
Destined to love

*Tao's  POV *


i've always love to protect people.



Since i was born, there is always someone i have to protect. When i was young i protect my little sisters from bullies. When i grow up, i learn martial arts and i always want to be stronger to protect any one that is in need. i travel places to see the world, learn more skills i see, and i'll master them and make use of them.


My life is in a straight-line that way, until i meet her. when i first meet her, she was wearing the saddest expression i've ever seen.  i watch her as she stand there on the top of the mountain, looking so beautiful with her pale skin and smooth long black hair. but her face showed she is so troubled. i wanted to go and talk to the young lady, but before my eyes, she jump down and commit suicide. I run up to the spot where she stood before and look down. the mountian is surely high and there are woods, thick forest and stones along the ground. There is no way she will survive this.



She is not related to me in anyway as i dont know her, but the feeling that i can't save her makes me feel terrible. i know she looked sad but i should'v known better, i should have make a move and talk to her instantly as  i see her and that wouldn't be happening. for the first time, i couldnt' save a single soul even if i'm strong. 



However, after a while i notice something strange happen. the trees below there seemed to be moving. Could it be that she's still alive? i asked myself. i couldn't believe my eyes when she jumped off teh ground and stand steadily on top of the tallest tree there, probably crying, i see her turn around and i guess she will make her way up here again so i move quickly and hide behind some big rocks there.


She really come back. i watch from her behind, her clothes torn a little and everything but she showed no signs of injuries..


'So that's what she is ...' i mutter to myself.


She began to cry louder. i decided i've seen enough and finally approach her. Though physically strong, she is the softest most gentle thing i've ever seen. Probably one of the reason i want to protect her so bad. she is so weak and small, and gentle. it's so ironic contrasting to the power she possessed. i was burst with happiness when she asked me if she can come with me. It was funny how independent and strong her kinds are and she seem to be really needing someone to rely on. I'm glad i was the one.



Travelling with her make me fall in love with the love she treat everything she sees. Despite being weak and fragile she is, she seemed to treat everyone so gentle as if she could hurt them. She told me everything about what happen at her village and the feeling, the needs to protect got even stronger. But i'm grateful she trust me enough to tell me every little thign about herself, even her own fear.


The fear of hurting other people unintentionally. She grew up everyday feeling stronger and stronger since she was young and feel withdrawn from the world becuase of the power she have. she could hurt them and she doesnt want to. and that's why everyday she got more and more isolated. She has so much fear, i have to protect her. i want to protect. and in the process i fell in love with her. 


As long as i'm with her, i wont let anyone hurt her. Not a single soul.

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