Most Annoying Date Ever

He's my Husband?!

Yura's POV

I was so excited to go with Chanyeol and Hwayoung to the mall! I was eyeing this cute shirt from Hollister, so I wanted to get that! Maybe I can drag Hwayoung with me... Anyways, I pulled her to the entrance, and I beamed. "Chanyeol, stop being such a slow-poke! Come on!" I gestured him to go faster.

We entered, and as usual, we had to go down a level to get to all of the stores. I stopped my the makeup department, and saw this good mascara for sale. I know it was like $20 but I really wanted it! So I payed for it, and went along with the couple. They looked so cute together!

They were whispering to each other, and I didn't really want to invade their buissness, so I looked at some of the stores passing by us. "Hey, look. There's Starbucks. Want to get some?" Hwayoung asked. "Sure." Chanyeol replied, and they walked, TOGETHER! So cute! I walked with them, and asked what they wanted.

"I want a Green Tea Frappuccino." Hwayoung said, and smiled. "I want a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino." Chanyeol said. I nodded. "But in this kind of weather? It's winter right now, and you both want something cold? You two are crazy, but in a good way." I winked. "I'll get a Caramel Hot Chocolate."

I ordered the drinks, and Chanyeol offered to pay. "No, Chanyeol, I got this." Hwayoung said, and paid for us. Chanyeol frowned, and shook his head. "You shouldn't be paying. I'll pay from now on." he nudged her. She rolled her eyes, and stuck her tongue out. I shook my head. Kids. We went to some stores, and we finally made it to Hollister!

I can get that shirt I've always wanted now! I pulled Hwayoung with me inside, and a worker greeted us with a smile. "Welcome to Hollister ladies." I smiled, and dragged Hwayoung to where my favorite shirt was. "Can I do things on my own?" she mumbled, and I rolled my eyes. "Come on Hwayoung, spend time with your boyfriend's sister." she widened her eyes, and groaned. "He isn't my boyfriend!"

I giggled, and stopped at my shirt. "Hwayoung, isn't this gorgeous?" I held it in my hands. The shirt was a pretty seafoam blue, and had white stripes and flowers on it. She looked at it, and looked away. "It's gorgeous." she said. I smiled cheerfully, and went ahead.

Hwayoung's POV

I can't believe how annoying Yura was! She kept dragging me everywhere, and now she's asking if things looked nice. And she called Chanyeol my "boyfriend". Ugh, me and him? Never, but we still have that arranged marriage. For some reason, I'm warming up to him; usually I would nonstop, and we'd start arguing. I'd usually win though. Ah, good times.

Yura dragged me to Hollister, so might as well look for some clothes. I really want to go to Aeropostale though, it's one of my favorite stores here. I looked around, and I was really bored. The clothes were expensive, and they weren't my style. But this one bracelet caught my eye. It was a blue and green bracelet, with an anchor holding it together. It was beautiful.

I held onto it, and looked around a little more. I liked this sweater, but they didn't have my size. So,I just got the bracelet, and some headphones. It didn't cost as much as I expected. Today must be my lucky day. Well, not really. But Chanyeol just had to come in, and pay for my stuff. "I told you I can handle everything Chan!" I groaned. He rolled his eyes. "I'm just trying to be nice here! This is a date after all." 

I sighed. He had a point. "Fine, but just for today, then no more paying for my stuff. Understand?" he looked away from his phone. "I'm sorry what?" I shook my head. "Nevermind. Anyways, where's Yura?" I looked around, but I didn't find her. Chanyeol finally found her in the fitting room. She was trying on a bunch of sweaters and jeans, and I bet a popstar doesn't need that many clothes.

"I'll go pay, you two wait outside." we both left Hollister, and I sat near a water fountain. I had two coins as change, and I had an idea. "Chanyeol, do want to make a wish?" I put a coin in his hand. He shrugged. "Whatever, I don't really believe in that kind of stuff, but sure." I pouted. Says the guy that's like a little kid.

We tossed our coins in, and we both made our wishes. I wish the wedding will be called off. I sighed, and I hoped it'd become true. I turned around, and the worst thing just happened. I accidentally kissed Chanyeol. And...I actually kind of liked it.

Yay! I worked on this for like half an hour. LOL XD

The author will work on the next chapter.

Bye~ -V


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ParkHyeri #1
Author-nim, what anime is the gif from?
kimchinana #2
Look like interesting.. Update soon