~Shut Up and Let me Protect You~

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Three days had past since Dara was dragged into the Spirit World by Ji-Yeon, the Spirit of Destiny. In those three days, she became close to the Guardians. Bom had become like a sister to her and they spent a lot of time together going to hot springs and working on Dara’s archery. However, despite the bond they all had now, Jiyong still remained ever so distant. Dara had tried to talk to him but he could never look her in the eyes and often times just blew her off. She just couldn’t understand the boy! But the rude and mysterious Spirit was the least of Dara’s worries.


    She was standing in front of a makeshift target made from a tree stump, her arm pulled back as she held onto the string and arrow. A look of determination spread across her face as she stared down her target. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, calming her heart rate.  She opened her eyes and released the arrow.


    However, she was disappointed when she missed the center by a couple of inches. She groaned as she dropped her bow and sat on the ground. Bom had been watching her practice for the past hour. She had to admit, that despite Dara’s lack of archery skills in the past, she was pretty damn good. With a sigh, she walked over to Dara and sat down next to her. “Hey, you did good. You’re improving more each day.”


    “Glad to know.” Dara fell onto her back. “I thought you guys said Sandara was a master archer?

    “She was. You’re just clumsy.”


    Dara sat back up and automatically glared as she saw him leaning against a tree. He had his arms crossed over his chest with a smirk plastered on his face. He clicked his tongue before walking over to her. “Sandara was a master archer...one of the best actually. You, on the other hand, have much to learn.”


    “Well, how the hell am I supposed to learn?! Geez, if I’m supposedly her reincarnation, I would at least think I would’ve inhabited some of her archery skill.”


    Jiyong shook his head and looked over to the tree stump. Although, he hated to admit it, Dara wasn’t too shabby and showed actual potential. With a sigh he nodded at her bow, making her look at him in confusion. “Pick up your bow.”




    “Are you deaf? I said, pick up your bow.”


    Dara hesitantly reached down to pick up her bow and gripped it tightly in her hand. Jiyong gestured to the target. She let out a breath of air and took out an arrow. Again, she set herself and pulled the arrow back, aiming at the middle of the stump. “You’re too tense. Loosen up a bit.”


    She raised a brow at him. He just rolled his eyes. “You heard me. Loose up. The more you tense up, the better chance you’ll end up jerking. Calm down and just shoot. Don’t think. Just feel.”


    Dara shrugged and focused back on her target again. She took a deep breath and tried to keep her body still but she felt herself shaking and moving around too much. “Now...close your eyes and shoot.”


    “You want me to shoot with my eyes closed? How the hell am I supposed to see the target?”


    “Just. Do. It.” He gritted his teeth.


    “If you say so…”


    Jiyong watched as she closed her eyes. His ears picked up on her heart beat as it began to slow and smiled slightly when he felt her Spiritual Power increase. “Now, shoot.”


    Dara let go of the arrow on command, feeling her release. Her eyes remained closed at she heard the small thump of the arrow penetrating the wood. Jiyong’s smile broadened. “Did I hit it?”


    “I don’t know. Why don’t you see for yourself?”


    Dara took a chance and peaked at the target. She was almost sure she missed completely but she gasped when she saw that the arrow had hit the exact middle of the target. Her jaw dropped to the ground as she turned to look at him with his ever so smug smile on his lips. Bom couldn’t help but clap in excitement. “H-how did…”


    “I told you. Don’t think, just feel. Sandara taught me.”


    “Oh, well thank you.”


    Jiyong blushed hearing her thank him and looked away. “Y-you don’t have to thank me. It’s nothing. It’s just so that I don’t have to be around all the time to protect your weak little human .”


    “WEAK? WHY YOU---ah, you know what? You’re right. But thank you anyway.”


    He looked back at her in surprise. She didn’t yell at him like he thought she would. Instead she just smiled and bowed politely. He cleared his throat and turned to walk away. “Really, thank you, Jiyong.”


    Jiyong’s heart skipped a beat and he turned around to glare at her. “Yah! Seriously! Stop thanking me! Aishhh!”


    With that, he changed into his dragon form and flew off. Dara watched as he flew away and sighed. She just didn’t understand why he was so rude to her when all she did was thank him. It was like it was a crime against him! “Don’t mind him, Dara. Jiyong is just being his normal self.” Bom reassured her.

    “Why is he always so rude to me? I haven’t done anything to him.”


    “YOU haven’t done anything to him but when he looks at you all he can think about is Sandara and how much you and her are alike. Although, I have to say, I think I like you better. You’re more fun. Sandara was always serious and soft spoken.”


    “Then I guess Jiyong has a soft spot for serious and soft spoken girls.” Dara shrugged.


    “I think it’s was just the fact that she was human.”




    Bom shook her head and pressed her lips together, as if regretting what she had said. Dara raised a brow at her but quickly pushed the thought aside. Whenever she tried to talk to anyone about Sandara, it was like she was butting in on something she wasn’t supposed to. Jiyong was especially tense when the topic of his late beloved came up...but who could blame the guy? He was in love with her afterall…But still, despite her being the reincarnation of Sandara, she was not her. She was Dara. “I think I’m going to go for a little walk. I’ll be back before dark.”


    Bom looked at her worriedly. “Do you want me to come with you?”


    “No. It’s fine. I won’t stray too far. I-I just need some time to myself.”


    “Be careful, Dara. It’s a full moon tonight…Demons are usually at their most powerful during these nights.”


    “I’ll come back before the moon rises. Don’t worry about me.”


    Dara clutched onto her bow and arrows as she walked off down the hill. In complete honesty, she

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Crystalic607 #1
Chapter 9: Noo continue intagible!! Its not ty attt allll trust me its awesomeee soo looking forward to the next chapter!:)
Chapter 8: please don't continue... hiatus maybe.. your story would be wasted, especially that it has a lot of potential.. T_T i'm sure your readers including me, would be waiting for you..
its would be difficult for others to take over your stories especially that its your idea.. i believe you're the only one who can finish it..
take the time you need, will be here waiting for your return..^^
minseokistic #3
Chapter 8: Noooo. Unniedon't discontinue Intangible. I love it. Please don't delete this awesome story unnie.
Chapter 8: But authornim!!! This story is wonderful. You just cant abandon this story. Its not cliche and i've never read smth like this before. Pls continue :(
Jynroe #5
Chapter 8: pls do continue this fic...
this is one of the fics that i patiently wait for updates...
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 8: No! I love this fic.. I'll wait til u recover and update again :-) fighting!!
Chapter 5: Anyeong new reader here^^ I really in love with Inuyasha, so when I found this story I'm in love again !!
its so sad to see Jiyong can't hold Dara T^T
And and Chanyeol is here too !!! Kyaaaaa <3<3<3
Update more authornim~
minseokistic #8
Chapter 4: There's a difference between fate and destiny right? Because if there is... Damn it's a fine line. So cool. Dara doing archery. I did archery a few days ago. And I kind of . 5 bulls eyes out of 25 arrows.
mihyun84 #9
Chapter 3: What is the difference between fate and destiny, if there is one? This is better than the one before, there is progress in every chapter. Though its cute to see Ji and dee banter :-)
Jynroe #10
Chapter 3: oh...you totally changed the previous one...
it was better...congrats for a job well done