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Note: So, sincerely hoping more of you comment and subscribe please! However, I am thankful for all of your support no matter how small the amount of subbies. I will continue to write for you all as well as for myself. This story carries a lot of meaning to me. :)


Anyway, thank you and please enjoy!


“Stupid, Spirit! Stupid jerk! I hate you!” Dara muttered as she sat at the edge of a river. She let her feet hang off the edge and dangle in the cool water. Clutching a rock in her hand, she threw it and watched as it skidded across the surface of the water. “Damn that guy! He’s such a jerk! Who does he think he is anyway? Stupid...comparing me to some other girl!”


    Suddenly, Dara whipped her head back as she sensed a dark presence behind her. She scanned the forest, squinting as she tried to peer into the darkness. The sun was beginning to set and so the light in the forest had faded. She grasped onto the bow, ready to use it if she needed to. “Who’s there?” She demanded.


    “A human...what a tasty looking morsel...good enough to devour!”


    Out of shadows, lept a giant minotaur with glowing red eyes. It charged at Dara full speed but she quickly gathered herself up and fled. The ground entire earth shook as the minotaur chased after her, its hooves beating against the ground. With each step, Dara’s heart rate increased. The adrenaline pumped through her veins, allowing her to run faster to get away from danger. “Come back here, human!”


    “Not on your life, pal!”


    Dara panted as she ran through the forest, her feet getting cut from the various rocks and thorny branches on the ground. But she pushed on, not wanting to become this demon’s next meal. She gasped as shielded her face as she ran through a groove of spiky vines, they cut her pale skin and tore little holes in her clothes. “I can smell your blood! You possess power! Soon, I shall consume you and it shall be mine!” The horrible voice echoed throughout the forest.


    Dara didn’t know how long she could keep this up or how far her body would be able to carry her. “Come here!” SLASH! She screamed when she felt a sharp pain rake down her back. However, she didn’t dare stop to inspect the damage. Despite how tired she was, she continued to run, her body slowly becoming numb due to the loss of blood. Her vision began to blur and soon she felt herself stumble. Shakily, she took out and arrow and aimed it at the monster, although it was hard to focus when she was seeing three of the damned thing. “Stay away!”


    Dara shot the arrow, hoping it would hit the mark but unfortunately it whizzed harmlessly past its head. She dropped her bow, her eyes slowly drifting closed. She fell back staring up at the monster before, advancing to slaughter her. The last thing she saw before the darkness enclosed over her was a shadowy figure standing before her. “J-Jiyong?” She managed to utter just before she lost consciousness.




    Ugh...what am I lying in? Why does it smell like...wet dog? Dara blinked as she began to refocus. She looked around her and realized she was now in a cave, resting on a pile of dead grass. The cave was damp and dark aside from the little light streaming through the little creavases in the ceiling and the entrance of the cave. Movement caught Dara’s eye as she whipped her head toward the darkness. Her eyes scanned the shadows, anticipating any sudden attacks. She stiffened when she felt warmth near her neck, as if someone was breathing down it. She turned her head, her eyes widening when she came face to face with someone else.


    She opened to scream but stopped when he leaned in closer...sniffing her. Her face cheeks flushed red at the boy’s unusual behavior. He stared at her, his brows furrowed together and his earthy green eyes filled with questions. Dara’s eyes trailed to the top of his head and noticed two triangular shaped ears on top of his head. The boy tilted his head slightly, trying to figure out who this girl was. Suddenly, his fuzzy brown ears began to twitch. “Kyahhhh!”




    The boy jumped back, clutching his chest. He stared at Dara in horror, completely terrified from the strange noise she made. Dara smiled brightly as she walked closer to him. He shot her a warning glare as if telling her to stay away but she didn’t care. She kneeled in front of him and reached out. He quickly shut his eyes but frowned when he felt his ears being tweaked. He looked up and saw that she was massaging his ears. “What the hell are you doing?” He hissed.


    “Oh!” Dara yanked her hands back, restraining herself from touching his ears more.  “Sorry about that.”


    “Right...you smell human...what is a human doing in our world? And how is it that you carry Spiritual Power?”


    “I-I don’t really know either. Apparently I’m the reincarnation of the human girl who was once here.”


“Sandara?” The boy’s eyes widened. “I thought you looked familiar! But you’re so much prettier and...warmer.”


Dara held her breath as the boy reached out to touch her cheek. She gasped and realized that she could very well touch and feel this boy. That had to mean… “Y-you’re a demon…” She breathed.


The boy smirked and stood up, bowing slightly. “The name’s Chanyeol. I am a Wolf Demon. I am the leader of the Wolf Demon tribe.”


“Right...And I am Dara Park of...well, I’m human. Wait, but if you’re a demon...why did you save me?”


Chanyeol’s eyes seemed to light up as he inched towards Dara, his lips. She backed up nervously and gulped. Oh boy… he just saved me for himself! Dara looked around frantically, searching for something to protect herself with. Her eyes landed on her bow, just a few feet away of the entrance. She looked back at Chanyeol again and noticed the hunger in his eyes. “You looks absolutely delicious. I’m sure my comrades would love a taste…”


Dara gasped when dozens of bright green eyes gleamed from the shadows. Slowly, a couple of wolves emerged along with some other boys around her age. She nervously pressed her back against the wall, waiting for the moment she could run and break free. “Forgive me but I am rather hungry myself.”


    Chanyeol lunged, his fangs aiming at Dara’s throat. She screamed and covered herself with her hands. “Stay away from me!”


    “What the---”


    Chanyeol stopped himself and noticed the bright light surrounding her. He stared at the light in amazement and gasped. Her power…it’s unlike anything I’ve encountered before. A smile curved upon his lips. Dara slowly lowered her hands and noticed him to be staring at her. “What? What are you staring at?” She snapped.


    “You,” He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her toward him. “You’re going to be my mate!”




    BOOOM! The walls of the cave came crashing down followed by a loud roar.  “CHANYEOL!!”




    Aish…! That stupid girl! Where did she get to now? Damn it! I really need to learn to control my temper. Jiyong flew over the land in desperate search of Dara. It was nightfall now and demons were on the hunt. Bom had come to talk to him while he was sitting on a tree branch, staring off into the distance.


“Yah! Just what the hell was that?” Bom demanded, furious for her friend’s behavior.


“It’s none of your damn business! All I said was that she will never be Sandara. It’s not like I said anything that was untrue.”


    “Regardless of the fact that she isn’t Sandara, does not make it right for you to treat her any less. She’s human, Jiyong. She has feelings even if you don’t.”


    Jiyong growled and jumped down from the tree. “Who the said I didn’t have any feelings? Why do you know, huh, Bom? “


    “I know enough to know that she deserves better than how you treated her. She’s valuable to this place. She’s the only one who can bring peace to both our worlds and you know that for a fact. If you truly despise her, at least help her with this so she can be out of your hair and you’ll never have to see her again.”


    “And who said I didn’t want to see her again?” Jiyong looked away, awkwardly, not knowing why he had said what he did.


    “I don’t know what you’re thinking and I won’t even try to understand but Jiyong, you need to work with her. All of us do if we are ever going to put an end to Kiko’s reign. That’s what you want, isn’t it? Don’t you want to free yourself?”


    Jiyong closed his eyes and clenched his hands into fists. He knew Bom was right. He wanted to be free of Kiko; he wanted to be free of the wretched curse she’d placed upon him. “I’ll make up with the girl. I don’t think she got that far. I’ll be able to smell her anyway.”


    “Good luck.”




    Jiyong sighed when he thought about their conversation. As much as he was against all of this, he knew that saving her and making amends with her was the right thing to do. It was the only way to defeat Kiko. The girl may not be Sandara but she was the only one who could help them now. And so he flew on with fierce determination to get her back.


    His eyes widened when he picked up on the scent of blood...human blood. He changed back to his human form and landed softly on the ground. He sniffed around the forest until he came upon a trail of blood. He kneeled down and closed his eyes, concentrating on the scent. The girl’s image appeared in his mind and his eyes flashed open. Dara…


    Without wasting anytime, he followed the trail of blood until he came across the carcass of a Minotaur; a nasty Demon of the Spirit World. His eyes flickered to the tree just a few yards away from the body and noticed an arrow embedded in the trunk. Stupid girl….did you really try to fight it? He shook his head and continued to search around until he came across a very familiar scent. His golden eyes blazed when the scent processes in his mind.


    He let out an animalistic growl and set off. Damn that bastard! He better not touch her!  Jiyong ran at light speed, following the scent trail to a cave in the mountains. He scaled the mountain side like it was nothing. That’s when he ears picked up on his voice…  “You…you’re going to be my mate!”  Not on your life, wolf boy!



    In an instant, Jiyong slammed his body into the large boulder blocking the entrance of the cave. “CHANYEOL!!!” His voice echoed throughout the cave as the wolves scattered in fear.


    Jiyong walked in, his hand clenched at his sides. His temper only rose when he saw how tightly he held the girl in his arms. He growled inwardly and stomped toward them, stopping just a few feet away. “Let. Her. Go.” He spoke through clenched teeth.

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Crystalic607 #1
Chapter 9: Noo continue intagible!! Its not ty attt allll trust me its awesomeee soo looking forward to the next chapter!:)
Chapter 8: please don't continue... hiatus maybe.. your story would be wasted, especially that it has a lot of potential.. T_T i'm sure your readers including me, would be waiting for you..
its would be difficult for others to take over your stories especially that its your idea.. i believe you're the only one who can finish it..
take the time you need, will be here waiting for your return..^^
minseokistic #3
Chapter 8: Noooo. Unniedon't discontinue Intangible. I love it. Please don't delete this awesome story unnie.
Chapter 8: But authornim!!! This story is wonderful. You just cant abandon this story. Its not cliche and i've never read smth like this before. Pls continue :(
Jynroe #5
Chapter 8: pls do continue this fic...
this is one of the fics that i patiently wait for updates...
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 8: No! I love this fic.. I'll wait til u recover and update again :-) fighting!!
Chapter 5: Anyeong new reader here^^ I really in love with Inuyasha, so when I found this story I'm in love again !!
its so sad to see Jiyong can't hold Dara T^T
And and Chanyeol is here too !!! Kyaaaaa <3<3<3
Update more authornim~
minseokistic #8
Chapter 4: There's a difference between fate and destiny right? Because if there is... Damn it's a fine line. So cool. Dara doing archery. I did archery a few days ago. And I kind of . 5 bulls eyes out of 25 arrows.
mihyun84 #9
Chapter 3: What is the difference between fate and destiny, if there is one? This is better than the one before, there is progress in every chapter. Though its cute to see Ji and dee banter :-)
Jynroe #10
Chapter 3: oh...you totally changed the previous one...
it was better...congrats for a job well done