
Full Moon

Chapter 1


‘When the skies and grounds were one, the legends through their twelve forces nurtured the tree of life.


An eye of red force created the evil, which coveted the heart of the tree of life, and the heart slowly grew dry. To attend and embrace the heart of the tree of life, the legends thereby divided the tree in half and hide each side.


hence times overturned and space turns askew. The twelve forces divide into two, and create two suns that seem alike, into two worlds that seem alike. the legends travel apart. the legends shall now see the same sky, but shall stand on different grounds. Shall stand on the same ground, but shall see different skies.


The day the grounds beget a single file before one sky, in two worlds that seem alike, the legends will greet each other. The day the red forces purify and the twelve forces reunite into one perfect root.


A new world shall open up.’




Sehun stared up at the dark, peaceful night sky. The only light was the light of the full moon, but that was the only light he needed. Silently he moved through the small forest located behind his house, taking the worn path down to the river's edge.


The sound of running water was comforting. This was Sehun's favorite place to go to just relax and unwind. He could remember the first time he found that spot a few years ago.




Sehun ran through the thick trees. He needed to get away, to just hide. He had never wanted to move to begin with, but he couldn't go against his parents. But he had been afraid that he wouldn't fit in, that people would pick on him.


He wasn't 'normal' by any means and he knew that. But that didn't mean he didn't have 'normal' wants and feelings, hopes and dreams. People just didn't see that. And today they had simply took it too far and now he was on the run.


He hadn't meant to cause it, and really he didn't know how it happened. He just knew that when he got upset, really really upset, things just happened. Though Sehun was glad the got what he deserved, he hoped he hadn't killed the guy. The kid had been thrown several feet away, dropping from several feet off the ground. And that’s what caused him to run, to hide. Those people, they were going to hate him, think of him weird and he didn’t want to face that. He couldn’t face that.


He could see his house off in the distance, but the sound of running water caught his attention and he ran for it. It didn’t take him long to find the river, the water rushing towards a small waterfall. He followed it slowly, being careful of each step he took. He didn’t want to get bit by a snake or something horrible like that. And he certainly didn’t want to trip and go tumbling into the river. Even if the waterfall was really small, it was still scary.


He climbed his way down the rocks slowly, making a face as the mist from the water hit him continuously. Once down fully, he stared around at the open field area. It was beautiful, serene. As he walked away from the waterfall, all noises ceased. The water in the river was still. This was perfect. The stress relief seemed to be almost immediate and Sehun found himself not wanting to ever leave this place.


“I wonder…” he thought out loud, but quickly dismissed his thought. He couldn’t live out here. There was no food and no shelter. Sure he could probably find food and make shelter, but he didn’t think he would be able to survive on his own. He moved to the edge of the riverbank and squatted down, peering in. It was so crystal clear and he could see his reflection in it.  He laughed softly as a small fish swam by, creating a ripple in the water and obscuring his view of himself.


As the water calmed once more, Sehun peered back down at himself, only it wasn’t his reflection he was seeing in the water. It was the face of another person. Someone he had never seen before. Scared that he had been found, Sehun turned around, ready to meet his maker...yet there was no one there. Confused, Sehun turned back around and the face was still there, still st

ring at him.


He was beautiful, this strange male in the water. His eyes were so dark, his face was cute, almost like a baby face, but at the same time manly. Sehun couldn’t resist the urge to reach out and touch the images. His fingers were inches away from the water and just as he went to touch it, a hand appeared from the water, fingers touching his own.


Sehun’s eyes widened and he cried out, flinging himself backwards in shock. There was a hand! A hand touched him! Was it a dead person’s hand?! Curious, he crawled back to the water’s edge and peered in. He didn’t see a floating body anywhere, didn’t see the hand and...he didn’t see the face anymore. He looked around listening for any sound of maybe someone playing a prank on him. But he didn’t see anyone, and didn’t hear anyone. It was just quiet….so quiet. Glancing back down at the water, he felt his heart thumping harder and louder in his chest.


If there had been no one around, no dead body...then who touched him? Was it...was it that guy in the water? But how? How was that possible? Sehun wasn’t sure, but he was going to find out. He was going to come back everyday until he saw that man again in the water, felt his fingers on his again and when he did, he was going to yank him out and expose him as the phony that he was!




Four years had past since that day and Sehun, true to his own mental word came back everyday and waited, watching. For hours he would sit there, staring at the water and everyday he would return home when the sun started to rise, disappointed and feeling so alone. He had never seen that mysterious man again.


Still, even though Sehun’s hopes of seeing that guy again were dashed, the spot was still a nice place to go to just sit back and unwind, the only reason he still kept returning. And like many other nights, this night he needed to get away from everything bothering him in the world.


He sighed as the familiar twisted tree came into view. His stress was leaving him quickly. As he approached, movement caught his eye and he stilled, watching as a figure moved around the tree. Ducking behind a smaller tree, Sehun peered around, watching the person curiously. As the person came around he gasped, quickly covering his mouth.


It was that guy! That guy in the water! What was he doing here? Was he going to try and pull that prank again? Sehun was finally going to catch that jerk red handed! Maybe not even that. No, he was feeling daring. He was going to confront the other. Stepping out from behind the tree, he puffed up his chest and marched over to him.


"Hey!" he called as he walked over to the other. The guy turned, looking so shocked to see him there. There was no mistaking it now, this was certainly the guy he had seen four years ago. And he was still as beautiful as the same day he saw him. It was almost like he hadn't aged. He was so youthful looking, Sehun was a little jealous. "You, I know you!" Sehun said before he could stop himself.


The words just came tumbling out of his mouth and was he going to explain that? A person he had only seen once in water before was now standing in front of him.


"You do?" the guy asked, brow raised. He had a little smirk playing on his lips and Sehun wanted to smack it right off of his face. He wasn't sure though if the other was joking around, or if he really meant it. Had it just been a dream? A vision maybe? No...he didn't usually get visions.


"Ah...I mean...I've seen you at school. You're new right?" Good cover Sehun. Now hopefully this guy really was new at the school...or at least went to school still. The guy nodded his head and laughed softly.


"Yes." he said and bowed slightly. "My name is Xi Lu Han." he introduced himself with a smile. "But you can call me...Luhan."


Luhan....? What a strange name. Was this kid really Korean? Maybe not...that would explain him having such a youthful looking face.


"Pleasure to meet you." Sehun said politely. "My name is Oh Se Hun. But my friends call me Sehun."


"Sehun...that's a pretty name." Luhan commented, smiling at him.


"I said my friends called me that, you need to call me appropriately." Sehun frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.


"Oh?" Luhan asked and chuckled. "My apologies, would you like me to address you by your family name?" he asked.


"Yes." Sehun said with a nod.


"Okay then. It's a pleasure to meet you Oh-ssi."


That was better. Sehun felt a sense of contentment overcoming him. It wasn't the confrontation he had planned, and it wasn't the payback he had planned either, but he felt it was better than nothing. A little deeming...maybe...but Sehun didn't care. That's what the idiot got for scaring the out of him! Well...he still wasn't sure it was this Luhan character but he would find out...eventually. Awkward silence fell between them and Sehun looked around, trying to avoid the other's eyes.


"So, Oh-ssi, may I ask what you're doing here?" Luhan asked.


"No." Sehun said curtly. He shifted on his feet, glancing back at the other. "What are you doing out here?" he questioned.


"Me? Well I was just exploring." Luhan said. "I live not far from here, so I thought I would find out what was in my backyard. This guy lived close? What? How come he hadn't noticed a new family moving in? Did they do it in a single night while people slept? Were they vampires?


"Oh." Sehun muttered. He was certainly more perplexed than he had been originally. It was like he was a private detective and this case just took a huge turn! They fell silent again, though it wasn't as thick of an awkwardness between them.


"The moon is beautiful tonight." Luhan commented, staring up at the sky. Sehun looked up at the dark sky. His eyes landed on the full moon, taking in it's beauty. The light it gave off was always breath taking.


"It is." Sehun agreed. He dropped his head, turning to look at the other once more and gasped. Luhan was suddenly extremely close to his person. He hadn't been just a few seconds ago. When did he get so close and how come Sehun hadn't noticed him moving.


"The way the moonlight lights up the sky is breathtaking. But not as breathtaking as you." Luhan whispered, leaning closer to Sehun. Sehun felt himself start to panic. Too close! This was too close! Not to mention this person was a guy! Nothing good ever happened to a person (male or female) when a creepy guy got really close. He felt the sudden surge course through his body and before he could even think of trying to figure out how to stop it, Luhan went flying, landing in the nearby water.


"Oh god." Sehun whispered, covering his mouth in shock. He watched as Luhan climbed to his feet, the shallow water rippling at his shins. He was staring, eyes wide at Sehun. He reminded Sehun of a deer caught in headlights and in any other situation maybe he would have laughed. But not here, not now. His flight response kicked in and without a word he turned and sprinted away, taking the path back to his home as fast as he could.


This was not good!




Sehun refused to go back to the river spot after that day. And he purposely made it his goal to sneak through the school. Granted he had never actually seen the other in the school, he wasn't going to take any chances. A month past since that incident and thankfully it seemed no one knew about it. The mobs weren't out after him again and he didn't have to change schools once more. It was relief to Sehun, because he didn't want to disappoint his parents. His parents simply thought he was fighting, if they really knew what was going on, what happened....he was afraid of what they would do to him. More so of what they wouldn't do to him...would they stop loving him? Sehun didn't know and he didn't plan to find out any time soon.


When the next full moon came, Sehun found himself walking down the long missed path, heading slowly down to the river. It had been a full month, surely the idiot Luhan wouldn't be there. Hopefully the other packed up and went back to where he came from. Sehun simply wanted to move on with his life. He came, he saw, he confronted and got the scared out of him. Now he just wanted to forget that it ever happened.


The area was empty when he got there and Sehun sighed softly. He was alone...thankfully. He took a seat at the water’s edge, back against the tree, eyes closing as he relaxed. It felt so nice to be able to just relax.


“Beautiful night isn’t?”


Sehun’s eyes widened and he jumped away from the voice, falling onto his back. His eyes locked with those of the creeper from last month….Luhan. Where did he come from? It had been so quiet, so still. He would have heard if someone had been walking, so how?


“Are you alright?” Luhan asked, shifting closer to the fallen body. Sehun scrambled backwards. “Hey wait! Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you.”


“I don’t believe you!” Sehun said. He winced as his head connected with the nearby tree, halting his movements.




“You! Last month! You’re a creeper!” Sehun accused. Luhan sat back and blinked at Sehun. A grin slowly spread over his lips, laughter bubbling in his chest and spilling out. Sehun didn’t know why Luhan was laughing. This wasn’t funny!


“I’m sorry.” Luhan said through his laughter. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” he said. Holding out his hand towards Sehun, he smiled. “Come on, give me another chance Oh-ssi?” Sehun looked him over carefully, debating on whether or not to take the hand. In the end, he took it, using it as leverage to get up on his knees. He watched Luhan carefully as he made his way back to his seat and sat down.




“Huh?” Luhan asked, cocking his head.


“My name is Sehyun, call me Sehun.” Luhan smiled slightly, shifting to sit next to the other up against the tree. “Don’t think this makes us friends though.” he said to clarify everything. “It just feels weird with you calling me by my last name.” he said.


“Ah, right.” Luhan said and looked away, chuckling softly. “So I still have to work on being your friend? You know it might go faster if you didn’t act like a ninja at school.”


Sehun flushed, frowning as he looked at Luhan. So the other had been there, was watching. But how come had never caught sight of the other? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  he denied, making Luhan laugh.


“Oh, okay.” Luhan said. Looking forward again, he stared out at the river, taking in the calm water. It was comfortable, at least he thought so. Better than his first meeting with Sehun. “Sehun-ah.” he whispered. “Can we talk about what happened last month?” he asked.


The air around them became very thick and dense suddenly and he turned, looking back at Sehun. “How did you do that?” he asked softly. Sehun looked away and refused to answer. “Come on, you can tell me.” Luhan said, nudging his side gently.


“ I can’t.” Sehun whispered, trying to shift away from him.  He wasn’t sure how he had done it anyway, so he wouldn’t be able to tell the other, even if he wanted to. Luhan sighed and sat back against the tree, silence falling once more between them. The night air was filled with a still silence, no noises from any animals. It was almost scary.


“I can do things too.” Luhan said, causing Sehun to turn, staring at him with a confused look on his face.


“What are you talking about?”


“Like what you did to me.” Luhan said. “You used wind right? To throw me into the river.” Luhan smiled as Sehun blushed and looked away again. Luhan had never felt a gust of wind so powerful before. “I can do things to.” he said.  Sehun turned his head slowly to stared at Luhan. “Here, see?” he said. Luhan stared at a rock between them. Sehun’s eyes widened as the rock started to float, lifting high and higher until it was eye level with him.


“Wow.” he whispered.


Luhan chuckled and lowered the rock back down gently. Looking back at Sehun, he smiled. “Telekinesis.” he said. “It’s the ability to move people or objects with the mind.” he said. Sehun nodded. He knew what the power was, he had seen it used in movies before. But he always thought it was just make believe. Though it seemed stupid to have that viewpoint considering what he was able to do.


“Can you only control one thing at a time?” Sehun asked curiously.


“No. I can do many at one time. I’ve had many years to practice.”  he told Sehun. “Watch.” he said. Luhan stared at the ground, concentrating. The leaves that lay fallen from the branches above began to rise around them. They did a small dance around them. Sehun watched in awe, a small giggle leaving him. He felt like a child playing a game for the first time. It was so wonderful to watch. Eventually though, the leaves dropped and Sehun looked to Luhan. The other looked tired and slightly out of breath.


“Are you alright?” he asked worriedly.


“I’m fine.” Luhan told him, waving him off slightly. “It takes a lot of contraction to do many items at once. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.” he assured him. Resting back at the tree, he watched Sehun closely. “So...tell me about your power.”


“My...power?” Sehun asked. He bit his bottom lip and shook his head. He turned away from the other again, not sure if he really wanted to talk about it. Though Luhan had opened up to him, showed him what he could do. Maybe...he could trust the other. He was like him after all.


“I...guess I control wind.” Sehun said and looked back at Luhan. “I mean, I don’t control it. It just sort of happens.” he said with a shrug.


“You don’t know how to control it yet?” Luhan asked, frowning. “How long have you had this power?”


“A while.” Sehun said after a long pause. “Since I was little. We’ve moved a lot because of it. But my parents think it’s because I’m just fighting. They don’t know it’s because….” he sighed deeply and rested his head against the tree trunk, closing his eyes tightly. “It only happens when I get upset, or paniced. I just can’t control it, can’t stop it from happening. I don’t know if I ever could.”


“You can.” Luhan said and smiled, reaching out to touch his shoulder. “You can master it if you really put your mind to it.” Opening his eyes, Sehun glanced to Luhan, blinking.


“I can? How?” he asked.


“I’ll teach you.” Luhan said and grinned. “But you have to trust me. Do you trust me?” he asked. Sehun looked him over once more, cocking his head. He knew he shouldn’t trust creepers, but Luhan was certainly acting different than the last time he saw him, so maybe he really wasn’t a creeper. Sehun supposed he could give him a second chance.


“I trust you.” he said with a nod.


“Good.” Luhan said. “Then on the next full moon, let’s meet here and we’ll start your training.” he said.


“On the next full moon?” Sehun asked. “Why so long? Why not tomorrow?” he questioned.


“Because.” Luhan said and chuckled. “I have school you know, have to keep my grades up.” Sehun blushed and laughed. Right, school. He had that too. So then, the next full moon it was then.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 7: Awwesome fic :D
I've reported the person who plagiarized my story guys. Thank you for letting me know.
Hi. Just letting you know that you got plagiarized.
I posted on your wall as well but just in case a user on Wattpad has plagiarized this story.
Chapter 7: My eyes felt teary when shun rejected lu for the second time. I love this story. :) Glad Sehunnie came to his senses and started to help :D
good job authornim ~~~~
Chapter 7: Whee this was mega fun to read^^
LovesAsianDrama #7

AWESOME STORY.. Glad Sehun stepped up and saved Lu & that they are ONE NOW.

And now on to the sequel ^.^
Chapter 7: Daebak! Author-nim!!!
RedWriter #9
I love your story, author-nim. It was very well-written and I am so moved by the entire thing. Once I started, I couldn't put it down!!! It was beautiful!