The Battle

Full Moon

kris red eyes.jpgluhan red eyes.pngexo wolf.gif

Chapter 6


~*2013년05월25일 Full Moon*~


Trees flew by them as they ran through the forest. The howls were everywhere, surrounding them. There was a strong feeling that overtook the land, clenching at Sehun’s heart, almost making it impossible to do anything. The fear that washed over him was none like he had ever known. And it wasn’t fear for his safety, but for Luhan’s.


“er!” Luhan growled out. Sehun cried out as arms wrapped around him, slinging him around to the other side of the body, barely being missed by sharp claws. He watched as Luhan’s eyes turned blood red and the person reaching for him went flying back into the trees. “Don’t look back! Keep running!” Luhan told him, taking his hand once more. Sehun nodded as he ran behind the other, but he was slowly getting tired. He didn’t know how long they had been running for, and he wasn’t sure how much longer they would be running. He couldn’t keep this up! This wasn’t part of his training.


A shadow caught his attention as it blocked out the moon’s light. Looking up, Sehun stared at the figure that was swooping down towards them, a gasp leaving him a second too late. Falling to the ground, Sehun rolled a few feet away from his fallen lover. His arm stung horribly, but he didn’t care about himself.


“Luhan!” he called, crawling to his feet.  Lifting his head, Luhan groaned. His head was throbbing, his back was throbbing….damn it that was such a sneak attack. Looking over, he stared at Sehun, eyes widening as he saw the shadow coming out from the trees.


“Sehun move!” Luhan shouted. Sehun turned and stared at the male behind him. He dodge the hand quickly, stumbling to the ground again. Crawling away, he heard a hard thud and looked over his shoulder, the person was gone. His arm was taken and he looked up, staring at Luhan.


“Hurry.” Luhan said, pulling the other to his feet and started running again.


“Hyung, why are we running?! We can face them and stop them can’t we? Luhan?” he asked. He was tired of running. His arm was throbbing painfully, blood rolling down and dropping to the floor from the gash. He needed to rest, they needed to stop. Luhan was blocking most of their attacks, why couldn’t they face them?


Luhan came to a sudden stop and Sehun ran right into his side. Holding onto the other, he frowned, looking in front of them. “That’s why.” Luhan whispered as he stared at the five males before them.


“Luhan...did you think we were that stupid? We knew from the start you were going to do this!” Kris hissed out lowly.


“Leave him alone! He has nothing to do with this! He’s innocent!” Luhan snapped at them.


Sehun was confused. This was not a language he knew. But apparently it was one that Luhan knew. He didn’t wanted to question it though. “Luhan.” he whispered, stepping behind the other for protection.


“Run Sehun.” Luhan whispered, eyes still locked on the people he once called his friends...his family.


“No, not without you.” Sehun whispered, gripping Luhan’s hand tightly.


“Don’t argue baby. Go….please.” The desperation in Luhan’s voice was the only reason he gave in. Letting go, he walked backwards slowly. Turning he started running only to come to a skidding hault.




Luhan tensed at the voice and he turned quickly, looking behind them. Damn it!



“Kai.” Luhan growled. He was itching to move, to get closer to Sehun and hold him, protect him. But he knew if he made one move, the tension was going to break. He wanted to hold this off as long as he could. Maybe they could talk them down from this.


“Suho.” Kris hissed.


“Kris.” Suho whispered, eyes moving from Sehun to the other group. They were all this was how it was going to be. “Sehun, come to us.” he called and held out his hand. “It’s time you take your place and join the fight.”


“N-no!” Sehun said and stepped back from them.


Kai looked to Sehun, eyes moving over the other. The turned red and he growled. “He’s been marked.”


“You marked him?!” Lay called out, staring at Luhan in shock.


“Yes!” Luhan snapped. “He’s my mate now and there is nothing you can do to stop that.” he said, head turning from one group to the other. “Sehun.” Luhan called out, looking to the other, hand reaching out.


Looking back at Luhan, Sehun took another step back. “Don’t do it!” Kyungsoo said. “Are you really going to trust one of them? They want nothing more than to keep us separate. They’re are enemies, incapable of any emotion but hate.”


“That’s not true.” Sehun said and shook his head. “Luhan’s not like that. He loves me.”


“Love?” Kai snorted. “You think he knows how to love?” he asked. “You’re stupid Sehun to think that. Do you also think you’re the only one he’s been with?”


“No! I know I’m not...he told me that.” Sehun said.


“Oh yeah...and did he tell you what he did to all his previous relationships?” Kai asked.


“Don’t.” Luhan growled out.


“No.” Sehun whispered and looked back at Luahn.


“Don’t listen to them Sehun.”


“Ask him!” Kai urged. “Ask him what he did.”


“Shut the up Kai!” Luhan snapped loudly at him. Growling, Luhan glared at the male, his gaze returned.


“What did you do?” Sehun asked softly after a few moments of silence passed. “Luhan…?”


Luhan’s hand lowered and curled into a tight fist.


“Tell him.” Kai said.


“Shut up.” Luhan growled.


“What? Not man enough to tell him?” Kai asked.


“ off.” Luhan growled again.


“Luhan tell me.” Sehun said insistently. He didn’t know why he wanted to know...demanded to know. But he needed to know. It was because of Kai’s prodding, but he needed to know now. Luhan looked away.


“I killed them and feed off of them.” he finally answered. Sehun felt his blood turn cold. Luhan killed them? Ate them? Sehun’s mind went back to the lake, to the bite that Luhan caused and how he acted to the blood. Would Luhan have done the same thing to him?


“See Sehun? He’s nothing but a monster. Now come to us so we can take care of this trash.” Kai called and held out his hand. Luhan’s head snapped up and he looked at them.


“Don’t go Sehun...don’t!”  Sehun looked between the two, completely unsure of what he should do now. He still loved Luhan….but….Sehun looked away then and started walking towards Kai. Luhan felt his chest tightening as he watched for the second time as Sehun left him.


“Hunnie.” Luhan whispered. “Please...don’t go.” He felt the tears starting to form.


“You’’re a monster.” Sehun whispered as he moved and stood next to Kai. “You would have done the same thing to me wouldn’t you?” he asked.


“No!” Luhan protested. “I wouldn’t have! Never!” He froze as Sehun held up his arm then. He watched as the blood dripped off the pale skin, the copper aroma filling the air. He could feel it, his beast wanted out, wanted to feed.


“Then look me in the eyes and tell me right now you don’t want to do kill me!” Sehun said. Luhan growled and stepped further back, turning from the sight.


“Sehun stop.” Luhan pleaded.


“I knew it…” Lowering his arm, Sehun moved back with Kai and stood there.


“See there Luhan? We told you so didn’t we?” Xiumin asked. “He’s nothing. He won’t even stay by your side. Swayed by words so easily. Now come and fight with us. If you do, all will be forgiven.”


Luhan looked back at his friends...his family. The only people who had ever understood him, what he wanted and needed. The people who had stood by his side even in his most desperate times. Not even the murderous beast within him drove them away, because they were the same. They were one in the same.  


“No.” Luhan said firmly. “I won’t stand by you and fight! I will never fight against the one person I love!”


“That’s too bad.” Kris said and Sehun gasped. He hadn’t thought they could speak his language...but they could.  “Because the one person you love is willing to fight you. You were warned Luhan.” he said and moved closer, slowly circling the other. “Now you have to fight us all off. We’re not going to stand for this treason!” he said and pounced at the other.


“Stay back!” Luhan shouted, sending Kris flying backwards with a single hand motion. Luhan cried out as he was suddenly knocked down, a heavy body pressing down on him, hand wrapping around his neck.


“I’ve been dying to do this!” Kai said happily, eyes a bright red. Luhan struggled under the other, gripping at the hands around his neck.


“Hey! I want a piece of him too!” Chanyeol called, running to join Kai. He grunted as Kris slammed into him suddenly, knocking him off his feet.


“Not a chance Dumbo.” Kris said and smirked.


Sehun watched as the fight began. The members were all rushing around each other, getting in hits here and there when they couldn’t use their powers. For some reason this wasn’t what he expected. It was more violent and the energy surrounding them was making the air thick.


He cried out, stumbling back when the ground started shaking. The ground split, Lay and Chen falling. Kris dove down and caught the two, bringing them back up and setting them down safely. Growling, Kris went for Kyungsoo and Sehun gasped. The energy surged through him and before he could stop it, Kris went flying once more, doing his best to resist the airflow, but still ended up hitting into a tree.


Kyungsoo looked at Sehun and smiled. “Thanks.” he said with a smile. Sehun nodded as he climbed to his feet then.


“Tao! Take him down!” Kris shouted and pointed to Sehun.


Nodding, the Chinese male smirked at Sehun, eyes lighting up.


“No!” Luhan shouted, hand waving. Tao was knocked right off his feet.




“Stop it!” Luhan growled and blocked off Chen’s attack against Sehun. It confused Sehun, that Luhan was fighting off the others to protect him. Luhan was a monster, he confessed it himself. Sehun rejected him again, for the second time and yet the other was still fighting for him.


“Give it up!” Suho shouted and Luhan grunted as he was knocked over by a blast of water. “He doesn’t love you! Give in to your fate!”


Panting, Luhan climbed to his feet and glared at Suho. With a thought, he sent the other flying. “I don’t care. I love him! And I’m not going to let anyone hurt him!”


“You’re so pathetic.” Kyungsoo said and grinned as the earth started shaking once more. Sehun stumbled back, clinging to a tree for balance. He watched, as Luhan fell again and struggled to get up.


“What’s wrong? Getting tired?” Kai asked. Luhan growled and climbed to his feet again and swung at the other, missing him as Kai disappeared. “You’re finished.” Kai whispered into Luhan’s ear. Luhan turned quickly, swinging, but Kai was gone. He cried out as Kai suddenly appeared in front of him, a strong kick connecting with his chest, sending him flying backwards.


Landing only a few feet in front of Sehun, the younger male wanted to run, but he held tight to his resolve. Even though Luhan’s confession in front of them all had really struck a nerve. Luhan...still loved him even though he rejected him.


“Luhan.” Sehun whispered before he even realized the word left his lips. Brown eyes opened slowly and stared at Sehun.


“S-Sehun.” Luhan whispered. Groaning, he slowly rolled onto his stomach. His body felt so heavy. He was getting so tired. He was using too much of his power, it was starting to take a toll on him. “Hunnie” he begged.


“Luhan.” Sehun shook his head.


“Please! Get out of here! Save yourself.” Luhan was begging with the other, pleading. He didn’t want to see the other get hurt. He couldn’t bare it of Sehun was hurt in this. Even if the other never wanted to see him again, didn’t want anything to do with him, Luhan would live with that, as long as Sehun was alive to tell him to leave him again. He would gladly be rejected for a third time.


“Xiumin! I’ve had enough of them” Kris said as he dodged Chanyeol’s attack.


Turning, Xiumin looked at the two and frowned. He couldn’t...they looked so cute together. Luhan really cared about him.


“Do it!” Kris ordered.


Biting his lip, Xiumin whimpered. “I’m sorry Luhan.” he whispered. He had to follow orders. He formed the icicle in his hand before sending it flying towards Sehun. Luhan turned, eyes widening. He tried to deflect it, but nothing happened.  His powers….


“No!” he shouted and with energy he didn’t know he had, he scrambled to his feet and ran in front of Sehun.


“Luhan!” Sehun gasped, staring up at the other. His eyes moved down to the other and he backed up slightly, staring at the red melting ice protruding from Luhan’s stomach.


“Hunnie.” Luhan whispered. “ now.” he said as his legs gave out from under him, collapsing onto the ground.


“L-Luhan.” Sehun whispered carefully. Slowly he knelt down and reached out, touching his shoulder. “Luhan.” he said. When the other didn’t move, he gripped his shoulder and shook it. “Luhan…” Still nothing. “Luhan!” Sehun called and shook him harder. Rolling the other onto his back slightly, he stared down at Luhan’s closed eyes and paling face.


“No. No! No!” Sehun shouted. Lifting Luhan up into his arms, he shook him more. “Luhan! your eyes! Hannie!” he cried, tears slowly falling from his eyes. There was no movement from the other and Sehun held the other against his chest.




A large burst of energy left Sehun, morphing into strong winds, knocking the fighting members down to the ground. Trees were uprooted, falling around them, heavy boulders flying into the air. When the wind calmed, the once dense part of the forest was nothing but an open field. The men slowly climbed to their feet. There was something different about some of them. Their smells were different, the bonds were different.


“Please.” Sehun whispered as he looked up at them. “Please!” he begged. “Save him!” he cried out. He knew one of them had the power to heal. He didn’t know which one did though.  Xiumin looked at them and then to Lay.


“Lay.” he whispered.


“Don’t...we need to-”


“Give it up Kris!” Xiumin shouted. “Look what has happened! We’ve fought and ended up killing one of our own. For what? For a world we can never accomplish!” He glared at the other. “We can’t accomplish it if we’re not all together. We need each other, even if we hate each other.” he said and looked to Kai and the others.


“He’s right.” Suho whispered. “We’ve been so blinded by the stories...of what each side only knows that we could never truly take in the big picture. We’re all to blame for this.” he whispered.


“Lay.” Xiumin said again.


Nodding, Lay walked over to the two and knelt besides Sehun. He took Luhan from the other’s arms and laid him down on his back. The other was going fast. He had never tried this on someone so far gone before. He didn’t know if it was going to work.


“I don’t know…” he whispered.


“Please…” Sehun gripped Lay’s arm tightly. “Please...I need him.” he cried. Lay nodded his head and placed his hands over the wound and concentrated, a soft yellow light appearing from them and slowly covered Luhan’s body.

The others stood by watching, and even those with the most hatred in them hoped, even just a little, that Luhan would come back to them.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 7: Awwesome fic :D
I've reported the person who plagiarized my story guys. Thank you for letting me know.
Hi. Just letting you know that you got plagiarized.
I posted on your wall as well but just in case a user on Wattpad has plagiarized this story.
Chapter 7: My eyes felt teary when shun rejected lu for the second time. I love this story. :) Glad Sehunnie came to his senses and started to help :D
good job authornim ~~~~
Chapter 7: Whee this was mega fun to read^^
LovesAsianDrama #7

AWESOME STORY.. Glad Sehun stepped up and saved Lu & that they are ONE NOW.

And now on to the sequel ^.^
Chapter 7: Daebak! Author-nim!!!
RedWriter #9
I love your story, author-nim. It was very well-written and I am so moved by the entire thing. Once I started, I couldn't put it down!!! It was beautiful!