Chapter 3

Who I Really Love

Baekhyun barely got any sleep last night. He kept on thinking about what Daehyun said to him last night. It bothered him. If only he could go back in time and if he did, he would change all the mistakes he had done that hurt Hana.


Taehyung knocked on the door, “Wake up! You’re going to be late to school!” Baekhyun lazily got up and stretch as Taehyung went to the kitchen and fix himself breakfast.


Daehyun came in a little after. “How sweet. My little brother made me breakfast.”


Taehyung moved his plate before Daehyun could reach it.”No make your own.”


“This is what I get after making dinner last night?”


“Correction, Hana did.” Taehyung replied.


“But who helped the most?” Daehyun said taking the toast off of his plate.


“Yah! You owe me bread!” Taehyung yelled.


Baekhyun came. “Oh thanks Tae.” He took his other bread.


Taehyung pouts. “This was my breakfast.”

Then they heard the doorbell ring. Daehyun, “Oh it must be Hana.” He went to go open the door.

Hana, “Good Morning Oppa!”


Daehyun smiled sweetly at Hana, “Morning.”

Taehyung, “ Good morning to you too.”

“Oh sorry I forgot you were here.” Hana said jokingly.


Taehyung, “Why do you guys make me feel invisible?”


Daehyun ignored his question, “Are you ready to go to school?”

Hana, “Yeah.”




Hana quickly glance back at Taehyung, “I’ll see you at school.”


Hana and Daehyun had a head start walking to school but since they were so into their conversation they were walking slow. Taehyung and Baekhyun caught up to them at school. As they got to school all of the girls screamed seeing the Hyun(g) brothers but, when they saw Hana they all glared at her.


“It’s that again.”


“First dating Baekhyun and now Daehyun…”


“I bet she’ll date Taehyung after.”


Then a group of girls were walking up to them. Those group of girls considered themselves the “Queenkas.” Nobody really likes them and their leader is SooRi. Who is madly in love with the Hyun(g) family.

SooRi trying to be flirtatious with Daehyun, “OPPA! Why don’t you date me instead of her?” Daehyun just ignored her and lightly squeeze Hana’s hand.  


The bell rang. Taehyung caught up to them, “Sorry to interrupt but Hana and I need to go to class now.”


Daehyun, “Okay, see you at lunch Hana.” He then kissed Hana on the cheek and went to the other direction.


As Hana and Taehyung walked to class, SooRi was leaning against the wall talking to her girls. After Taehyung walked by her, SooRi quickly stuck out her leg and tripped Hana.


SooRi, “Oops I didn’t see you there.”


Taehyung, “Are you okay?” He luckily catched her before falling to the floor.


Hana, “Yeah, thanks.”


Taehyung eyed SooRi and coldly said, “You better watch out next time.”


“But oppa~ I didn’t do anything.” SooRi said innocently.


Taehyung rolled his eyes and helped Hana get back on her feet. Hana gave him an assuring smile that she is okay now. But that wasn’t the only thing she had to go through. As soon as they entered the classroom the girls were giving her death glares. Hana had always feel a intimidated by it.


Taehyung, “Just ignore them.” Hana just nodded.


It was hard for Hana to make any girl friends because they kind of dislike how close she was to the Hyun(g) family. They started to hate her even more when she had dated Baekhyun and who is now dating Daehyun. They swear if she dated Taehyung they will chop off her head. But it wasn’t her fault that they were neighbors and that they’re parents were friends since college years. It wasn’t Baekhyun or Daehyun fault for liking Hana. Everything just happens.

In class Hana was doodling in her journal when she heard a slam on the desk. She looked up and saw the teacher at Taehyung’s desk.


Teacher, “Yah! Don’t sleep in my class! You’ll get detention today after school.”


Taehyung pouted, “Okay.” He glances back at Hana and saw her giggling.


After few periods passed at it was lunch time. Daehyun came in and sat with Hana.

Daehyun, “So what did you bring today?”


Hana, “Your favorite food.”


Daehyun grin. “You’re the best. You know that?” Hana only smiled.  


Taehyung came and joined them. “Oh can I have some?”

Daehyun, “No. Hana made it specially for me.”


Taehyung,“I don’t like you.”


Daehyun, “I can feel the love you’re giving me.”


Taehyung, “Whatever. I’m going to buy my own lunch then!” He left the classroom.


Daehyun turn his attention to Hana, “Are you busy after school?”

Hana, “Ummm no.”


Daehyun, “Good, then lets meet in the front gate.”


Hana, “Where are we going?”


Daehyun, “It’s a surprise.” Hana tilt her head and was going to open to speak but the bell rang.


“I’ll see you after school.” Daehyun said as he got up.


“Okay, see you later Oppa.”


Fast forward >>>

It was after school. Hana was waiting for Daehyun in front of the gate. 5 minutes later Daehyun came running.

Daehyun trying to catch his breath, “I’m sorry.. did you wait long?”

Hana smiled, “No.”

Daehyun, “I had to stay back in class to finish my test.”


“It’s okay. So where are we going?”


Daehyun grin, “You’ll see. Now let’s go.”

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Chapter 3: I don't understand but I always think that it's human nature that girls with hate on other girls with a bunch of guy friends because they think that those girls are s.
MonicaTanuwijaya #2
Chapter 2: This story has a good plot.i love it but just update more please zz
Chapter 1: Update~ It must've been awkward, how can Baekhyun not feel tense when his ex is with his younger bro!
Hello animeboba:). This story sounds interesting:D. Update soon & keep writing!!@.@!!