
Blood is Thicker than Water

"SO THE LION WENT AND ATE THE TINY MOUSE WHO HAPPENS TO BE SOOBIN. The end!" Aeri proudly finished her terrible story. I whacked her in the head, causing her pain. That's what you get for calling me a tiny mouse... Sure I was kind of on the short side, but I was stronger than all of them combined.

"Ahahahahaha! Aeri you're dead," Aniya pointed out.

"I know that already," Aeri glared at me. I smiled. Sulli had doubled over due to the fact that Aniya had a funny laugh. 

"Omo look at the time!" Sulli finally came to her senses and we packed everything up, leaving this place, our place, clean and wonderful.

"The mice go marching down the mountain hurrah hurrah! The mice go marching down the mountain hurrah HURRAH!!" Aeri was over enthusiastic and referred to us as mice. Sulli made a face and ignored the dead cat who was screeching at the top of her lungs.

"Aiyah Soobin save us," Aniya clamped her hand on her ears. I shrugged absentmindly. I was thinking about something, more specifically someone. Where was he? Will he talk about the wink? I sighed, so many questions, not enough answers.

"Race ya!" Aniya took off with me on her heels.

"What! You leave me with her!?" Sulli tried to catch up as she joked. 

"Hey!" Aeri pounded her fists on Sulli, having no effect.

"Ahahaha!" Aniya's steps faltered as laughter overtook her. I gained speed to leave these crazy people.

"I hate this," Aeri pouted. She was a short distance runner and didn't like racing, for she always came in last. Too bad ehehe.

"Go Aeri!!!" I encouraged, not liking the down look on Aeri's face. She brightened up a bit.


It was the middle of social studies. It was so boring, I mean like, very boring. Who knew lectures on queen Isabella could become this disastrous?

"And she married the Prince of Argon against her brother's wishes.." the teacher droned on. I tried to look interested as he paced in front of me. Chanyeol was sitting besides me, dilligently taking notes. He was a good student and made me look like some gangster who hated school. I have the textbook anyways... Throughout the whole class, nothing happened. Nothing really appealing that is. I was beginning to think that the wink maybe wasn't intended for me. Or maybe I imagined it.

"Yayyyy we have science together!!!" Jinna exclaimed later on as I walked into the science room. She was seated in the back seat, next to Chanyeol. Didn't Baekhyun sit there?

As though she read my mind, she explained, "Chanyeol asked Baekhyun to trade seats with me. I had to sit next to Kai...." She drifed off. I smiled at her encouragingly as I slunk to my seat next to Sulli. Aeri watched the scene with a careful eye. She growled under her breath when she saw how sad I looked. Aniya sighed.

"Stop acting as though someone died." I snapped, finally tired of this down mood that started because of Jinna.

"Sorry," Aeri didn't look sorry at all.

"Don't feel hurt," Aniya glanced at Chanyeol laughing with Jinna.

I was saved by the teacher. Never in my life have I ever been so glad that there was a class. I pushed myself into learning, trying not to concentrate on the happy 'couple' in the back. I let hope slip away, knowing that it'd do me no good. One last class, hopefully something good will come out of it.


P.E was my favorite class. Today, we were doing the mile, which wasn't so good, but whatever. We stretched and did our warm up stuff before we started to run. I was easily first, Chanyeol behind me. Usually he'd come up and talk to me or something. But not today. I wondered why. I ran and ran, and to be honest, it made me feel better. Finishing the mile at seven minutes and fourteen seconds, I sat on the bench and stared at the figure coming closer.

"Good job!" Our P.E teacher smiled at Chanyeol. He nodded and walked to get water. He habitually would come and grab my water bottle and drink it all up and sit and chat with me. But not today. A thought struck me cold. Was he ignoring me? Did I do something bad or wrong?

Sighing, I chugged the rest of my water, missing the time we had as friends. Was this all because of Jinna? Maybe Aeri was right. maybe Jinna was the enemy here. I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear Sulli and Aniya pant and plop down next to me. Aniya quickly knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Aniya peered at my face. I quickly put on an emotionless face.

"Nothing," I simply replied. Aniya looked at me doubtfully. Sulli drew in a sharp breath, knowing that it was Chanyeol. She hugged me, which shocked me. She wasn't much of a hugger.

"It's ok," she told me. I pushed my lips into a smile.

"Oh it's boys," Aniya pouted. Yup... I sagged my shoulders and nodded miserably. Really, I set myself up for this. It was all my fault afterall.

"Does Jinna..is she part of this?" Sulli cautiously questioned.

"Yes. She... they might...be together.." The thought of that itself was unbearable. But what if it was true? The annoying side of my brain nagged me.

"No. He likes you. It's obvious." Aniya encouragingly patted my back. Blue fire, the bad kind of fire, the furious one, shot up inside of me.

"If so wouldn't he do something!? WOULDN'T HE SAY SOMETHING? DO AN ACTION? NO. So he doesn't like. If he did he wouldn't be ignoring me would he? WHY THE HECK IS THIS SO COMPLICATED!?" I was shouting now. Mostly to myself, but the teacher didn't say anything. 

"Whoa there..." Sulli muttered. Aniya looked helpless. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chanyeol. I wanted to be mad at him. I wanted to be able to make myself hurt him. But I couldn't. I really couldn't. He met my eyes sadly. 

Really, I set myself up for this.

Why did I even bother to hope?

I knew it was too good to be true anyways.

I was the blame for this.

I should've expected this.

A/N- omo sorry... for this bad chapter.... :( I just had to release my bottled up feelings. Yeah...love and boys aren't exactly good these days..but oh well. IT GETS BETTER ;)

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working on a double update soon!


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 40: This story js amazing <3 *cries
KrystalsarangEXO #2
Chapter 39: This story is amazing!! I love it so much !!!
mk8346 #3
Chapter 37: i totally agree if i was her i would punch jinna in face repeatly
PerfectlyImperfectxX #4

...I tried not to write all my anger in and keep the curse words down. Except one. ^^ heh... I hope Aeri will be alright! :( I wonder what Lay will do now..
DreamSparkStar #5
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *screams wordlessly in agony*
mk8346 #6
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOO.........>:(
Omg your poster is so kakfjfifiwitmvosj I LOVE IT
chocolate_icecream #8
Chapter 29: LOL Chen seriously? XDD
Nice update, author-nim :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #9
Chapter 29: I seriously choked on air about Chen here. XD like, what the heck? thats so random. Chanyeol is being a cutie pie with Soobin >< omo omo omo omo
And hows Tao and Xiumin XD glitter fascination moment~
Lol. Ignore my weirdness ;-;
Thank you for the update, author-nim! :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #10
Chapter 28: Oh, Lay :( I feel bad for both he and Aeri. And woahh Kai ;) will there be a new couple soon?

Those giggles are just plain out annoying.

Thank you for updating, Author-nim! :)