And Mine is Yours

Two Hearts, But Yours is Mine

“Recording in 30 seconds!” The producer at Music Core exclaims and the fans immediately quieten down.

“Toheart fighting!” Woohyun shouts as they get into their positions.

The fans raise their Toheart support banners and cheer along with squeals of encouragement reserved for the duo on stage.

Kibum, too, breaks into a smile and he shouts back, “Fighting!”

“Toheart fighting!”

A third voice suddenly joins them just before the producer informs that they have 10 seconds to go before the camera starts rolling. All the fans are left bewildered, wondering where on earth the third voice came from and who it belonged to. Kibum himself is momentarily caught by surprise but in the next second, he chuckles out loud, knowing exactly who it is. Even though he clearly knows he is required to stay silent, his happiness overflows and he finds his lips moving in the next second.

“Choi Minho.” Kibum says conclusively into the ear-mic he is wearing.

The fans scream, happy that Minho is showing his support; but no one is happier than Kibum who knows that Minho is watching him from backstage, staying where he can’t be seen so he won’t turn the attention away from Toheart and be a distraction (which will most probably happen if he were to make an appearance), and simply supporting him in the way Kibum loves best.


Their schedules clash in between, with Kibum leaving Music Core for other schedules while Minho remains at the television station to prepare for the music show. They don’t get to meet each other backstage and talk, both occupied with work, but it’s something they’re already used to. The next time Minho actually sees Kibum is when he’s back on stage again during the live broadcast. The pre-recorded stage is played on television but Kibum and Woohyun are up on stage, performing in a fun and relaxed manner just for the fans who are attending the live session.

Minho can’t help but be excited for Toheart. He even stands up when they come on stage. After all, one of them is not only his bandmate but also his boyfriend, and the other is his bandmate/boyfriend’s best friend and his close friend as well. Of course he wants the best for them. Everyone knows how lucky it is to be able to do something you love with the people you love; and if this something is forming a subunit from two different idol groups, it’s almost certainly a once in a lifetime chance. After all the hard work Kibum and Woohyun have put in, Minho just wants them to enjoy the whole process and get all the support they deserve.

From where the hosts are situated, Minho can't stop himself from singing and dancing along to the song. It's also fun just watching the best friends interact with the fans in their own cheesy way. Woohyun uses every single opportunity he has to throw hearts to the fans and give them all the namgrease they love. It’s not just himself who is thoroughly entertained by his chingu; Minho also can see how amusing Woohyun’s antics are to Kibum (if the permanent smile on his face says anything) and how infectious Woohyun’s fanservice is when Kibum eventually joins in the fun.

It makes him happy to see Kibum truly being happy and enjoying himself on stage, but there’s still a tiny part of Minho that wishes he’s the one who is the cause of Kibum’s joy. It’s not just the jealousy he can’t help but feel; Minho also wishes to be part of the fun. This thought of being left out of a significant milestone of Kibum’s life has been at the back of his mind since he found out about Toheart. Yet, he can’t do much about it. Minho knows the only thing he can do is to be enthusiastic and show his support for them in hopes of reminding Kibum that he will always be behind him no matter what. Even if Kibum doesn’t say anything, Minho knows he still has his reservations about forming Toheart and not to forget, the insecurities that come along with forming a subunit outside of shinee (what would the fans think?). The last thing Minho wants is for Kibum to think he’s unhappy with the arrangement and end up putting unnecessary stress on him. It’s time for Minho to step up and be Kibum’s personal cheerleader… just without the cheering and jumping.


With Kibum leaving MBC before Music Core even ends, Minho and Kibum don’t see each other until very much later at night back in the dorm. By then, Kibum is already half asleep, so exhausted that he enters Minho’s room like a zombie, drops himself on the bed and closes his eyes fully.

“Night, Minho…” Kibum slurs as he pulls the covers from underneath his body and wraps himself tightly before rolling as close to the wall as possible just so Minho has the space to join him in bed later.

“Bum, your makeup…”

“Removed... the car.” Kibum is so sleepy that he can’t even speak properly but Minho understands.


“Later. Tomorrow.”

“At least get into more comfortable clothes? Your pajamas?”

“No, s’okay.”

“What about dinner? Have you eaten?”

“Too tired to bite.”

“Alright, alright.” Minho gives up, heart aching for his boyfriend who is clearly drained from the day’s activities, as he gently Kibum’s head and bends down to press a kiss on his forehead, “Get a good sleep, baby.”

“Mmm.” Kibum responds sleepily and mutters, “Love you…”

“Love you too.” Minho smiles defeatedly and then mumbles to himself while looking at Kibum, “Even though you practically hog more than half of my small bed every night…”

Still, it’s something Minho can live with for the rest of his life. As he watches how a fast asleep Kibum rolls away from the wall and occupies the center of his bed, Minho makes a mental note to get a king sized bed for them in the future.


Minho wakes up alone the next morning. Kibum sure is good at making sure he sleeps well. Everything is good though. He knows where Kibum is, knows his schedules for the day inside out. Because Minho has plans to visit Kibum at the television station today. It’s something he has been planning for quite some time, making arrangements with not only shinee’s managers but with Infinite too. It’s sort of a perfect cover up – another promotional tactic to garner more support for Toheart – all of them visiting together on the same day. Except Minho is the only one representing shinee since Jinki is still in Brazil, Taemin is practising for his upcoming musical while Jonghyun doesn’t need to make an appearance on account that Toheart is already scheduled as guests for his radio show. Of course, Minho isn’t just there as a bandmate; but no one needs to know about his other identity. After all, whichever identity he takes on, the reason for showing up at SBS is still the same. He’s there to show his support.

When Minho walks into the waiting room and finds only Woohyun there with some backup dancers and their stylists occupied with doing their own stuff, a part of him is relieved. There’s something he has to do which he rather Kibum not find out.


“Hey! Minho, you’re here! Kibum’s just-”

Minho doesn’t allow Woohyun to finish talking though. He quickly shushes his chingu with a sign to keep his volume down as he settles down next to Woohyun on the huge couch and gestures for him to come closer. Woohyun is visibly confused but he leans towards Minho.

“What is it?” Woohyun asks.

“I heard you bought your own album?”

“You mean Toheart’s album?” Woohyun asks and when he sees Minho nodding, he continues, “Yeah, I did. Why?”

“Whose photocard did you get?” Minho asks in a low volume, not wanting anyone but Woohyun to hear his question.

A smile tugs on the corner of Woohyun’s lips, “Why? Did you get our album too? Are you looking to trade?”

“Don’t you dare make fun of me, Nam Woohyun.” Minho warns, “Nothing is more embarrassing than you buying your own album.”

“Really? Because I personally think it’s more embarrassing that Choi Minho, the rapper of shinee, is hoping to trade photocards with me…” Woohyun chuckles as he then singsongs, “Obviously, someone didn’t get his Kibummie.”

“Just answer the question.” Minho punches Woohyun on the arm and then mutters out loud, “I don’t even know what to do with your photocard… unless I use it like a voodoo doll or something.”

“Hey!” Woohyun is offended, “That’s evil!”

Minho smiles, “So if you don’t want me to do that, you better help me get my hands on Kibum’s photocard.”

“Fine.” Woohyun pouts, “I’ll trade with you. I collected all 6 of the photocards anyway.”

“Now this is what I wanted to hear.” Minho grins. “Thanks Namu, I’ll trade with you next week then.”

“What are you two talking about?”

Both Minho and Woohyun look up towards the direction of the voice and find Kibum looking back at them with a curious and amused expression on his face.

“You don’t seem surprised to see me here…” Minho points out rather disappointedly instead of answering Kibum’s question.

“I met our manager outside so I knew you would be here.” Kibum explains, “Next time, be smarter if you want to surprise me.”

Minho shrugs and holds back a smirk as he says, “Never mind, you hate surprises anyway.”

Kibum doesn’t reply to that, his eyes travelling between his boyfriend and his best friend, and goes back to the original topic instead.

“So what were you both doing?” Kibum raises his eyebrows in question; and a moment of silence later, a sudden thought strikes him, “Minho, are you…”

Kibum doesn’t need to complete his question for both of them to know what he’s asking.

“He is!” Woohyun answers, more than happy to get Minho into trouble, “Bum, you really have to do something about your… bandmate. I'm worried for my life.”

Minho ends up laughing at Woohyun when Kibum rolls his eyes and joins them on the couch.

“I don’t know what you two were doing but I don’t think it’s even worth knowing right now.”

Woohyun grins and is about to tell Kibum everything when Minho turns and sends him a glare. That shocks Woohyun more than he admits because Minho has always been the nicest person he knows and so, Minho’s glare effectively shuts him up. Minho places a smile back on his face as he turns towards Kibum on his right and reaches out to squeeze his hand.

“How are you feeling today, bum? Are you still tired?”

Kibum shakes his head, “Managed to get a good sleep last night so I’m all recharged today.”

“That’s good…”

Woohyun sighs out loud, “Where are my members? No one cares about me…”

Minho laughs, “They’ll be here soon. I’m just early.”

“Infinite members are coming too?” Woohyun pipes up.

“Oh right.” Minho thinks out loud, realising he shouldn’t have said that, and quickly adds as he turns to Woohyun with a sincere smile, “Surprise?”

Kibum rolls his eyes once more, this time at Minho, and hits him on his thigh, “Not only are you bad at surprises, but you spoil surprises too.”

Minho shrugs, “At least I’m here…”

Kibum has nothing to say to that, well, at least not in public, so their conversation naturally dies with the both of them looking at each other. Silence never comes though because in the next moment, Woohyun bursts out laughing. Two pairs of eyes turn to stare at the third party.

“What's so funny?” Kibum asks on behalf of a puzzled Minho as well.

Woohyun grins, “It's just... always entertaining to see the both of you together.”

Kibum reaches across Minho to slap Woohyun playfully on his arm.

“We’re not here to be your source of entertainment, hyun.”

Woohyun just laughs even harder while the couple can only shake their heads at their friend whose funny bone has obviously been tickled. Just then, there's a ruckus going on just outside their waiting room and all three of them turn towards the door, already expecting it to fling open in the next few seconds. True enough, the door opens and in come the members of Infinite along with Soyou following right behind. Woohyun instantly jumps up from the couch to welcome s and they all start making so much noise. Minho is about to stand up to greet them too but is stopped when Kibum places his hand on his thigh. Minho remains seated as he turns to Kibum with a questioning look on his face.

“Thanks…” Kibum starts, giving Minho a small smile as he squeezes his boyfriend’s thigh, “For coming. It means a lot.”

Minho simply smiles.

Kibum takes that as the end of their conversation and is about to stand up to talk to Soyou. But when Minho catches hold of his wrist and stops him from going anywhere, it’s Kibum turn to look at Minho with a confused expression.


With a smile on his face, Minho turns his back towards everyone else so Kibum is the only one who can see what he says.

“You can reward me later at night.” Minho finally says, sending Kibum a quick wink, before he finally stands up to greet everyone in the waiting room.

Kibum is shocked for a moment before a helpless smile appears on his face. He should have known his boyfriend always expects something in return. Kibum thinks it’s nothing he can’t handle anyway. Besides, it’s the least he can do after all that Minho has done for him. So reward Minho he shall!


Kibum has no schedules after Inkigayo so for once, he’s able to head back to the dorm together with Minho. It’s a nice feeling just being able to go home together and know they have the rest of the evening to spend with each other. Kibum is happy, but Minho is no doubt the happiest. True, Kibum may be spending most of his waking hours with Woohyun right now but at the end of the day, it’s Minho he comes home to. And this is all that matters.


Kibum comes out of the shower in his bathrobe to find his boyfriend sitting on the sofa and smiling himself silly. The television is on but obviously, Minho isn’t paying attention, clearly lost in his own thoughts. Kibum shakes his head at how stupid Minho looks as he comes to stand in front of his boyfriend.

“Stop smiling so creepily to yourself, Minho.”

Minho looks up, raising his chin in defiance, “Why? Am I bothering you?”

“Yes.” Kibum sighs, “I can’t give you a when you’re looking like that.”

Minho’s smile freezes. He knows he probably has the stupidest expression on his face right now.

Kibum tries to be serious but he fails horribly and bursts out laughing in the next second.

Minho arranges his expression and narrows his eyes at Kibum, “You didn’t mean that.”

Kibum shrugs, “You wanted to be rewarded, Minho, and I was ready to give it to you but…”

Minho shakes his head, “I would be stupid to believe you.”

“Suit yourself.” Kibum walks away.

“Where are you going!”

“I may not be able to give you a right now but there is something else I can give you.” Kibum shouts his answer as he disappears into his room and returns to the living room a moment later with something in his hand.

Kibum climbs onto Minho’s lap, and Minho is distracted with the flash of smooth, fair skin when Kibum’s bathrobe rides up his legs as he straddles him. He doesn’t get to stare at Kibum’s thighs for long or wonder if his boyfriend is wearing anything underneath though because Kibum is holding something up right in his face, pressing it against his nose that Minho’s vision is blurred and he can’t make out the object.

“What is this…?” Minho asks when he takes that something from Kibum.

“Woohyun asked me to pass this to you.”

At the same time Kibum replies him, Minho brings the object away enough for him to see what it is. There, in his hand, is the photocard Woohyun agreed to trade with him.

“He also wants me to remind you to buy another album because there are two of my photocards to collect in total.” Kibum adds, not at all holding back the smile on his face, as he rests his hands against Minho’s shoulders.

Minho throws his head back and lets out a groan, “I really don’t like your best friend right now.”

“It’s okay… you just have to concentrate on liking me then.” Kibum laughs, “But I see you’re doing a fantastic job at that.”

“How long are you going to make fun of me, Kibummie?” Minho sighs as he meets Kibum’s eyes.

“Hmm…” Kibum pretends to ponder for a moment before he answers, “Maybe… forever?”

“This is what I get for supporting you?” Minho groans at the thought of being teased for the rest of his life.

A smile tugs on Kibum’s lips, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he shakes his head and says, “Not exactly…”

Minho raises an eyebrow in question as Kibum takes the photocard away from his hand and places it safely aside. With Minho watching his every movement, Kibum then slowly tugs at the belt that holds his bathrobe together and loosens the knot that he may as well have not tied. His intentions are clear when he shrugs the bathrobe off his shoulders, letting it fall and gather at his hips. But for the benefit of his boyfriend whose brain has most probably stopped functioning, Kibum leans in and whispers against Minho’s lips while sliding his hands down Minho’s chest.

“You get this too.”


Author's Note: *gasps* a total of 4711 words, and I could actually continue writing this forever (especially since the fan accounts never seem to stop). lol if it isn't obvious, this was supposed to end at "And this is all that matters." but i couldn't stop myself. >v< okaaaaay. once again, an overload of fluff and implied , i hope you lovely readers aren't sick of me yet. hehe. thanks for subscribing, reading and commenting! you know i appreciate all your love! *throws hearts toheart's style* ♥♥♥♥♥

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Chapter 1: Owww! So cute! ;w; I love it a lot. Jealous Minho... <3
Chapter 2: Oh, this is beautiful. It's great to see a jealous Minho, but I really like how you've also described him as so supportive of Key instead of him only focusing on the negative feelings. And Key is just in words at the end there. :F Besides that, the friendship between all three is also so wonderful and entertaining. Thank you!
Chapter 2: Oh! I'm really liking this (way too short) story a lot! How come I only found this now? You said you could write it forever, and I wish you would.

There are many reasons why I like this story. I love Minho's jealousy (I'm a er for jealous boyfriends, don't judge me), and I love the trust he has in Key nevertheless. They have a beautiful relationship going on, and I'm glad you wrote it the way you did (I really like your writing). But most importantly (at least to me, hey, if I'm a er for jealous boyfriends, then I'm even a bigger one for bromances) I love Wookey's friendship.

Love this story to the core, and I seriously hope you'll write more like this! Oh, and I'm loving the implied (... Just saying)!

Once again; thank you!
Chapter 2: LOOOOOL!!! Minho trading photocards LOL!
Chapter 2: what more can i say?? ;;;;A;;;;
Chapter 2: woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. Is it just me or have you gotten more daring with your scenes? Usually it's like fluff-fest (which i love) and now it's like fluff-fest + tease-fest (which I also love)!! In any case, amazing fic; i absolutely adored it. I love how you take little scenes like the ToHeart Fighting/Choi Minho moment and turn them into beautiful, realistic fics. Amazing job as always! <3
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 2: Okay I have to say I enjoyed this and this was really sweet but now I gotta ask cuz I hate being out of the loop...What exactly is Toheart?
Chapter 2: i got wookey's photocard (lol random)

but ahem the last part was ffuuu hot!! hahaa. aww minho buying toheart's album and wants kibum's photocards~ this is so cute of him!! especially his ~threatening~ part. but namu was cheeky in giving the card to kibum xD jealous minho is my favourite! such a supportive boyfriend
Chapter 2: OH GOSH!!! THAT WAS SOOOO HOT!... I love it >.< and for a second there I thought you'll write a so I checked the rating again :)) and lol at Minho's and Woohyun's photocard trading :))
Keyq1998 #10
Chapter 2: Minkey so cute *-*
Author, you're daebak!!