Teaser #3: 'Charming Gentlemen' Yoon Doo Joon

No Worries, I Hate You Too [APPLY OPEN]

"AND IT'S ANOTHER GOAL FOR THE NATIONAL ATHLETE YOON DOO JOON!" He ran across the wide soccer field, flailing his arms in the air like a mad man.

"Y-yah..." Chang Min panted, "are you sure you're a dancer...? More like a football maniac..."

"I am both!" Doo Joon had a smug look on his face; was the title of football maniac really something to be proud about? He offered a hand to Chang Min who took it gratefully. A match with Doo Joon had drained him of his energy. "So, hyung's treat?"

Chang Min eyed him then slapped his own forehead and chuckled bitterly; Oh yeah, there was that bet whereby the loser had to treat the winner to a buffet meal. Which part of the idiot in him decided that he could win against THE Yoon Doo Joon? "First, you drain me of my energy. Now you want to drain the life out of my wallet?"

"As your dongsaeng, it is my solemn duty to drain the life out of your wallet no matter how difficult the task maybe." Doo Joon faked a solemn expression.

"You bastard..." Chang Min laughed and wiped away the sweat that was dripping off his forehead. "So, what should we have?"


"The new one in town? Isn't that expensive?"

"That's the whole po-" Doo Joon was cut off by a towel thrown at his face.

North's Yoon Doo Joon is currently in his final year in Cube. Specializing in Bboy, ball room and Salsa, he is the dance world's 'Charming Gentleman' with the kind of charisma in his dances that draws you to it. In the recent north ranking charts, Doo Joon came out 2nd, being beaten by Yo Seob.

Among his friends, he can e quite the crazy one and is widely known in school for his passion for soccer. When asked why didn't he go on to be an athlete, he would find a corner and start sulking immediately. Regarding the rivalry between he branches, he its ridiculous but whenever they meet, he himself gets extremely competitive. 

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 21: When will you update????
Please update...
I'm begging you * kneels in front of you with tearing eyes*
Chapter 21: This story is amazing :D why i didn't read it before :| anyway, you'll update ? ><"
keryna #3
keryna #4
please im begging u!!(kneels down)
Please UPDATE ur story
When will u update... T.T
keryna #6
i like your story<br />
i'm waiting 'patiently' for the update now..<br />
waiting..and waiting since OCTOBER 10th..<br />
please update soon..pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!!!
winterprincess #7
goodluck to your exam :D
haha, they're really noisy 8D<br />
update soon ^_^