popping and jazz, she is the dance world's 'Tomboy Sweetheart' for being able to constantly change styles. In the recent ranking matches, she came out 4th.

'Bubble Freak' Soo Yun is quite... tomboyish. She tends to hits guys a lot making her a force you would not want to reckon with. Well, except for the boys she are close to who are the only one who can stand her strength. As for the rivalry between the two branches... no comments.

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 21: When will you update????
Please update...
I'm begging you * kneels in front of you with tearing eyes*
Chapter 21: This story is amazing :D why i didn't read it before :| anyway, you'll update ? ><"
keryna #3
keryna #4
please im begging u!!(kneels down)
Please UPDATE ur story
When will u update... T.T
keryna #6
i like your story<br />
i'm waiting 'patiently' for the update now..<br />
waiting..and waiting since OCTOBER 10th..<br />
please update soon..pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!!!
winterprincess #7
goodluck to your exam :D
haha, they're really noisy 8D<br />
update soon ^_^