Fitting room

You're only mine

2nd day of my training. To be honest,  I feel comfortable here. I met new people that are, kinda, friendly. Gosh! Training for fitting room is today! So, that means I have training with Hansol. Someone save me! 

I checked in and went to Destiny's office to greet her. Then, I greeted the girls and then got choked to death by the idiots.  B-joo and I were playing tag. Childish, I know. But, it was so boring that I decided to play tag. It was either that or hide and seek. You can't hide anywhere in the store. So, might as well play tag.

I ran around the table, going to the right when B-joo's going to the left. Then, I ran around the store, bumping into a girl. ! What if that was a customer?

I turned around to look at her. And, wow, did she look rich. She wore designer everything. She looked like a model that came out of a magazine. However,  her clothes were drenched in coffee. Well, only her white shirt and her bag and her hair. 

And then, she screamed,"Ahhhh! This creature spilled coffee on my clothes," Creature?!

I just stood there saying sorry. I ran to the washroom to take a couple of napkins. 

I went near her to help dry her shirt.

"Get away from me! Don't touch me!" She yelled.

And, I just stood there like an idiot repeating sorry like a robot.

"Is that all you can say? Sorry? Don't you know how expensive these clothes are?"

I was about to reply when Hansol interrupted.

"What happened?" Hansol's voice echoed around the room, causing everyone to see what happened. 

"Oppa! This girl spilled coffee all over me!" She shrieked.

Hansol looked at me. I stared at the coffee spill on the floor.

"Omg!" The girls screamed. 

"Omg! Rebecca, Cynthia, Megan, Antonia,  I missed you girls," the model girl said. 

"Arie!!" They all screamed and hugged each other.  Is she still mad?

"Wait,  who is this filthy looking girl?" She demanded. Filthy? I thought I looked decent enough.

"Someone answer me!" 

"She's the new employee, " Destiny said.

"Oh, she is? Well then, you! Clean this up," she pointed at me."And Hansol,  darling help me take my shirt off," the model girl said and winked at Hansol.

So, I looked for a mop to wipe the coffee spill. B-joo who was so kind helped wipe the coffee with napkins.

"Thanks for helping me,"

"No worries," B-joo replied.

"I have a question. Does she work here?"

"Yup,  she's Arie," B-joo said. 


After cleaning the spill up, customers started entering the store. I quickly looked for Hansol to train me.

I went to the fitting rooms and heard Arie and Hansol's voice.

"I missed you, did you miss me?" Arie said.

"Yeah, I did," Hansol said.

"Can you take my shirt off for me?"

"Sure, baby"

What the heck is going on?  I'm gonna get out of here.

I went to B-joo instead.

"B-joo can I work as a cashier today?"

"As long as you don't flirt with them," B-joo jokingly said.

I laughed.

It's finally lunch time. So happy I've been starving.

Destiny came out of her office and told us that she wouldn't be able to eat lunch with us. Then, the girls said that they couldn't either. So, B-joo and I were eating alone while Hansol was going to eat with Arie. 

We went to the the food stand 2 blocks away from the store.

" B-joo,  are they dating?" I asked.

" Secret, why are you jealous?" He asked.

I frowned and furiously shaked my head.

"Oh, how cute!" B-joo pinched my cheeks. "That's okay, I'm still here," he assured me.

"Yeah, you're way cuter," I said.

"Really? Hah, so my cuteness are working on you," he said.

"Shut up and buy me food,"

"Okay, but still you admitted that I'm cuter," he stuck his tongue out at me.

Just as B-joo said he treated me to food. We ate dumplings, steamed buns, egg tarts and ice cream. We ate a lot that we looked bloated when we arrived to work.

It was back to work for us. B-joo and I were both on the cash registers. Joking around when there were no customers. He would jokingly say that I was flirting with a cute guy. 

"Wait, weren't you trained for cashier already?" Hansol asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Because I'm supposed to train you for fitting rooms today," Hansol said.

"Oppa, I don't remember anything. Teach me again," Arie said interrupting our conversation.

"But, I'm supposed to train her," Hansol pointed at me.

"You can teach her tomorrow, Oppa. Right?" She glared at me, mouthing say yes.

"Y-yeah, it's fine. I really don't care," I stuttered.

"See told you Oppa. Let's go!" She grabbed his arm and put it around her waist.

Hansol winked at me but I just gave him a disgusted look.

"What just happened?" B-joo said.

"I don't know but she is scary,"

"Don't worry about it! I'll protect you," B-joo said while showing off his arms.

"Yeah, I bet you're just going to scream like a girl," I laughed.

B-joo pouted.

Work was finally over and I want to go home.

"Hey, wanna play tag?" B-joo asked.

I shook my head.

"Okay, want me to bring you home?" 

I shook my head again.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, sunshine," B-joo said, waving at me.

I waved back. I just sat at the bench infront of Orange - Green, staring at the children playing. Then, someone tapped my shoulder very aggressively.

"Ow," I whispered. I turned around to see Arie.

"We need to talk,"

"Um okay," 

We walked to the park 5 blocks away.

A/N: What do you think Arie wants to talk about? What a cliff hanger! XD Feedbacks please :)

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Chapter 1: b-joo cute hansol hot who to chose
Bjooxlover #2
Chapter 19: Woooow nice job!!! I'm very sad that it ended but I enjoyed it a lot! Thank you!
saranghae1234 #3
Chapter 19: AHHH!!! that was so.... AHHHH!!!!!!! i loved this story sooooo much.... and now its over
Chapter 19: I love you so mych right now <33333
I'm sad its over though T-T
But I will gladly participate in a poll!
Wonderful job on this :)
Sonica-Chan #5
Chapter 19: Kyahhhh!! The ending just daww :3 Your the best!! ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 19: Great story XD I would love to kiss a hot model right now (; X3
Bjooxlover #7
Chapter 11: Wowwwww I wish Bjoo his last wish come true
Sonica-Chan #8
Chapter 18: Epic music start, Shades on! XD Yay we stop the wedding!! Love the story!! <3 <3
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl I love you so much right now <33333