Teaser #6: 'Dense Hunk' Lee Gi Kwang

No Worries, I Hate You Too [APPLY OPEN]

"His muscles... like oh my god!"

"I know right! It's worth it, paying $10 for gym entrance just to see him work out!"

A group of girls continues screaming at the corner much to the irritation of other gym users. Well, except for Lee Gi Kwang, the source of their eye candy.

His breath was steady as he ran on the thread mil. This was part of his weekly regime after all. And finally after 10 minutes, his stopped.

"Ahhhh~ So sweaty!"

Gi Kwang took off his shirt and began wiping off his sweat with grey towel. "I guess that's enough for today!" He turned around only to find a dozen girls on the floor. "E-eh!? Are you guys ok?" Their eyes shot up and they got up immediately, crowding around Gi Kwang.

"Oppa, please have this drink!"

"Oppa, have my towel!"

Gi Kwang blinked a few times. With a fool's grin on his face, he said, "thanks everyone! You guys are the best!" And once again, the girls were on the floor. 

Lee Gi Kwang of the south is currently completely his second year in Cube. Specializing in Bboy, Ballroom and Popping, he is the dance society's 'Dance Hunk' ranking 3rd in south's latest ranking.

I guess his name explains everything. Yes, he is a hunk. Yes, he is dense. Actually, dense is quite the understatement since he always has know clue why girls are on the floor whenever he is at the gym. The rivalry between south and north? I don't even think he noticed...

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 21: When will you update????
Please update...
I'm begging you * kneels in front of you with tearing eyes*
Chapter 21: This story is amazing :D why i didn't read it before :| anyway, you'll update ? ><"
keryna #3
keryna #4
please im begging u!!(kneels down)
Please UPDATE ur story
When will u update... T.T
keryna #6
i like your story<br />
i'm waiting 'patiently' for the update now..<br />
waiting..and waiting since OCTOBER 10th..<br />
please update soon..pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!!!
winterprincess #7
goodluck to your exam :D
haha, they're really noisy 8D<br />
update soon ^_^