Zen's Flashback

Shingeki No Kyojin -Our Story.

"Why are you wanting to keep your hair short hunny?, you'd look so much cuter!" Zen's mother said as she tried to brush her hair around. "I dont like having it too long or it could get caught on something". "Plus what does cute have to do with it?" Her mother frowned. "Don't you ever wanna get married and have guys find you attractive!" She yelled and exited the room. Zen sighed and stared at herself in the mirror. "Who cares." she said softly. Zen headed out to help her dad and noticed her mother storming off. "Where are you going hun?" Zen's father asked. She turned and said fakely. "Out to town". He nodded and continued to chop the wood for the fire pit. "Zen could you see if you could find some meat for dinner,?"  "Sure dad" She said. For the past few days her mother would go out to town and come back very late, and every day Zen noticed how weird she was acting. As her father asked her to go get food, She nodded and went out to the woods. Her father decided to follow his wife in secret, hoping she was ok. He didn't like the fact that she would walk home alone in the dark. After killing a few geese, Zen threw them over her shoulder and headed home slowly. "What's the point of her yelling at me about being girly." "I'm still a women techincally." 

As Zen arrived home, she noticed the area was too quiet. Usually her dad would still be chopping wood and waiting for her mother to come back. As she called out she didn't get a response. Zen decided to look in the house. Maybe he had finished early? As she turned the knob and opended the door, her eyes widened and the geese on her shoulder hit the ground with a thud. There he was. Rope around his neck, it was tide to the beam on the house. His face looked like he had been crying for awhile. The room was trashed as if someone had lost control and smashed anything around themselves. Zen snapped back and rushed to her dad. She cut the rope quickly and caught his body. She was in shock and shook him , while calling his name. "DAD, DAD PLEASE. PLEASE DONT GO-" her voice cried out and she fought back her tears.  That night her mother didn't come back. Morning came, and as Zen finished making her fathers grave she kicked the trees around her and just shouted out all her anger and rage. Apparently a note was left that night. "Zen, i'm sorry to leave you so soon, but it seems your mother was having an affair and blamed me for "making you like a boy" please dont hate your mother for my mistakes."  "HIS MISTAKES!? WHEN DID HE MAKE A MISTAKE?!" Zen shouted and continued to kick the trees. Her mother appeared with her "lover", holding a box in her hand. Zen didn't turn around but she knew it was her. "What are you doing here?" Zen said coldy "Look, i didn't tell him to kill himself, he decided that on his own." "He was weak man" . "SHUT UP" Zen yelled as she turned to face her mother. "YOU"RE THE WEAK ONE, GIVING YOURSELF AWAY TO THIS LOSER" She said pointing to the new man. "You better leave now". Zen walked away and slammed the door to her house. The next day, Zen got up early. She went to town, and bought some bread. As she was heading back she heard someone screaming as they ran from the land ahead. "TITANS! RUN TITANS ARE COMING",  Titans, the bane of our existance. Keeping us from growing and living. As the town evacutated, Zen came home , her mother and fiance in her house. "Whats all the shouting out there?" Sure she could tell them titans were on there way, and save them, but.. why bother. its what they deserve." .  .. "Nothing" Zen whispered. She went to ther room and packed her essentials. Some clothes, food, water, a hunting knife, and medicine. As she headed out the door her mother asked. "Where you going?". Zen spoked without even looking at her. "Out." As she left she headed up to a save region where she could see the titans approacing the town. She noticed a titan heading for her house. She sat there, broke off a piece of bread and silently whispered. "Its not like i told the titan to come kill you, it decided that on its own" Fade to white


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