The obstacle;

{ ✞ } Delusional screams.

So I've been gone for the past... 3 months or so, I think? But I'm now back and ready to write. Or at least I'd like to think so-- Anyway, I hope you'll continue reading and will enjoy the fic. 

The obstacle;

"Hyunseung," a rather noisy yell echoed from the kitchen, words that let the addressed male know that he was invited to a lunch soon following it.  Even though it did reach the male's ears he chose to just ignore it, hoping the voice would disappear and he could continue his day in peace and silence. But it sure wasn't as easy as he had hoped, the owner of the voice was already marching into the room and didn't even think twice before drawing the curtains open. A loud yelp escaped from Hyunseung's lips as he raised his hands to cover his eyes - the light flowing through the glass didn't really help with his headache but it sure did make his eyes ache as well and so he did his best to prevent it from reaching him, crawling under the blankets and covering himself with them the best he could.

Hyori didn't seem too fond of his actions though, a frown was spread across her lips and her arms were crossed on her chest as she shook her head just slightly, aggravation took over her expression was soon clearly showing in every single feature of her face. She knew how hard it must have been for him but yet she couldn't help but to grow more and more tired of his childish way of acting. Why couldn't he just get his lazy out of the bed and actually eat something? Why couldn't he go out or maybe open the curtains every once in a while? She was so sick and tired of having to force him to eat, she was sick of his excuses why he shouldn't step outside of his apartment or why he should stay lying in his bed. But yet she couldn't force herself to leave his side, she just couldn't stay away from his apartment for more than a few hours without guilt that ran through her body made her run back to him just to check if he was still okay. She herself didn't really understand it, she wanted to forget everything and leave Hyunseung behind, she wanted to escape. But somehow she just couldn't. 

"Hyunseung," her voice was now much more calm and relaxed, the tone of it was soft and loving even. And soon enough she was already kneeling beside his bed, tugging on the edge of the blanket ever so softly, hoping she'd be able to encourage the male enough to at least get him to look at her. Even though it took quite some time and a lot of mostly empty words were spilled it paid off after awhile when he removed the covers from his face and stared at the woman. With an expresionless face that was, his bright red eyes seemed to stare right through her and honestly, his empty, glassy gaze frightened her quite a bit. It was a painful sight to see, his red eyes and dark bags under them didn't seem to even try hiding the fact that he had spent the whole night crying, instead making it more obvious. He looked tired, exhausted even, it was impossible to say how many nights he had gone without getting any sleep but deciding by his looks it might've been every single night since the accident. 

"What?" he mumbled bluntly, still staring into the distance as if he wasn't really fond of the idea of accepting Hyori's presence near him. His words and harsh tone startled the female quite a bit but yet she managed to force her lips into a small but friendly smile and calm the tone of her voice to the point it sounded like soothing waves of the bluest oceans, catching even the stubborn male's attention even though he did his best to continue ignoring her. "Hyunseung," she spoke,"You haven't eaten anything for days. I made some soup, you should at least try it. Please, Hyunseung. You can't go on like this and you know that as well, don't you?" Her sincere concern didn't really mean anything to the other, though. Instead it sounded more like a joke in his ears which caused a small chuckle to escape from his lips, he couldn't see how worried she was nor did he notice how much she had done for him for the past few days, all those things... They meant nothing to him. He didn't remember feeling her soft hand gently rubbing his back when he stood next to Hyuna's grave and he couldn't recall the owner of the napkin that was handed to him when his eyes were filled with so many tears he couldn't even locate that same grave anymore. But maybe his memory let him down just because he didn't really want to feel gratitude towards anyone at that moment, he was weak enough without admitting that he was dependant on someone to the point where he felt like he couldn't even stand up straight without her support. He had always been at least somewhat independent but at that moment it felt like he couldn't carry on by himself, it felt like it was easier to just give up. It hurt too much and he had no clue of what to do, he was stuck. 

And so he just shook his head ever so slightly to express his annoyance with her words, finally turning his gaze enough for their eyes to meet before speaking, his tone still rough even though his face seemed as if it was covered with a mask, showing no expressions whatsoever. "Who told you I want to go on? What if I'm not up for that? Have you ever even considered that I have my own opinions and thoughts... My own feelings as well? You're not always the center of the Earth, Hyori, and as far as I'm concerned you will never be, anyway," his words ran to attack Hyori's heart as soon as they were released, she felt as if she was being stabbed over and over again and the evil, devilish grin that spread across the male's lips ever so slowly was the deadly blow. That was the moment where she decided she couldn't go on like that anymore, she couldn't keep on pampering and taking care of a grown man, especially if he didn't even want her there. She was sick and tired of everything and right there and then was the time for her to break free, she wanted to leave and never look back, she wanted to write her own future without being hold back by her past and that was exactly what she was going to do from then on. 

"You know what?" she started off, taking a deep breathe and forcing herself calm before continuing,"I'll give you what you want. You want to get rid of me? I'm going, don't count on me from now on. Do whatever you want, spend your whole life in this god damn bed without eating a bite if you want to, I don't even care anymore. You're on your own now." And with those words she strut out of the room and through the front door, letting it fall closed with a loud bang, leaving Hyuna who had observed everything that happened from the corner of the room wanting to gasp for air in shock. She tried to beg Hyori to come back, she went as far as trying to pull her back but needless to say all desperate her tries failed miserably, the other female didn't even know of her presence. But she knew how much those two needed each other at that moment, she knew how much they were really dependant on each other and it drove her crazy because apparently she was the only one who thought so and she could do nothing to make that happen.

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Hyunajs #1
Chapter 4: Poor hyunseung..
Your story make me cry..
hathapuff #2
Chapter 3: oh my I think my heart is too weak for this. why is life so unfair and suffocating for both of them
Chapter 3: Ahh T^T it's so sad. Please reincarnate and encounter in the next life but don't die. It's my only wish knowing the dead doesn't come back.
Chapter 3: I like it :D, really good ! :3
Chapter 2: I'm really not into troublemaker stories, but this.. this is beautiful. :') please update whenever you can, I'm looking forward to it. ^^
Chapter 2: This breaks my heart T^T good job
Chapter 1: My gosh I think if it continues like this I'll end up crying rivers. Please update soon.
htetooyan95 #8
Chapter 1: this story is good,keep updating
It seems very promising. Keep it up ^^
HeoGaYoon01 #10
Sounds good I ship this couple.