Cruel Fate

Destined to love

*your POV*


It's a breezy sunny day when i meet him, in the year of 1700s, where martial arts were widely practice. People were divided to 3 categories. The scholars, the warriors and the businsessmen. I was still confuse what categories am i in as i'm myself not a human. . . 


Before i met him, i was nothing but a girl who was living in fear. There is always something different about me, i've always known that but i just don't know what it is. i have this enormous strength since i was a kid, i need not sleep at night and still be energetic as i always have been. Everyday i seem to wake up and discover something weirld about that it scares me. When i learn to swim with my father, i dive in the water for a long time and realize, i dont breathe, when i fell down , i do not even have a scratch on my body. i nver get hurt or sick. there comes to a point where i starve myself for days and i dt feel hungry at all, so i dont need to eat to survive either.This is horrifying there is something wrong with me. but that's only the beginning. Later on things gets worse as i realize that, even if i know that i'm the odd one out and try my best to conceal myself, to not stand out, to try to live like anybody else, people began to notice... . 


Becuase as years pass, people began to grow up, and grow old. i grew up along with them alright, but i never aged. i stay young as if i'm gonna be 18 forever. they get married, and have a baby and grow older and older, but i never get married.


Truth is, i never even once have a period....My father tried to marry me off but i strongly oppose becuase i am not sure if anyone would accept me when they know the real me that i've been struggling to hide.



but that is none of the concern, the story goes on that i got isolated. that is not a suprise really, becuz i know that i'm odd and i will never blend in no matter how hard i tried. its only natural that i will be alone. 



This keeps getting worse...



My parents died and i'm all alone in the old poor village. I can't do trade like other people becasue they dt like me and never want to communicate with me since i am so strange just becuzse i don't grow old like them. I go around wearing a scarf over my head and always keep my head low afraid to make eye contact with anyone and also i try to hide my stupid youthful face. 


It comes to a point where i'm supposed to be 50 or so and people started getting violent. The idea of witches becomes popular and they think i am one. i tried to explain but they shoo me out of my own house, my own village where i never belong. i rememebr all of them coming together crowding at my door with torches, and pitchforks and weapons in their hand trying to make me leave the village. i have no choice, i come out the door and explain and beg them for i do not know where to go, i know not of the world beyond the small village i lived in. they were throwing stones at me and i have to avoid, i dt want them to see how invincible i am, how  i cannot be hurt by those things they throw at me, i wont even get a scratch. probably to them , they think they're successful at driving me out. We come to the edge of the village, and i look at the villae i have lived my life there for the last time, and the faces of the old peole where im supposed to like them and the faces of the younger people who hates me as they believe what their parents told them.


This is so unfair... i nvr hurt anyone, i dont have evil black magic like witches they have describe...i feel so wrong and i was misunderstood...




After i left the village i travelled places, i dt stay in one place to avoid the things that happed to me before, once is enough, i dont any more of that. Living a life that don't need anything to help me surive is such a struggle and its suffocating me, how ironic. i have no goal, no one to turn to. all alone. hopeless to find something as much as near to the normity that people have so easily and where i have none.


That's what happen. When you can live for eternity, you just look forward to your death.


and it comes to a point where i commit suicide.

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