Tao, the beginning of my happiness

Destined to love


and it comes to a point where i commit suicide.








and fail. 




i don't even know how to kill myself. i cant get drown, i cant starve to death, i cant stab myself to death and i tried to jump of a cliff but it did nothing to me.



WHAT am i ...? 




i remember crying on that every top of the mountian after i cant suicide. its was sunnny and there were dandelions everywhere, on the grass and in the air as the wind blows, everything is shiny and happy except for me.






'I saw you earlier.' i heard a man's voice said and i turned around. He's probably in his early 20s. very tall, strong physics probably from all the martial art he learn judging on the sword he carries.


'What did you see?'  i pretended, and my heart sank. am i going to get exile somewhere again ? 


'What's the great skill you have there? i want to  learn from you.' 




'My name is Huang Zi Tao, i'll accept you as my master even if you seem inexperiece in combat but i want to learn that skill' 



He looked determined. A brave young boy looks like he can run the world. A lively boy who bring live to my dead cell. 


'You're wrong, i don't learn martial art, i don't know anything about fighting.' i tell him the truth. 



Before i knew it a sword was flyiny my way, but i quickly dodge it, i don't know why he's attacking me, i could've died if i'm jut a girl but since i'm not really one and born with such strenght, and i recently discovered, speed. 



'You're fast, seems like you already master the flash step, ' he compliemented as he keep attacking. what is he doing, what flash step? i don't even know what it means but its probably one of the fighting techniques. i was distracted and didnt avoid the last blow, his sword stuck in the middle of my chest.



Could have stuck in my chest, i mean, because since i'm this stone like person where nothing cut through me and stuff, the blade keep still doesnt go through my chest. i looked up but instead of finding him surprised he was smiling. how wierd can he get? i supposed i'm the wierd one...



'Now you should be greatful for what you are, if not you could've died already.' he said as he brought his sword back to its case. but i'm lookign forward to dying, i don't wanna live. what am i anyway?



'i've met the likes of you,' he said, ' and they're happy enjoying the power they have, not over it like you do.'


'i never meet anyone like that before..'


'Well, they're great people. Be happy with what you are, and be proud of it. use it as your advantage not a torture to your life, young girl.'



i want to tell him i'm not young but instead, 'Hey, can i go with you?' i said to him as he's about to leave.


he just shrugged and keeps moving, i took it as a yes and go after him. afterall he's probably the only one who know what i am and still accept me.







Going with Tao, is like going with the wind. It's like the way of life i had before, traveling everywhere too but this time i had companion. It was fun. He makes me eat different food and devour the unique taste of food from everywhere instead of sulking and keep on thinking i don't need to eat. I began seeing things in a different light, a light that he brought to my life. the skill that i have become something i love instead of hate. i love the speed that i can master and win his flash step. my strong body helps me endour the long hours of traveling with him without tiresome. the fact that i don't need to sleep make its great opportunity for me to look at him sleeping peacefully everynight. I don't get tired is great cuz i can take care of him even more to compliment with his reckless habits of practicing martial art and forgetting to take care of himself and stuff.



it was one fateful morning, everything gets better than anything that ever happen to me.



we were eating breakfast at the new guesthouse in the village that we jsut arrive a few days ago. 

'How's foood?'

'Great, i think i eat too much alrdy ,' i smiled. i smiled alot now

'Don't worry you'll never get fat anyway. How do you like this town?'

'It's fun, everything here is so neat and i like it, i think this is the best town so far, since we travel.'

'Really?' he said and he seem to be really happy to see me say that

'Yes, we're gone to many places but for some reason, i feel like this town is the best, its fun and its neat and i dont know why but i feel like this is home.'

'Good,' he said, he stopping sipping his tea, put it down and take my hand, 'that is very good indeed becuase i plan to settle down here.'

i gasped.  at the new information and at the foriegn feeling i have from his touch.


'But i can't settle down, we have to keep moving, Tao, People will notice and they will hurt me like the last time again...'

'i don't think you quite understand what i mean,' he chuckled, 'by settling down here i dont mean to settle down in this place, i want to settle down with you,'


'i want to marry you. That is, if you feel the same way i do.' 






I couldn't feel happier in my life with those simple few words. And the smile in face, a confident smile as if knowing that all along, i've been loving him too.



I love you, Tao. 

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