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Note: PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!! I love reading comments and I hope to see more of them!

Anyway, thank you and enjoy!


Inuyasha Ost 2- At the Meeting Place composed by Kaoru Wada- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuwauSx5Hws&list=PLKd26IEXGGfC105aTpQL-ZaBZawq0gTji




Dara laid in bed for a while, just staring up at the ceiling, watching as the shadows moved. She shuddered a little thinking about her little run in with that demon. Never in her life had she ever encountered such a thing but now on her eighteenth birthday, it seemed she was going through a lot. Turning on her side, she looked out her bedroom window, staring at the half moon in the sky. She thought about what her grandmother told her when she’d gotten home…


    “Granny! Granny!” She called for her grandmother. Upon hearing her, her grandmother emerged from the kitchen to find Dara quite disheveled and shaken.


    “What’s wrong, my dear?”


    “You were right. You were right about all of it!”


    Dara sat down on the couch along with her grandmother and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. Her grandmother looked at her with much worry. “What was a I right about, child? You seem quite shaken. What happened?”


    “I-I was captured by a demon and taken to the Spirit World...I thought I was going to die but the demon turned to ash.”


    “Aye, that is the power of the necklace, my dear. It has powers of purification. That is why when your life is in danger, it will react to your fear and protect you from demons and evil spirits.”


    “There’s something else…”


    “What is it?”


    “I met the Demon Princess of the Spirit World…for some reason she seemed very determined about killing me.  And even before, the Demon said that I would pay for what I had done… then, there was this Spirit boy who saved me. He compared me to some girl named Sandara…”


    “Sandara…? I haven’t heard that name in ages…”


    “Who’s Sandara, Granny?”


    “She is the very girl who sent the Spirits and Demons back to the Spirit World. She possessed Spiritual Power like no other, much like you, my dear.”



    Dara sighed. She didn’t understand any of it. One day she’s a normal teenager, and the next she’s some kind of Demon magnet who possessed “spiritual” power. What the hell did that even mean? Nothing in the world made sense anymore. She started to wonder if she was just losing her mind. If she’d hallucinated about all of it yet she knew that it was no hallucination. She knew it was real. The Spirit World was real. The Demon was real. Everything was real. Was anything sane in the world anymore? It seemed all those fairytales and stories she'd only believed as a child were coming true.


    She tugged the blanket closer to her, trying to block out the shadows of the night. For some reason, the darkness seemed more overwhelming than usual. It was like the shadows on the walls were alive, waiting for her to fall asleep so they could take her. Yeah, right, I’m letting some stupid Demon take me…  She clutched onto the necklace and gasped when she realized it was glowing in the moonlight. It glowed a beautiful blue and white, the same colors of the moon. The light seemed to grow and wrap around her, comforting her. Slowly, her eyes fell closed…





    Dara stirred a bit, feeling the sunlight touch her eye lids. She groaned and turned, flinging her arm over her eyes. She reached down to grab her blanket but ended up  grasping nothing but air. Her brows furrowed as she slowly got up, her eyes still closed, searching for something to block out the sun. However, she froze when she felt glass beneath her fingertips and a slight breeze, wafting the scent of lavender in her direction. Don’t tell me…


Naruto Ost 2- Hinata vs Neji composed by unknown- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2tiZGy4z8U&list=PLKd26IEXGGfC105aTpQL-ZaBZawq0gTji


    Daring to check to see if her hunch was true, she opened her eyes, blinking a few times. Once her vision cleared, she realized she had been right. She was no longer in the comfort of her room but in the middle of a meadow surrounded by the greenest of trees and vines, hanging from the treetops. White and purple flowers grew among the trees, as small yellow daisy-like flowers grew along the forest floor. Golden rays of sunlight streamed down on her, casting a warm glow around her. “I see you’re finally awake.”


    Dara stood up and whipped her head around to the sound of the voice and found a young woman sitting upon a low branch. She jumped down and landed soundly on her feet before approaching Dara. Her skin was pale and hair as black as night. Her eyes were what really threw Dara off. They weren’t any one color but blue, purple, and silver mixed together. Depending on the way she looked at you, those colors would show. “Wh-who are you?” Dara gulped and took a step back. Don’t tell me she’s another Demon…


    She chuckled. “Do not fear. I am no Demon. My name is Ji-yeon and I am the Spirit of Destiny. I am the seer of Fate and Destiny. Although, your Fate is in the hands of the Spirits of Fate, my job is to make sure you destiny is realized.”


    “What is my destiny?”


    “I cannot tell you everything but I ensure you that your days here in the Spirit World are far from over. Until your task here is complete, your fate is sealed with this world.”


    Ji-yeon waved her hand and a silver ribbon shimmered upon Dara’s wrist. Dara gasped and tried to rip the damn thing off of her but it was no use...she couldn’t even touch it. She looked up at the so-called “Spirit of Destiny” and glared. “What do you want from me? I’m just an ordinary human! I don’t even belong here! Let me go!”


    “You belong here more than anyone. You fate lies here as I have said. You cannot break the ties you have with this world. The Fates nor I will allow it. “


    “I don’t understand any of this! Why me? What have I ever done to deserve this?”


    “This is not a punishment, Dara…”


    Dara gasped and took another step back. “H-how do you know my name?”


    “I told you, I am the Spirit of Destiny. I know everything about you. I’ve kn

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Crystalic607 #1
Chapter 9: Noo continue intagible!! Its not ty attt allll trust me its awesomeee soo looking forward to the next chapter!:)
Chapter 8: please don't continue... hiatus maybe.. your story would be wasted, especially that it has a lot of potential.. T_T i'm sure your readers including me, would be waiting for you..
its would be difficult for others to take over your stories especially that its your idea.. i believe you're the only one who can finish it..
take the time you need, will be here waiting for your return..^^
minseokistic #3
Chapter 8: Noooo. Unniedon't discontinue Intangible. I love it. Please don't delete this awesome story unnie.
Chapter 8: But authornim!!! This story is wonderful. You just cant abandon this story. Its not cliche and i've never read smth like this before. Pls continue :(
Jynroe #5
Chapter 8: pls do continue this fic...
this is one of the fics that i patiently wait for updates...
mihyun84 #6
Chapter 8: No! I love this fic.. I'll wait til u recover and update again :-) fighting!!
Chapter 5: Anyeong new reader here^^ I really in love with Inuyasha, so when I found this story I'm in love again !!
its so sad to see Jiyong can't hold Dara T^T
And and Chanyeol is here too !!! Kyaaaaa <3<3<3
Update more authornim~
minseokistic #8
Chapter 4: There's a difference between fate and destiny right? Because if there is... Damn it's a fine line. So cool. Dara doing archery. I did archery a few days ago. And I kind of . 5 bulls eyes out of 25 arrows.
mihyun84 #9
Chapter 3: What is the difference between fate and destiny, if there is one? This is better than the one before, there is progress in every chapter. Though its cute to see Ji and dee banter :-)
Jynroe #10
Chapter 3: oh...you totally changed the previous one...
it was better...congrats for a job well done