The howl of a broken heart

Full Moon


Chapter 3

~*2013년04월25일 Full Moon*~


Sehun was ecstatic. Today was the full moon, which meant he was going to see Luhan again and they were going to work on mastering his power. Last month had been productive, up until he fell asleep. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep on the other like that. Sehun had planned to work until dawn and then just skip school the next day to sleep. But it just didn’t work that way.


It took Sehun a while to figure out how he went from the river to his bed without any memory of walking back to his house. With him sleeping, he realized the only way he could have gotten into his bed was thanks to Luhan. The other was strong in his powers, and Sehun was still in awe that Luhan had levitated him two stories off the ground and through a window and into his bed. His mentor was amazing.


Sehun looked up to Luhan a lot, so much so that he wanted to show the other his thanks for taking the time to train him. He bought something small, just a little trinket and he hoped that Luhan would appreciate it. He wanted to make sure it stayed safe too, so he carried it with him in his school bag. Knowing it was there was like knowing Luhan was around protecting him and for the first time in a long time, Sehun was actually happy to be at school.




Sehun sat at his desk, mindless drawing in his notebook. The teacher was droning on and on about nothing in particular, but it was sure to be on the impossible to pass test they were having next week. The door to the classroom slid open, the teacher stopped babbling and heads raised from notebooks.


Sehun watched as the young man walked in. He looked to be taller than Sehun, his skin dark. He had this unique facial structure that captivated Sehun.


"Can I help you?" the teacher asked, staring at the young male. He held out a piece of paper for the teacher to take and read over quickly. “I see.” he said and sighed, turning. “Class, we have a new student today, please introduce yourself.”


The boy turned and bowed. “Hello, my name is Kim Jongin.” he said simply. The coolness that was oozing from this male had Sehun shivering. He remembered seeing Jongin around the campus earlier that morning, but he hadn’t really paid any mind to him. Now though….


There was something about the other, they his eyes stared at him, the way they seemed to flicker. It was so strange, but so appealing at the same time.


“Oh Sehun!” Sehun jerked in his seat, pulled from his thoughts, blinking a few times. He raised his hand slowly then, unsure why he had been called.


“Kim-ssi, please take the empty seat next to Oh-ssi.” the teacher instructed. Jongin nodded and walked down the row, smirking to himself. He could feel the eyes of the other students following him, but he had eyes only for one person….


Taking a seat, Jongin sat his bag down and leaned back in his chair, staring ahead as the teacher began rattling off once more useless information that may or may not be useful in their futures.


Sehun found himself still staring in awe at Jongin. Far away he thought the other was very cool, but seeing him up closer now, Sehun realized this guy was beautiful….? Handsome maybe? Was it even right to think that way about another man? Well, he did think Luhan was very handsome and that didn’t seem wrong, so maybe it was alright. Jongin turned and Sehun blushed as their eyes locked. He was embarrassed to be caught staring.


Turning away quickly, Sehun looked out the windows of the classroom, sighing softly. This was going to be something to talk about later.


When the lunch hour bell rang, students stood and started leaving the room, other students coming in as they searched for their friends so they could all eat together. Sehun didn’t move from his spot. He bent over and opened his bag, pulling out what little he had packed himself for lunch that day, a sandwich and banana milk. Setting it on his desk, he unwrapped his sandwich, mouth open to take the first bite, but he stopped as he realized someone was standing in front of him. Tilting his head, he stared at the new kid and slowly bit into his sandwich, chewing carefully.


“Yes?” he asked after he swallowed.


“Oh Sehun?” Sehun nodded his head.


“Meet me after school.”


“Eh?” Sehun asked. Meet him? Why would he meet him? He didn’t even know him. For all Sehun knew he could be some creepy posing as a student. Oh...that was a bad thought.


“Meet me after school.” Jongin repeated before turning and started to walk away.


“Kim-ssi!” Sehun called out. “Where do I meet you?” Jongin turned and looked back at him and Sehun could have swore he saw Jongin’s eyes turn red. But it probably had just been the bad lighting in the room.






“Call me Kai.” Jongin said. “And meet me at the gymnasium.” he said. Turning back around, he continued to walking, leaving Sehun there confused and lost. His name was Jongin, but he wanted to be called Kai? What the hell kind of name was Kai anyway? And why the gymnasium? Sehun had a really bad feeling about this, but a part of him was very curious, and his curiosity always outweighed the nagging voice in the back of his mind that told him not to do things.




Luhan walked down the dark hall, determined to make it out of the compound before someone found him. He had managed for the past three months to sneak out every full moon, while the others were away feeding, without anyone noticing. Or so he thought. He had overheard Yixing talking with Xiumin about his absence. He didn’t hear everything, he didn’t want to hear it, but he was sure that eventually one of them would try and come to him later to talk to him. Or try and keep him from leaving tonight, or worse...follow him to the river and through the portal.


That was the last thing he needed, was for them to realize he had been creating portals, connecting their two worlds and visiting one of them. The other legends. The stories to Luhan were confusing. At one point in the past they had all been one, united together under the Tree of Life. But then something happened that caused them to split, that forced them to divide into two worlds, each with their own half of the Tree of Life.


He lived on the old stories, knew them by heart and grew up hating the other six legends. He always thought they were the ones filled with the darkness, that they were somehow part of the Red Forces that needed to be purified. But after finding Sehun, meeting with him and talking to him, he realized that these stories were far from the truth. Sehun wasn’t a red force, but Luhan was. He and the others….they lived in the darkness….they were the ‘evil’ ones.


Sehun...he was innocent, completely clueless as to who and what he is. He knew nothing about his powers, about the call that the full moon had on them. The lust to feed it brought. Luhan had intended to feed that first night, with a slight hope that in the process he would purify a red force. One step closer to the goal of reuniting as one. And the had been so strong that night! But he held back, because Sehun was not what he thought he would be. He was a legend with no knowledge of anything.


It took Luhan a month to figure out that Sehun’s innocence was genuine, which meant he had yet to come in contact with any of the other five legends in his world. Which was good, and Luhan theorized that maybe that meant Sehun had already been purified. If he had, then the others wouldn’t be able to find him. And Luhan wanted to make sure that didn’t happen. Even though he wanted to be reunited, wanted all of them to join once more and create a better world, if that meant risking Sehun’s pureness, he didn’t want to be a part of it.


Luhan hated to admit it, but there was something special about Sehun...something that drew Luhan in. There was a strong urge to claim Sehun as his own and protect him from all evil. There was an even stronger urge to couple with the younger male, which was not something Luhan had encountered before.


Luhan jerked as he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned, staring up at Kris. “What do you want?” Luhan asked smoothly in Chinese.


“I’ve heard talk, you’ve been sneaking out lately.” Kris said, looking him over, frowning. “Where have you been going?”


“It’s not of your concern.” Luhan answered quickly, pulling from the touch. He heard the growl from Kris and snorted.


“I think it is. It’s not like you to miss feedings. You’ve been acting weird lately too.”


Luhan rolled his eyes and stepped back. “You need to worry more about yourself than me Kris. What I do is my business.” he said and started walking again.


“It won’t be your business for long.” Kris muttered. Luhan picked up on the words. He looked back at the other for a brief moment before continuing on. This wasn’t good. They were catching onto him. If they figured it out, Sehun would be in danger…hell he would be in danger as well. But the thought of just stopping, of never seeing Sehun again was painful and Luhan didn’t think he had the strength or willpower to do that.


He knew what he had to do now.



Sehun took a deep breath, staring at the door that lead to the gym. Something inside him was telling him to run. That he just needed to turn back and pretend like nothing happened. But that damn curiosity of was just nagging at him. That and he kinda did want to see Kai again. Despite the creeper vibe that Sehun got from the other after his impromptu invitation, Kai was very handsome and alluring.


Pulling open the door he walked in and looked around. It was empty...great. Sehun stood there and wondered if there was another gym in the school that he didn’t know about, but he didn’t think there was. He wondered for a moment if maybe he had misheard what Kai had said about where to meet.


It just didn’t seem right that he was told to come there and it would be empty. Had he been trolled on? Oh, Luhan would never let him live this down when he found out.


“Glad you could come.” Sehun jerked at the voice near his ear, the hot breath sending shivers down his spine. He turned quickly, but there was no one there.  “I thought maybe you wouldn’t.” Sehun knew that was Kai’s voice, it had to be. He spun on his heel again, and like the first time, there was no behind him. Okay, he knew he was crazy, but to start hearing voices of a person he just met...well that was even crazier, so maybe it was possible.


“I’m over here.”


Sehun ce more and stared. When he walked in there had been no one, and now there were five other males sitting on one of the bleachers, staring at him. “W-Why did you want me to come here?” he asked.


“Isn’t it obvious?” Kai asked, frowning.


“Um...if it was, I wouldn’t have asked why I was brought here.” Sehun said. Really? That was a stupid question.


“Is this kid stupid?” one of the other’s asked.


“Be nice Baekhyun.” another hissed.


“But Suho hyung, really…”


“Do you not know who we are?” Kai interrupted.


“Should I?” Sehun asked, shifting from side to side.


“You don’t feel anything?”


“I feel scared. You all are a bunch of creepers and I think I’m just going to go.” Sehun said and started to back up. He grunted when his back hit something and he turned, staring up in shock. He looked back at the bleachers….Kai was gone! That was because Kai was suddenly behind him.


“We know who you are Sehun.” Kai said as he stared down at him. “You’re one of us. You belong to us.” he said.


“ of you?” Sehun asked confused. “Oh, you mean you have powers too?” he asked carefully, looking at the others.


“Yes and if you couldn’t tell.” he said and smirked, disappearing before Sehun’s eyes and reappearing back on the bleachers. “I have the best one.”


“Don’t make me set your on fire again Kai.” another male with a deeper voice spoke. That voice was...really attractive. Wait what? What the hell was he thinking! First Luhan, then Kai and now this stranger?! Really, Sehun needed to get his hormones in check.


“’re all like me?” Sehun asked.


“Yes.” Kai said. “And we need you to join us.”


“Join you? Are you like a cult or something?” Sehun asked.


“No.” Kai said and laughed. “But you do belong with Sehun. We’ve searched so long and hard for you. You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to track you down. For some reason...we can’t feel you like we can feel each other….and others.”


“Others?” Sehun asked. Was Kai talking about Luhan? If he was, how come Luhan never mentioned there were other people? Or did Luhan not know about these people.


“Mmmhmm...just like us. Though they’re not very nice. They mean to cause us harm, to fight us.” Kai said. “We’re your friends Sehun, if you ever meet someone else like you...that isn’t apart of our group you need to run, stay away from them.”


Sehun wanted to say he already had. He wanted to tell them that he met Luhan and Luhan wasn’t ‘evil’ like they were making these other people out to be. But he decided against it. The look in Kai’s eyes when he talked about these other people, there was something about that scared Sehun. Luhan was his friend and he didn’t want him to get hurt.


“Will you join us Sehun?” Kai asked.


“I...uh…” Sehun frowned, unsure what to do. He backed up slowly once more. “I need time to think on this. You can’t just tell me you’re like me and expect me to just accept it.” he said. “Honestly you sound like a cult and I don’t do cults.” he said. Kai was certainly like him and if he was, maybe the others were too. Which meant he could finally have a place where he could fit in and feel like belonged somewhere. But if he joined, would he not be allowed to see Luhan anymore? Or maybe he could still see Luhan and be apart of their group.


He wasn’t sure, but maybe there was a way to work it, he needed time to think on it. Maybe even talk to Luhan about it. Luhan may not know about these people and want to learn more or meet them. Luhan wasn’t a bad person at all, so maybe he could join as well.  “Yeah, I need time to think on it.” Sehun decided.


“ have until the end of the day tomorrow. Think it over carefully.” Kai said. Sehun nodded. Bowing slightly, he walked backwards until he hit the door. Pushing it open, he finally turned from them and walked out as calmly as he could. His heart was racing and he felt cold and clammy. He knew he shouldn’t have gone!




The sun was just starting to set when Sehun made it to the river. He hadn’t even bothered to go home. The conversation in the gym had worked him up so much that he just needed to go to his quiet, happy place and relax before Luhan showed up. Arriving at the river, he was surprised, but happy to see Luhan already there, staring down at the water. This was the first time Luhan was so early.


Shifting his back on his shoulder, he walked over to the other and touched his arm. “Hyung.”  Luhan looked over at him and smiled.


“’re early.” he said softly.


“I’m early?” Sehun asked and laughed. “You’re really early. What are you doing here so soon?” he asked.


“I am?” Luhan asked. He looked up and snorted. The sun was just setting, the sky a beautiful orange and pink hue. “I guess I am. Is it a crime that I’m here early?” he asked. Sehun shook his head.


“Nope. But it’s strange.” Looking the other over, he felt that something was wrong. Luhan didn’t seem to be his normal, happy self. By this time Sehun should be in some sort of warm hug from him. “Hyung, are you alright?” he asked. Luhan glanced away and shook his head.  “Do you want to talk about it?” Sehun asked.


“Not really.” Luhan said. But Luhan knew he would. He needed to talk to Sehun, to tell him everything he knew and warn the other. If there was a chance that he might be followed one day, he wanted Sehun to be prepared, to be on guard. There was a strong change that even with his powers, Luhan wouldn’t be able to protect Sehun...not if Tao sided with the others. “It’s just home stuff you know? I don’t want it to get in the way of our training.” he said finally.


“Mmm, if you say so hyung.” Sehun lowered his back, it made a heavy thunk and he remembered suddenly what was in it. “Oh!” Kneeling, he opened it and dug around before pulling out the silver sphere. Standing, he held it out to Luhan. “Hyung here, this is for you.”


“Me?” Luhan asked in shock as he stared at the orb in Sehun’s hands. It was beautiful, but why would the other get him this?


“Yes. I wanted to thank you for all you’ve taught me and will teach me. I saw this at the store the other day and so I got this for you.” Sehun told him. Luhan smiled and lifted the orb from the other’s hand, moving it carefully to rest in his own.


“I love it Sehun-ah. It’s beautiful.” Pulling Sehun against him, he hugged the other tight a soft sigh leaving him when Sehun returned it. “Thank you.” he whispered. Pulling back, he stepped over to the tree and sat the orb down at the base for safe keeping.


“Shall we get to work then? We’ll have extra time tonight.” he said.


“Okay!” Sehun said happily, the stress of the impromptu meeting after school and the memory itself leaving him. He was focused solely on his training and Luhan.




Sehun yawned as he leaned back into Luhan’s embrace. It was his favorite position to be in now, resting back on Luhan’s chest, the other’s arms wrapped around his middle. It was comforting. Luhan was so warm too.


“You over exerted yourself didn’t you?” Luhan asked, squeezing him lightly. Sehun laughed and nodded, looking up at the other. Luhan looked funny upside down, but still so handsome.


“Sorry. I know you said to take it slow, but I was doing so good! Now I’m so tired.”


“I understand.” Luhan told him and laughed. “I was like that too when I was learning. When you start learning to incorporate bigger items you get excited.” Sehun nodded. He had gotten so excited. Granted they had only been small rocks, but they were bigger than leaves, and heavier. So it took more effort, but he moved them. They sat in silence for a while, the light of the full moon shining down on them.


“Hyung.” Sehun whispered.




“Have you ever-” Sehun paused, biting his bottom lip. He wasn’t sure if he should ask this, but he was curious. And it just seemed like the right time to do it.


“Have I ever what?” Luhan asked, looking down at Sehun.


“Have you ever had an...attraction to someone?”


“Sehun, that’s like asking if we breathe air.” Luhan chuckled. “Of course, it’s human nature.” he said. Well it was also their nature and they weren’t all that human.


“Aish!” Sehun groaned. “Let me put it this way. Have you ever had an attraction to someone of the same before?” Luhan was quiet for a while and Sehun started to think he upset the other, or disgusted the other for asking the question. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-”


“I have.” Luhan butted in, rubbing Sehun’s sides gently.


“Really?” Sehun asked and turned slightly to get a better look at him. “Has it ever been like so strong that it was driving you crazy? You start thinking crazy things like how handsome and stuff they are, or like how you like being held by them? And no matter what you do it seems like nothing can make the feelings go away?”


Luhan stared into Sehun’s eyes, searching them. Why was the other asking these questions? They were all a one big giant yes and they were all centered around Sehun. The other brought out in him the beast he didn’t want Sehun to know about, the beast that Sehun surely couldn’t have inside himself.


“Yes.” Luhan nodded.


“How do you handle it?” Sehun asked.


Luhan gulped and sighed. “It’s hard.” he told him carefully. “I have such strong...urges...but I fight them.” he said. “Everyday is a constant fight for me. But I do it, because I don’t want to scare him away.” he said.


“Scare him away? I know you’re a creeper and all.” Sehun teased. “But why would you scare him away?”


“Because.” Luhan said and left it at that. But Sehun held his gaze, staring intently at him. The other obviously wanted to know more, wanted to know who he was talking about.


“Because?” Sehun prodded softly.


“Because I just got him to be my friend.” Luhan whispered. “He thought I was nothing but a creeper at first, and now he’s my friend. I don’t want to scare him away now that we’re close.”


“Oh. Well I told you you were a creeper.” Sehun said with a chuckle. It seemed that it didn’t register with the other what Luhan had said. And he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. It was good because that meant Sehun was none the wiser to his feelings, but it was bad because Sehun was none the wiser to his feelings and thus didn’t return them.


Luhan turned Sehun back around and pulled the other tighter against his chest, nuzzling his neck lightly.


“What about you Sehun, how do you deal with it?” he asked. He was curious to know who had caught Sehun’s attention. Whoever they were….Luhan would be watching them.


“I...don’t know. I think I’ve just been denying it. I didn’t think it was right to think that way. But I do.” he said softly, closing his eyes. “These feelings just come so naturally to me, and I’ve never had them before for anyone.”


“Why do you think that is?” Luhan asked.


“What are you my shrink?” Sehun asked and elbowed him lightly, making Luhan groan. Giggling, Sehun settled down.


“No, I’m just curious to get to know more about you is all, how your mind works.”


“Right, my shrink.” Sehun teased. “I think I have them...that they’re so natural because this guy is….the first person to really understand me.” he whispered, feeling his cheeks blush. “He’s kind and caring, and really fun. He’s smart too, and a creeper.” Luhan felt himself still. He certainly wasn’t as clueless as Sehun was. He could pick up on hints and he caught each and every one of them.


“He makes my life brighter and I look forward to seeing him every month.” Sehun said. “Do I have to continue or have you gotten a clue?” he asked as he tilted his head up to stare at him.


“Well you could if you wanted to.” Luhan said and grinned. “I wouldn’t mind hearing more of how wonderful this person is. So please keep-” He was silenced by a pair of soft lips on his. Luhan never thought lips could be so soft, or taste so sweet. Sehun pressed harder into the kiss and Luhan finally responded, returning it wholeheartedly. He had dreamt of doing this with the younger male since they met, since he first caught that scent of him and those urges emerged.


Damn it how it wasn’t fair!


A small moan left Sehun’s lips and Luhan growled, pressing harder into the kiss. His tongue lapped at Sehun’s lips. They barely parted before he was pushing his tongue in, dominating Sehun’s mouth, groaning at the heat, the taste of him. There was a soft brush of tongue against tongue and Luhan lost it.


Growling, Luhan turned Sehun, shifting the other to sit on his lap. Devouring his mouth, tongue squirming around in his mouth, he pulled Sehun’s tongue into his mouth and on it, pulling small whines from the other. The tongue retracted and Luhan gave chase, but the lips closed. “Luhan.” Sehun whispered against his lips.


Luhan tore his lips from Sehun’s lips panting heavily. Staring at the other, he his lips, eyes glowing red for a brief moment before turning back to normal. But it was long enough for Sehun to notice, making him gasp.


“Hyung….what...what are you?” he asked. This is the second time he had seen this eye color change happen. Only this time he was sure of it. Luhan’s eyes had been red. It frightened him. Yet even though he was frightened, he didn’t want to pull away from the other and run off. He wasn’t afraid of Luhan. He was just afraid of what he saw.


“I’m sorry.” Luhan apologized. He had gone too far. He had let his lust get the better of him. If it hadn’t been for Sehun whispering his name, pulling back from his could have went a lot further. And Luhan wasn’t sure he would have been able to stop himself from taking the other right then, regardless if Sehun pleaded for him to or not. “I should go.” he said and pushed at Sehun to get him to get up, but the other refused to budge.


“Sehun.” Luhan said sternly, frowning at him. “Now is not the time to be stubborn, get up.” he said.


“No.” Sehun said and crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t run away from me hyung.” he said. “You have nothing to fear, you didn’t scare me away.” he told him. “So don’t push me away.”


Luhan stared into his eyes before looking away. “I’m not...I’m not like you Sehun.”


“I kind of noticed that.” Sehun rolled his eyes. “What are you?”


“I’m a beast.”


“A beast? With powers?” Sehun asked and laughed. “You think I’m going to believe that?” he asked. “No beast has powers. So what are you?” Sehun asked.


“I told you!” Luhan snapped and glared at him. “I’m a beast. I have urges that you’ll never understand Sehun.”


“And why not?” Sehun asked shyly, taken aback by the snap. Luhan sighed and closed his eyes, leaning his head back on the tree.


“Because, you’re too pure.” he whispered. “You’re like me, but you’re not. You don’t have the beast inside you like I do. You’re so different from us.” he whispered. “And I hate that.”


“From us? There is more us?” Sehun asked. Luhan nodded. So Kai had been right? There were other people like them and Luhan knew about it too. Did that mean….Luhan was one of those guys? The bad ones? But Luhan couldn’t be! Even after what he just saw, Luhan couldn’t be bad! “Why do you hate it? Why am I different?” Sehun asked.


“I don’t know.” Luhan said. “You just are and I hate it.”


“Why do you hate it?!”


“Because!” Luhan growled as he sat up straight and stared directly into Sehun’s eyes. “You’re one of them.” he hissed. “And I shouldn’t like you as much as I do. I shouldn’t even be here! Just by being here with you I’m putting you in danger.”


Sehun didn’t flinch at the growl. He wanted to know, he needed to know and he was told. It wasn’t something he wanted to hear, but it was starting to make sense, at least the information he had been told from Kai.  “So you’re the evil one then?” he asked and Luhan’s eyes widened.


“Who told you that?” he asked.


“You’ve known all along? That there are others?” Sehun asked, ignoring Luhan’s question. “You’re not supposed to be here because you’re evil and wanting to hurt the others?”


“Sehun who told you that?!” Luhan asked as he grabbed Sehun’s shoulders and shook him lightly.


“Let go of me!” Sehun shouted.


“Not until you tell me who told you all that!” Luhan shouted back at him.


“I said let go!” Sehun screamed and felt the rush of power escaping him. Luhan was slammed back against against the base of the tree trunk. Sehun found himself blown back to the river’s edge, a good distance away from the other.


“.” Luhan groaned, holding the back of his head. It was throbbing. He looked up at Sehun and stared at the tears that were freely flowing from the other’s eyes. “Sehun.” he groaned as he slowly got to his feet. “Sehun.” he called again and took a few steps forward. His progress was hindered as he hit a wind barrier, blowing him back the few steps he took. It was something he hadn’t taught Sehun to do. He didn’t know how the other had managed to create it, but he did. Sehun was more powerful than he once thought.


“You….” Sehun whispered. “I can’t believe I looked up to...liked you….kissed you.” Sehun whispered, disgusted with Luhan and with himself. “Kai was right.” he said. “You are bad.”  Luhan growled at the name. That bastard Kai! He had been a thorn in his side since they first met. That little teleporter thought he could do whatever the he wanted. Oh, Luhan was going to get him...and get him good.


“I’m not bad! Don’t listen to him!” Luhan said and stepped forward again, only to be blocked once more.


“Shut up! Xi Luhan, I never, ever want to see you again.” Sehun shouted. He didn’t want to see Luhan ever again. Kai was right, he needed to run, he needed to stay away. Luhan knew and never told him. He thought they had been friends, and friends shared everything with each other. But Luhan didn’t, and if he never shared information like that, then what else had he not shared with him. What else was he hiding? Sehun didn’t want to find out.


“S-Sehun.” Luhan whispered, his eyes going wide. “You don’t mean that.” he said. “Say you don’t mean that!” Luhan said.


“I mean it!” Sehun growled. “With every fiber in my body I mean it. I. Don’t. Ever. Want. To. See. You. Again.” Turning, Sehun ran off then, needing to get away, to escape. He fled and though the tears blurred his vision, they didn’t slow him down.

He heard a loud cry that sounded like a mixture of a scream and a howl of a wolf from behind him, but he didn’t look back. He couldn’t look back. Because if he did he would want to go back. His heart ached to be back with Luhan, it ached harder at the cry. It was tugging at him, trying to get him to go back, but he wouldn’t let it. He couldn’t. He was hurt, he had been deceived and that’s what hurt the most.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 7: Awwesome fic :D
I've reported the person who plagiarized my story guys. Thank you for letting me know.
Hi. Just letting you know that you got plagiarized.
I posted on your wall as well but just in case a user on Wattpad has plagiarized this story.
Chapter 7: My eyes felt teary when shun rejected lu for the second time. I love this story. :) Glad Sehunnie came to his senses and started to help :D
good job authornim ~~~~
Chapter 7: Whee this was mega fun to read^^
LovesAsianDrama #7

AWESOME STORY.. Glad Sehun stepped up and saved Lu & that they are ONE NOW.

And now on to the sequel ^.^
Chapter 7: Daebak! Author-nim!!!
RedWriter #9
I love your story, author-nim. It was very well-written and I am so moved by the entire thing. Once I started, I couldn't put it down!!! It was beautiful!