
Blood is Thicker than Water

On the day of the dance, I watched Chanyeol pick Jinna up, looking like a.... I can't even describe his handsomeness. My heart gave a little twitch at the sight of him. Jinna happily beamed as my parents took pictures. Since I was 'busy', I was upstairs, peeking out. Chanyeol might've seen me when I was leaning really far. I jerked back and sighed with relief.  

'Bringg!' my phone vibrated/rang when I got to my room. I picked it up. 

"Soobin? It's Luhan~" Luhan greeted.

"Oh hi! Are you going to the dance?" He probably was with a pretty date.

"No. I got rejected by my date...so yeah. Are you?" He sounded so down. I had the urge to run to his house and hug him. 


"Why not?" Luhan curiously asked. I sighed, "I let Jinna take Chanyeol." 

Luhan became very quiet, "Oh.." 

"Wanna come over?" I stared at the ceiling. Misery loves company right?

"Sure!" His voice brightened. We hung up and I waited for him to come. It's not like we never did this before. During middle school, we were drama buddies. Whenever there was a drama, we watched it together. We used to be really close friends. You could say that we still are.

A couple minutes later, the doorbell rang and I got it. 

"Who is it?" Dad boomed from his room.

"Luhan!" I yelled back before I opened the door. Luhan stood there, smiling in his jolly manner.


 He looked like a little kid. 

"We are going to the movies!" Mom informed us, twirling around in her dress. Dad came out and smiled gently.

"See you later!" Luhan politely bowed and my parents left.

"Do you have food?" Luhan's stomach growled. I laughed and went to the kitchen, looking for snacks.

"My favorite drama is on soon!" Luhan cheered as I walked out with a bowl of popcorn and 2 glasses of hot cocoa. The weather was cocoa apropriate but whatever. 

"Dream High?" I checked my watch. Yup. Luhan nodded and we settled down on the couch. Turning the TV on, we watched comercials.

"Geico!" I groaned and flipped to another channel. Geico commercials were funny but annoying. I waited about 5 minutes for the commercial to finish and went back to that channel. The drama started. Throughout the whole entire drama, we laughed, cried, complained and cheered. An hour later, it was done.

"That was fun! I haven't watched it with you for a long time," Luhan took the last handful of popcorn.

"I want some!" I grabbed 2 out of his closed fists. He frowned but gave me half of his.

"Thanks!" I ate it. My mind wandered off to the dance. Were they all having fun? Jinna having fun was a good thing right? Luhan poked me.

"What are you thinking about? Chanyeol?" Luhan puffed up his cheeks in an irritated manner.

"Yea... kind of. Why didn't you go?" I wanted to know who he asked. For the past years, no one has ever rejected him. Probably because of his cuteness. Who was this special girl?

"Jinna. Your sister." Luhan explained it in 3 words. I nodded my head slowly, understanding.

"She likes Chanyeol," I didn't want to make him sad but it was the truth. He sighed, "I know that." We sat in silence, wallowing our unrequited love crushes for a moment. 

"Yah this atmosphere is to sad. Wanna do a pillow fight?" Luhan mischeviously grinned. I smirked, "You're on!" We ran upstairs to my room and grabbed whatever pillow we could find. Then, the smacking and throwing chaos started. Before too long, we were having the time of our lives like the old times.

"I give up!" Luhan clutched his belly and laughed really hard. I set down my pillow and made a pose.

"Hah!!" I loved the feeling of victory.

"Hey Aeri's going to have a gymnastics performance tomorrow afterschool!" I enthusiastically told Luhan, "You going?"

"Sure... if the rest of exo goes." Luhan glanced at his phone. It was nearly 9 already. The dance lasted till 10. One more hour.

"There's another drama coming up... but I don't really like it," Luhan suggested.

"Nah, let's eat dinner," I volunteered to cook. Luhan sheepishly smiled and patted his empty stomach.

"Food.." he ran down the stairs. Chucking, I followed him. Seeing that Luhan was really hungry, I quickly made some bimbimbap for both of us, Luhan's spicier. We settled down and began to eat. Some jokes were tossed around and little conversations were made. Before I knew it, I was rinsing the dishes while Luhan was drying them.

"Thanks for dealing with me today," Luhan placed the dishes away.

"It was fun!" I beamed. Just then, Jinna appeared with Chanyeol. Jinna was laughing really high pitched and just about having the time of her life. Luhan bit his lip and tried not to whistle. Chanyeol glanced back and forth between Luhan and me. His shoulders deflated.

"...If you liked someone else, you could've said that," Chanyeol hugged Jinna and briskly left. Jinna blinked, confused. Luhan tugged her to her room.

"I think she's kind of drunk. I'll make sure she gets to her room. Then I'll go home. Bye!" Luhan saw that I wanted to go after Chanyeol. I nodded to him appreciatively and ran out. The door slammed and I chased Chanyeol. He was walking really fast uphill. I used every ounce of my energy to catch up. By the time we were completely up the hill, I was panting.

"No Chanyeol listen please!" I begged, taking deep breaths.

"What Soobin?" His face was emotionless. I let my hand drop, for I was going to grab him if he went away.

"Luhan and I are just friends. He hung out with me because... well today we both didn't go to the dance." I explained. Well, sort of explained.

"I thought you were busy." His voice was hard. I could tell he was angry that I decieved him.

"I..didn't. I knew that Jinna really loved you and I wanted her to be happy." I let it out. The weight in my chest lifted. Chanyeol softened, "You're too good of a sister." He smoothed my unkempt hair and smiled in his normal manner. I grinned back. For a couple of minutes, we were grinning like idiots looking at each other.

"I really like you." Chanyeol confessed. I wrung my hands together.

"I...don't know if it'll work. The last thing I want to do is to hurt her.." I trailed off and patted his back, "One day, I promise. I don't know when, but one day."

"I'll wait for you," Chanyeol whispered.

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working on a double update soon!


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XOexoOX #1
Chapter 40: This story js amazing <3 *cries
KrystalsarangEXO #2
Chapter 39: This story is amazing!! I love it so much !!!
mk8346 #3
Chapter 37: i totally agree if i was her i would punch jinna in face repeatly
PerfectlyImperfectxX #4

...I tried not to write all my anger in and keep the curse words down. Except one. ^^ heh... I hope Aeri will be alright! :( I wonder what Lay will do now..
DreamSparkStar #5
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *screams wordlessly in agony*
mk8346 #6
Chapter 36: NOOOOOOO.........>:(
Omg your poster is so kakfjfifiwitmvosj I LOVE IT
chocolate_icecream #8
Chapter 29: LOL Chen seriously? XDD
Nice update, author-nim :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #9
Chapter 29: I seriously choked on air about Chen here. XD like, what the heck? thats so random. Chanyeol is being a cutie pie with Soobin >< omo omo omo omo
And hows Tao and Xiumin XD glitter fascination moment~
Lol. Ignore my weirdness ;-;
Thank you for the update, author-nim! :D
PerfectlyImperfectxX #10
Chapter 28: Oh, Lay :( I feel bad for both he and Aeri. And woahh Kai ;) will there be a new couple soon?

Those giggles are just plain out annoying.

Thank you for updating, Author-nim! :)