
Blood is Thicker than Water

"Huh?" Canyeol walked into the room with a huge sandwhich which was made from ingredients from our fridge that was always stocked. 

"She thanked you for the roses. You are going to eat all that!?" I stared at the sandwhich, mesmerized by its size.

"But they are yours," he ignored my comment on his eating.

"I know," I avoided his eyes. He frowned, which would happen once in a blue moon.

"Then why'd you give it to her?" He was utterly confused. To make her happy. She likes you. I sighed, "Because I was too lazy to get it back." I know, lame answer. He bit into the sandwhich, eating a third of it with one bite. He had a huge mouth.

"Oh," his eyes had something unintelligable. I thanked him once more for everything and he left. I wanted to brush the soft petals against my face, but I didn't have them. Pouting, I grabbed my phone to find out who won.


"CHAMPIONS AGAIN!" The students of the hall cheered as the 4 of us strode into school. 

"Sorry for getting injured," I apologized to the students.

"Nono, it's fine," they assured me. I smiled at them. I really liked the people in my school.

"I'm so happy we won. You guys are so good!" I praised them. Aeri glowed at such a praise.

"We were better with you," Aniya told me. I laughed.

"Who keeps trophy?" Every year that we are in the champs and win, someone gets to keep the trophy. I had two of them alread because Aeri and Aniya wouldn't take theirs, claiming that their siblings would get to it or that they'd lose it. Sulli had one.

"You," Sulli opened the door to our homeroom. We found our usual seats and placed our bags down.

"Why me?" I questioned. They should keep it.

"Because you are the reason we got to the champs," Aniya earnestly told me. I was so touched. I know, simple words get to me, but it was touching.

"Aww you're too sweet, you guys should keep it though." The bell rang and Chanyeol rushed in with Baekhyun on his heels.

"I told you, I'd lose it," Aeri scowled at the peice of homewrok lying in front of her. It was our social studies take home quiz. Honestly, it was an easy quiz. 

"You deserve it," Sulli peeked at Baekhyun discreetly. Love~

"Meh," I saw Chanyeol sit down behind me and begin to toy with the ends of my hair. I turned around and he gave me an innocent smile, "Your hair is soft." I smiled at that boy and turned to face Aeri, who was struggling. I took out my quiz and slapped it on the table.

"You could've asked," I teased. She grew flustered, embarassed that she was caught.

"Aeri, again. You know this is a bad habit? Why didn't you do it last night? Did your sister fall down the sewer and you have to save her again?" Sulli recalled that time. Aniya burst into laughter with Chanyeol. The faintest trace of a smile made its way to my lips.

"No that was a year ago!" Aeri protested.

"That....actually happened?!!?" Chanyeol managed to get out between puffs of laughter. Baekhyun was watchng Sulli's expression. Seriously, they should go out. I giggled, remembering the animated Aeri telling us that story.

"No, I was asleep for a couple hours and when I woke up, my sister grilled all my underpants so I had to deal with that," Aeri shrugged as though it was nothing. GRILLED UNDERPANTS!? I imagined underwear that had burned stripes on them and fell over, jaw open with laughter flowing out.

"What!?" Aniya gaped before erupting with laughter. People looked at us in a funny way. 

"AHAHA Aniya....your laugh," Sulli laughed silently and her shoulders shook. Baekhyun, seeing Sulli be happy, grinned as well. Chanyeol was already over the moon, dying of laughter.

"Hey, don't judge," Aeri repeated what she said when I found out she had freckles in her armpits.

She quickly jotted down the answers and gave it back to me. Just then, the bell rang and I stuffed my paper into my backpack. It's going to get wrinkled again. Oh well. I sighed as we filed out. I really wished that Chanyeol would say something about the roses. I think he's mad at me for giving them the Jinna.

As I opened my locker, Chanyeol and the rest of the Exo boys were loudly talking in the halls. Aeri made an 'oomph' noise when most of her books fell on her. She had a messy locker. Lay rushed to help her out. Either it was love, or he was just very nice. Sulli easily slid the books in and out of emptyish locker. Aniya didn't need anybooks becuase they were all piled in her hands. A tiny envelop fluttered out when I unlocked my door. No not again. I took it and placed it on top of my notebook I used for Language Arts. 

"What's that?" Chnayeol looked at the envelope in my hands with a tint of jealousy.

"Probably another confession letter," Sulli bluntly pointed out. We made our way to language arts, Chanyeol biting his lips and ruminating the whole way.

"Bye~" We bade goodbye to the 6 Exo members that could speak chinese and entered the classroom to our assigned seats. Sulli sat all the way across the room, so far away. Aniya was seated next to her. 

"Aiyah, look," Aeri scrunched her face up and pointed at Jinna. She smiled and waved. I waved back, content that she acknowledged me. She giggled and sat in the back, right behind me. Students looked at her suspiciously. 

"Unnie! I transfered to all your classes!" She beamed, but within the depths her eyes, something hardened, which I didn't know. 

"Great," Aeri muttered. I delivered a kick to her shin.

"Yay!" I cheered. people around were looking at the two of us, trying to figure out how the heck we were twins becuase we looked nothing alike.

"Saved by the teacher!" Aeri cheered under her breath when our teacher walked in and began the lesson.

Jinna was observing me closely, thinking something up. A storm was stirring.

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working on a double update soon!


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 40: This story js amazing <3 *cries
KrystalsarangEXO #2
Chapter 39: This story is amazing!! I love it so much !!!
mk8346 #3
Chapter 37: i totally agree if i was her i would punch jinna in face repeatly
PerfectlyImperfectxX #4

...I tried not to write all my anger in and keep the curse words down. Except one. ^^ heh... I hope Aeri will be alright! :( I wonder what Lay will do now..
DreamSparkStar #5
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *screams wordlessly in agony*
mk8346 #6
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOO.........>:(
Omg your poster is so kakfjfifiwitmvosj I LOVE IT
chocolate_icecream #8
Chapter 29: LOL Chen seriously? XDD
Nice update, author-nim :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #9
Chapter 29: I seriously choked on air about Chen here. XD like, what the heck? thats so random. Chanyeol is being a cutie pie with Soobin >< omo omo omo omo
And hows Tao and Xiumin XD glitter fascination moment~
Lol. Ignore my weirdness ;-;
Thank you for the update, author-nim! :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #10
Chapter 28: Oh, Lay :( I feel bad for both he and Aeri. And woahh Kai ;) will there be a new couple soon?

Those giggles are just plain out annoying.

Thank you for updating, Author-nim! :)